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ft the Rachel Seaman at Sabine Pass, and also the Velocity, with the Kensington's Parrott gun, and the prize steamer Dan, with the heavy howitzer, and about thirty of the Kensington's men, all under command of Acting Master Hammond, of the Kensington, who has accompanied me on all my expeditions, and distinguished himself by his coolness and bravery on all occasions. Capt. Hooper has rendered me the most important and efficient aid on all occasions, while all the officers and men remaining on board the Kensington have performed their greatly increased duties with the utmost cheerfulness, regretting only that they also could not have been spared to help us on shore. On the twenty-third I supplied water to the vessels at Ship Island, on the twenty-third reported to Com. Bell at Mobile, and arrived off this port last night. I am, sir, very respectfully your obedient servant, Frederick Crocker, Acting Master Commanding. To Rear-Admiral D. G. Farragut, Commanding W. G. Squadron.
ith an army of much inferior force, unprovided with ammunition, and not having sufficient transportation to remove the wounded, who were lying writhing along the entire route, I deemed it expedient to move on Mackay's Point, which I did in successive lines of defence, burying my dead and carrying our wounded with us on such stretchers as we could manufacture from branches of trees, blankets, etc., and received no molestation from the rebels; embarked and returned to Hilton Head on the twenty-third instant. Facts tend to show that the rebels were perfectly acquainted with all our plans, as they had evidently studied our purpose with care, and had two lines of defence, Easton and Frampton, before falling back on Pocotaligo, where, aided by their field-works and favored by the nature of the ground and the facility of concentrating troops, they evidently purposed making a determined stand; and, indeed, the accounts gathered from prisoners leave no doubt but that the rebels had very accu
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 33.-expedition up New River, N. C. (search)
Doc. 33.-expedition up New River, N. C. Lieutenant Cushing's report. U. S. Steamer Hetzel, Nov. 26, 1862. sir: I have the honor to report that I entered New River Inlet on the twenty-third of this month, with the United States steamer Ellis under my command, succeeded in passing the narrow and shallow place called the Rocks, and started up the river. My object was to sweep the river, capture any vessels there, capture the town of Jacksonville, or Onslow Court-House, take the Wilmington mail, and destroy any salt-works that I might find on the banks. I expected to surprise the enemy in going up, and then to fight my way out. Five miles from the mouth I came in sight of a vessel bound outward with a load of cotton and turpentine. The enemy fired her to prevent her fal<*>ing into our hands. I ran alongside; made sure that they could not extinguish the flames, and again steamed up the river. At one P. M. I reached the town of Jacksonville, landed, threw out my pickets,
arked Exhibit No. 3, and dated the twenty-fifth, gives his views of the condition of affairs at that date. The enemy, however, had not fallen back, as he supposed, but on being repulsed at Waterloo Bridge, had moved further up the river and entered the valley which lies between the Blue Ridge and Bull Run Mountains. The object of this movement was evidently to get in Pope's rear, and cut off his supplies from Washington. Anticipating this danger, I had telegraphed to Gen. Pope on the twenty-third: By no means expose your railroad communication with Alexandria. It is of the utmost importance in sending your supplies and reenforcements. On the twenty-sixth I telegraphed: If possible to attack the enemy in flank do so, but the main object now is to ascertain his position. From this time till the thirtieth I had no communication with General Pope, the telegraph-lines being cut at Kettle Run by a part of Jackson's corps under Ewell, which had marched around Pope's right and attacked
is respectfully submitted. I have the honor to be, Your obedient servant, Thos. S. Clark, Colonel Commanding Expedition. To Capt. W. Hoffman, Assistant Adjutant-General, New-Orleans, La. Colonel Smith's report. headquarters one hundred and Sixty-Fifth Regt. N. Y.V., Ponchatoula, March 25, 1863. Lieut. Dickey, A. A.A. G.: Lieutenant: I have the honor to report that, in compliance with the orders of the Colonel commanding, I disembarked my battalion, on the morning of the twenty-third, at about half-past 8 A. M., and took up the march about half-past 10 A. M., along the railroad, across Jones's Island, to the North Pass, which I crossed immediately, and halted on the north side in obedience to orders, sending out an advanced-guard. They discovered a rebel picket about one mile beyond, guarding two schooners loaded with cotton. They drove the pickets before them, and seized the schooners. The captain of one of the schooners was killed, while coming toward us to notif
edition to Jacksonville, Fla. Report of Colonel Rust. Hilton head, S. C., April 4. Lieut-Col. C. C. Halpine, Assistant Adjutant-General, Department of the South: Colonel: I have the honor to make the following report for the information of the Major-General Commanding Department of the South: In accordance with orders received, I embarked my regiment on the steamers Delaware and General Meigs at Beaufort, March nineteenth, for Jacksonville, Florida, where I arrived on the twenty-third ult., having been delayed by rough weather. Major Heminway, with three companies on the General Meigs, had already arrived. When I reached there a rebel battery, mounted on a platform-car propelled by a locomotive, was shelling the town. The gunboat Norwich, which accompanied me, engaged it, replying vigorously, as did also a rifled Parrott thirty-two-pounder on shore. The enemy were soon driven back. He was, as I afterward learned, making a reconnoissance, which it was his plan to f
him to mass his troops from both right and left, in my front. The movements by which this was effected, were plainly seen by officers and men of my command, and greatly increased the obstacles to the advance of my corps, whose strength had been much curtailed by different detachments which had been ordered to be left behind. Passing to matters of a more personal character, I am loth to inform you of rumors which would fix upon me the responsibility of the failure of the assault on the twenty-third. These rumors are as contradictory as they are senseless and mendacious. They must be spawn of petty prejudiced partisans. It would be unjust to impute them to any men of rank and character. One rumor charges me with not attacking promptly, yet it is notorious, I was the first to attack, and the first to make a lodgment in the enemy's works; moreover, I continued unremittingly the conflict until after night, and for a longer time than any other corps. My success was also as great a
eteenth army corps, before Port Hudson, May 30, 1863. Major-General Halleck, General-in-Chief, Washington: General: Leaving Semmesport, on the Atchafalaya, where my command was at the date of my last despatch, I landed at Bayou Sara at two o'clock on the morning of the twenty-first. A portion of the infantry were transported in steamers, and the residue of the infantry, artillery, cavalry, and wagon-train moved down on the west bank of the river, and from this to Bayou Sara. On the twenty-third a junction was effected with the advance of Major-General Augur and Brigadier-General Sherman, our line occupying the Bayou Sara road at a distance of five miles from Port Hudson. Major-General Augur had an encounter with a portion of the enemy on the Bayou Sara road, in the direction of Baton Rouge, which resulted in the repulse of the enemy with heavy loss. On the twenty-fifth the enemy was compelled to abandon his first line of works. General Weitzel's brigade, which had covered ou