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Doc. 14.-the Scotia and the Anglia. Rear-Admiral Du Pont's report. flag-ship Wabash, Port Royal harbor, S. C., October 29, 1862. sir: I have the honor to report to the department the capture, on the twenty-fourth instant, of the British steamer Scotia, by the United States bark Restless, acting volunteer Lieut. E. Conroy commanding, off Bull's Bay. The steamer was discovered at daylight standing toward Bull's Island. Acting volunteer Lieutenant Conroy immediately got under weigh with his vessel, and at the same time sent two armed boats to the leeward of the steamer, which forced her to run ashore. He then ran in with the Restless to cut her off and keep her from running out should she get off before the boats could reach her. When the boats got alongside it was discovered that the captain, an old offender, named Libby, with a gentleman and a lady, (passengers,) had left the steamer in an open boat; the crew were in a state of intoxication, so that they became alm
Doc. 15.-skirmish at Blackwater River, Va. Baltimore American account. in headquarters First mounted rifles, near Suffolk, Virginia, October 25, 1862. the regiment returned at a quarter after four P. M. from the reconnoissance upon which it started at four P. M. on the twenty-fourth instant. The following will be a concise and veritable report of all that has been important in the movements of the regiment during its absence, particularly the occurrences which passed under the direct observation of the writer of this journal. At five P. M. on Friday afternoon, eight squadrons responded to the call to boots and saddles, the other squadrons being unavoidably absent on guard and picket-duty. The rumor having been spread that a fight was surely expected, men and officers who were really ill were seen to rise and hastily prepare to move, determined to share in the perils and honors which they fondly hoped were before them. Such was particularly the case with Major Wheel
Doc. 23.-expedition to Pittman's Ferry, Mo Colonel Dewey's official report. headquarters Twenty-Third regiment Iowa volunteers, camp Patterson, Mo., Nov. 2, 1862. Colonel: In accordance with your order of the twenty-fourth ult., I left Camp Patterson at six o'clock on the evening of Saturday, the twenty-fifth, with three companies of my regiment, (Thirty-second Iowa volunteers,) under command of Lieut.-Colonel Kinsman, five companies of the Twenty-fifth Missouri volunteers, under Capt. O. P. Newbury, two companies of the First Missouri State militia, and a section of Strang's battery, under Major Jainsch, and eighteen men of the Twelfth Missouri volunteer cavalry, under Capt. Leper. At Morrison's, twelve miles from this place, I was joined by three companies of the Twenty-fourth Missouri volunteers, under Capt. Vaughn. My instructions were to march for Pittman's Ferry, on Current River, which place I was to reach by three o'clock P. M. on Sunday, twenty-sixth, and form
eration of the Quartermaster of the Port, Mr. Knapp had a building erected adjoining our portable storehouse, which affords shelter and a good bed to nearly a hundred every night. Our field operations have gradually diminished with the removal of the wounded. The details of the number of articles received and issued, the hospitals to which they were issued, with the quantity in each case, and the acknowledgment of the surgeon, together with the account of the stock on hand on the twenty-fourth instant, I beg leave to present in the accompanying schedule. Our supplies were brought up from Acquia Creek in every case in charge of a special messenger. By the schedule it will be seen that all the division hospitals were visited and supplies furnished to them on requisition. Besides this supplies were also issued to a number of brigade hospitals, and to over fifty regimental hospitals previous to my leaving on the twenty-fourth December. The issue to regimental and brigade hospitals
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 33.-expedition up New River, N. C. (search)
several companies of cavalry trying to reach the mouth of the inlet in time to cut us off. We hoisted our flag and gave three cheers and were off. In four hours I reached Beaufort. I brought away all my men, my rifled howitzer, and ammunition, the ship stores and clothing, the men's bags and hammocks, and a portion of the small arms. I retained aboard a few muskets, pikes and pistols to repel boarders. I neglected to state that when I took possession of the enemy's ground, on the twenty-fourth, a salt-work was destroyed and ten boats rendered useless that were to have been used for boarding. At nine A. M., the United States steamer Ellis was blown in pieces by the explosion of the magazine. Officers and men behaved nobly, obeying orders strictly under the most trying circumstances. I respectfully request that a court of inquiry may be ordered to investigate the facts of the case, and to see if the honor of the flag has suffered in my hands. I am, sir, very respectfully
