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General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 1 (search)
the Valley from Pennsylvania crosses the Potomac at Williamsport, and the railroad at Martinsburg, at least twenty miles west of this garrison, and of course beyond its control. A careful examination of the position and its environs, made on the 25th, with the assistance of an engineer of great ability, Major Whiting, convinced me that it could not be held against equal numbers by such a force as then occupied it. Harper's Ferry is untenable against an army by any force not strong enough tnable us to retain the command of the Valley of Virginia, and our communications with Maryland, held to be very important. General Lee wrote in his letter of June 1st: I received, on my return from Manassas Junction, your communications of the 25th and 28th ult., in reference to your position at Harper's Ferry. The difficulties which surround it have been felt from the beginning of its occupation, and I am aware of the obstacles to its maintenance with your present force. Every effort has
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 4 (search)
request that you will forbear the exercise of your power upon these points. You have seen proper to intrust to my skill and judgment, as you kindly express it, a work full of hazards and difficulties: may I not ask that you will extend your confidence in me to those matters of minor detail which legitimately belong to my position? I appreciate fully the demands upon your attention by the great pressure upon all our lines of defense, which you so vividly present in your letter of the 25th ult. By leaving to me the exclusive control of the military arrangements appertaining to my command here, you will be relieved of much that must divert your mind from that general supervision which your exalted station requires. I have written, sir, in no spirit of captiousness, but with perfect frankness, in order to remove any causes of misunderstanding, and to secure concert of action between us. From all I can learn, the disposition to reinlist is not very general. I will do what I ca
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 6 (search)
ed Lieutenant-General Pemberton's army, near Grenada, where it was constructing intrenchments to contest the passage of the Yallabusha River by the Federal army. The front was so extensive, however, that it is probably fortunate that the practicability of defending it was never tested. In conversing before the President in relation to the defense of his department, Lieutenant-General Pemberton and myself differed widely as to the mode of warfare best adapted to our circumstances. On the 25th the President returned to Jackson, accompanied b1y Lieutenant-General Pemberton as well as myself. On the 27th Major-General Loring, who was commanding at Grenada, reported that General Grant's army, which had been advancing, was retiring, and in a few hours the immediate cause became known --the destruction of the Federal depot at Holly Springs, by Major-General Van Dorn. That officer, with three thousand cavalry, surprised the garrison at daybreak, took two thousand prisoners, and des
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 7 (search)
ed last night. The great question is ammunition. The men credit, and are encouraged by, a report that you are near with a strong force. They are fighting in good spirits, and their organization is complete. At two o'clock he added: Brisk musketry and artillery fire to-day on centre. Three guns dismounted. These will be replaced as far as possible... . Incessant mortar-firing from the river, and last night three gunboats engaged our lower batteries. I wrote to General Pemberton on the 25th: My last note was brought back by the messenger. Two hundred thousand caps have been sent. It will be continued as they arrive. Bragg is sending a division. When it comes I will move to you. Which do you think the best route? How and where is the enemy encamped? What is your force? It was supposed then that artillery and means of transportation would be procured before the arrival of those troops. I wrote on the 29th: I am too weak to save Vicksburg. Can do no more than attempt to s
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 7 (search)
ed desire In the telegrams of the Secretary of War, one dated the 16th, and two the 21st of June. of the Administration, but by giving him orders that caused the disastrous battle of Baker's Creek, on the 16th of May, and thus led to the siege and capture of Vicksburg. That idea is the foundation of Lieutenant-General Pemberton's defense, in his Report of the Operations previous to and during the Siege of Vicksburg. This report, dated August 2d, was transmitted to the War Department on the 25th, from Gainesville, Alabama, where the writer then was. This fact came to my knowledge on the 12th of September, and I immediately reminded the War Department that the report should have been made to me, General Pemberton's commander, during the operations to which it related, and requested that it should be transmitted to me. No reply was received. After waiting until the 6th of October, I repeated the request. On the 8th, the War Department promised that, as soon as the reports and sub-rep
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 9 (search)
elation between General Thomas's operations near Mill-Creek Gap, and General Sherman's against Meridian, the latter was abandoned on the 20th, and the retrograde movement to Vicksburg began on the 21st. In consequence of this, Hardee's troops ( the reinforcements referred to above), only the foremost of which had reached the Tombigbee, were recalled by the President on the 23d, before General Thomas's designs had been discovered. It is incredible that the skirmishing about Mill-Creek Gap on the 25th and 26th of February could have been intended to cause the recalling of Hardee's troops, for they had been on their way back two or three days; or for the relief of Sherman, who was four or five days march on his return to Vicksburg, while Lieutenant-General Polk's troops were on the Tombigbee. As to being outnumbered, the Federal army had four divisions and six regiments-probably at least seventeen brigades; it encountered seven Confederate brigades on the 25th, and eleven on the 26th.
