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... 79 80 81 82 83 84
New. From an article in the National Intelligencer, entitled "Notes from the Capitol," we extract the following: When the Sixth Congress met here, to commence its second session, on the sixth of November, 1800, there was "no quorum present" in either the Senate Chamber or the Hall of the House, which had been fitted up in the north wing of the Capital, the corner-stone of which had been laid by George Washington seven years previously. In a few days the members arrived, and on the 22d, President the two Houses were organized the session, in accordance with the parliamentary usage of Great Britain. The President took his seat in the chair of the presiding officer of the Senate, and then the House came in, headed by Mr. Speaker Sedgwick. The President then delivered his address, after which the House withdrew. Replies to the address were then discussed and adopted in the Senate and in the House, and were presented by committees of those bodies. In 1802 the House of
rt was charged with fighting and disorderly conduct in the street. A policeman saw the accused Monday night in company with a drunken man, and saw him knock the drunken man down. He made no noise, and seemed perfectly sober. The Mayor required security in the sum of three hundred dollars for his good behavior for the period of twelve months. George Sullivan, a slender youth, was up for stealing a breastpin from the store of Mitchell & Tyler. Mr. Tyler said that, on the morning of the 22d, while he was wrapping up goods for a customer, the accused came in and talked about buying a breastpin, but while there he put one in his pocket without leave. He did not deny having taken the article, but begged piteously to be let off. The Mayor sent him on to the Hustings Court on the charge of larceny. Harry Langhorne, a rough-looking young chap, was up for committing an assault upon his own mother. It occurred on Sunday last. His mother said he had always been a good child, and
nemack, Ohio, was broken open on Sunday night and robbed of one thousand dollars. It is said that nine-tenths of the national banks are in favor of removing the Currency Bureau to New York. The rebels are said to have fired stones from their cannon in one of the battles of the war. They were load-stones, of course.--Prentice. Such people as Wilson and Sumner and Thad. Stevens are flies in the Union cream-pot. Prentice. The Indiana Republican Convention will be held on the 22d, and the Democratic Convention on March 1st. Some Americans have recently constructed a telegraph across the Andes, to connect various cities of Columbia, South America. The Dominican Republic is in a sad condition. Completely desolated by the recent Spanish invasion, the people are almost destitute. The Mississippi Senate has adopted a resolution for the erection of a monument at Jackson in memory of the rebel dead. The Mississippi river levees are soon to be rebuilt by
... 79 80 81 82 83 84