arnett's Fords, which were between him and Gen. Pope's main army. The enemy made several attempts to cross at different points on the Rappahannock, but was always repulsed, and our troops succeeded in holding the line of this river for eight days. It was hoped that during this time sufficient forces from the army of the Potomac would reach Acquia Creek to enable us to prevent any further advance of Lee, and eventually, with the combined armies, to drive him back upon Richmond. On the twenty-fourth, he made a flank movement, and crossed a portion of his forces at Waterloo Bridge, about twelve miles above the Rappahannock railroad station. Pope directed an attack upon the forces which had crossed the river, hoping to cut them off, but the enemy escaped with no great loss. The annexed telegram from General Pope, marked Exhibit No. 3, and dated the twenty-fifth, gives his views of the condition of affairs at that date. The enemy, however, had not fallen back, as he supposed, but on
Gen. McClellan's army at Harper's Ferry, Frederick, and Hagerstown; that twenty thousand pairs were at Harper's Ferry depot on the twenty-first; that ten thousand more were on their way, and fifteen thousand more ordered. Col. Ingals, Aid-de-Camp and Chief Quartermaster to Gen. McClellan, telegraphed on the twenty-fifth: The suffering for want of clothing is exaggerated, I think, and certainly might have been avoided by timely requisitions of regimental and brigade commanders. On the twenty-fourth, he telegraphed to the Quartermaster-General that: The clothing was not detained in cars at the depots. Such complaints are groundless. The fact is, the clothing arrives and is issued, but more is still wanted. I have ordered more than would seem necessary from any data furnished me, and I beg to remind you that you have always very promptly met all my requisitions. As far as clothing is concerned, our department is not at fault. It provides as soon as due notice is given. I forese
, and the fact that our artillery, cavalry, and a large portion of the reenforcements had not yet arrived, it was not advisable to attack their strong second position that evening. During the night the enemy made a hurried retreat to their fortifications and gunboats, moving with such celerity that it was useless to attempt pursuit with any other arm than cavalry, of which at that time, unfortunately, we had none I passed over the railroad from the Neuse bridge to Wilmington on the twenty-fourth, and returned last night. The bridge is fast being repaired. At present we are subjected to the temporary inconvenience of transhipment across the county bridges, but in a few days this will be remedied, and every thing restored to the former condition. I regret that this grand army of invasion did not remain in the interior long enough for us to get at them. As it is, they burned the superstructure of two brides, which cost originally less than ten thousand dollars, and call be re
le Railroad. On the seventeenth of December, 1862, I received information of a rebel force being in the State. I immediately put my scouts on the alert, and waited for the enemy to make some move which I could detect his design. On the twenty-fourth I received a despatch from General Reynolds, at Gallatin, stating that a large rebel force had crossed the Cumberland at Gainsville, and were making for Glasgow. I received despatches at the same time, from General Boyle and General Gilbert,eenforcements be required on either side. I also telegraphed Gen. Boyle all the information of importance and asked him for additional ammunition for infantry, and sponges, rammers, sights, elevating screws, etc., for the siege-guns. On the twenty-fourth, I had taken all pains to learn the real strength of the enemy, which I found variously estimated at from three thousand to four thousand five hundred, commanded by Major-Gen. Morgan, the regiments by Duke, Gano, Cluke, Chenault, Bennett, Sto
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 91.-General Sherman's expedition. (search)
cksburgh. Many invitations were given among friends for a dinner at the Preston House. They little dreamed of the disappointment in store for them, or that New Year's day would find them on the wrong side of the hill. On the night of the twenty-fourth, Gen. Sherman sent out a detachment of troops, under command of Gen. M. L. Smith, to tear up a section of the line of the Vicksburgh and Texas Railroad, about ten miles west of Vicksburgh. The work was well and quickly done, and the station's Bluff, is a very powerful eight-gun battery and fort, supported by a force of several hundred infantry. This fort was the obstacle to our fleet making any farther ascent of the Yazoo, and our gunboats had assailed it unsuccessfully on the twenty-fourth. While the troops were forming in line of battle, several gunboats were sent up to make another attempt on the battery, but after several hours' cannonading, the attempt was abandoned as impracticable. The gunboat Benton was completely disa