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 10 (search)
ndications it was clear that the military authorities of the United States were assembling in our front a much greater force than that which had driven us from Missionary Ridge a few months before. On the contrary, our army had not recovered from the effects of that defeat-numerically, that is to say. It was as plain that these Federal preparations were made not for the purpose of holding the ground won from us in the previous campaign, but for the resumption of offensive operations. On the 25th, therefore, I again urged upon the Government the necessity of strengthening the Army of Tennessee, and suggested that further delay would be dangerous. On the 3d of April Lieutenant-Colonel A. H. Cole, one of the most efficient officers of the Quartermaster's Department, came to Dalton. He was instructed, as he informed me, to superintend the procuring the number of artillery-horses and the amount of field-transportation required by the army for an offensive campaign. The fact that
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 11 (search)
rdee was ordered to march that afternoon, by New Hope Church, to the road leading from Stilesboroa, through Dallas, to Atlanta; and Lieutenant-General Polk to move to the same road, by a route farther to the left. Lieutenant-General Hood was instructed to follow Hardee on the 24th. Hardee's corps reached the point designated to him that afternoon; Polk's was within four or five miles of it to the east, and Hood's within four miles of New Hope Church, on the road to it from Alatoona. On the 25th the latter reached New Hope Church, early in the day. Intelligence was received from General Jackson's troops soon after, that the Federal army was near-its right at Dallas, and its line extending toward Alatoona. Lieutenant-General Hood was immediately instructed to form his corps parallel with the road by which he had marched, and west of it, with the centre A road from Dallas to Marietta, passing by New Hope Church, at right angles to General Hood's line, was held in this way. opposi
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Letters. (search)
neral Hill prove to be correct, it would be imprudent, it seems to me, to keep your troops dispersed as they now are. Do you not think so The enemy might not only prevent yours concentrating, but interpose himself between us, which we must never permit. Most respectfully, Your obedient servant, J. E. Johnston, General. Headquarters Department of Northern Virginia, Centreville, January 29, 1862. Colonel S. Bassett French, Aide-de-camp of Governor of Virginia. Sir: Your letter of the 25th inst., in relation to arms, the property of the Commonwealth of Virginia, not in the hands of the troops of this army, and desiring me to take measures for their return to the State authorities so far as they can be found within this Department of the Army of the Confederate States, has been duly received. I am sorry that I can afford little information and less aid in relation to the important and interesting object of your communication. The troops under my command have generally come
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Memoranda of the operations of my corps, while under the command of General J. E. Johnston, in the Dalton and Atlanta, and North Carolina campaigns. (search)
s being driven from it, was left in dispute. The army withdrew that night, and the guns, without caissons or limberboxes, were abandoned to the enemy, the loss of life it would have cost to withdraw them being considered worth more than the game. After this the march was continued to the south side of the Etowah via Adairsville, and Cassville; some slight skirmishing at the latter place. On the morning of the 24th the march was resumed in the direction of Dallas, and, on the morning of the 25th, with my entire command, I arrived at New Hope Church, four miles east of Dallas. About mid-day the enemy was reported advancing, when my line was forward, Hindman on the left, Stewart in the centre, and Stevenson on the right. At five o'clock P. M. a very determined attack was made upon Stewart, extending along a very small portion of Brown's brigade of Stevenson's division. The engagement continued actively until night closed in, the enemy being repeatedly and handsomely repulsed at all