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Doc. 23.-expedition to Pittman's Ferry, Mo Colonel Dewey's official report. headquarters Twenty-Third regiment Iowa volunteers, camp Patterson, Mo., Nov. 2, 1862. Colonel: In accordance with your order of the twenty-fourth ult., I left Camp Patterson at six o'clock on the evening of Saturday, the twenty-fifth, with three companies of my regiment, (Thirty-second Iowa volunteers,) under command of Lieut.-Colonel Kinsman, five companies of the Twenty-fifth Missouri volunteers, under Capt. O. P. Newbury, two companies of the First Missouri State militia, and a section of Strang's battery, under Major Jainsch, and eighteen men of the Twelfth Missouri volunteer cavalry, under Capt. Leper. At Morrison's, twelve miles from this place, I was joined by three companies of the Twenty-fourth Missouri volunteers, under Capt. Vaughn. My instructions were to march for Pittman's Ferry, on Current River, which place I was to reach by three o'clock P. M. on Sunday, twenty-sixth, and form
Williams gained a most signal victory, but fell in the fight. Our loss was ninety killed, and two hundred and fifty wounded. We buried three hundred of the enemy's dead, left upon the field. On the sixteenth of August, the garrison of Baton Rouge was withdrawn to New-Orleans. On the twenty-fourth of October, Gen. Butler sent a force, under Brig.-Gen. Weitzel, to operate on the west bank of the Mississippi, in the La Fourche district. He engaged a considerable body of the enemy on the twenty-fifth, about nine miles from Donaldsonville, and defeated them, with the loss of their commander, a large number killed and wounded, and two hundred and sixty-eight prisoners. Our loss was eighteen killed and sixty-eight wounded. This victory opened the whole of that part of the country. General Butler's reports of the military operations in his department are submitted herewith, marked Exhibit No. 7. (See Donaldsonville.) In the department of the South the only military operations which h
s made by the department of which Gen. Meigs is the head, they might as well remain in New-York or Philadelphia, so far as this army is concerned. I immediately called Gen. Meigs's attention to this apparent neglect of his department. On the twenty-fifth, he reported as the result of his investigation, that forty-eight thousand pairs of boots and shoes had been received by the Quartermaster of Gen. McClellan's army at Harper's Ferry, Frederick, and Hagerstown; that twenty thousand pairs were at Harper's Ferry depot on the twenty-first; that ten thousand more were on their way, and fifteen thousand more ordered. Col. Ingals, Aid-de-Camp and Chief Quartermaster to Gen. McClellan, telegraphed on the twenty-fifth: The suffering for want of clothing is exaggerated, I think, and certainly might have been avoided by timely requisitions of regimental and brigade commanders. On the twenty-fourth, he telegraphed to the Quartermaster-General that: The clothing was not detained in cars at th
Doc. 69.-raid in Crawford County, Mo. Report of Captain Reeves. Osage, Crawford County, Mo., December 9, 1862. Colonel J. M. Glover: A band of six guerrillas, headed by Charles Barnes, made a raid upon our part of the county, on the night of the twenty-fifth ultimo. Before night they passed down Huzza Creek unobserved, except by one person, whom they arrested. They commenced their business at the house of John S. Brickey, by taking two guns, a pistol, a negro man and negro girl. Barnes took a pair of handcuffs from his saddle-bags and fastened upon the negro man, but before they had gone far they took an alarm at cattle that ran near them, and the negro man made his escape. They went back up the Huzza Creek, which runs from a southern direction. They called at the house of Israel P. Brickey, and took a gun and pistol, and also compelled Brickey, to furnish them with supper. Next they broke into the house of Cornelius Brickey, calling for him and his son James, whom
. I sent despatches frequently, but could get no answer from the operator in Louisville to the call of the operator at this point, during the afternoon of the twenty-fifth, until too late to effect any thing by trains from Louisville. I also telegraphed that it was Morgan's design to attack the tunnel and the works beyond. Atnd in saying this much about them, I am certain the statement would be indorsed by every citizen of the town, without distinction of party. On Thursday, the twenty-fifth, rumors became rife that Morgan was advancing. On Friday, the twenty-sixth, it was reduced to a certainty. On the morning of Saturday, the twenty-seventh, Moof Lieut.-Colonel Smith, I am led not only to believe, but to feel assured, that great injustice has been done to that command. As early as the evening of the twenty-fifth, Col. Smith was apprised of the intended attack, and, in accordance with orders from General Gilbert, he concentrated his force, and prepared for battle. When
but drove the enemy before him. The enemy made a slight stand at the bridge, and I sent up four companies, under Col. Bacon, to make the work sure. They destroyed that bridge, and also a smaller one a mile this side. Having accomplished the object of the expedition thus far, and believing the village of Ponchatoula could not be held against forces greater than my own, I ordered the schooners and gunboat in Ponchatoula Creek, to the North Pass, and fell back, on the afternoon of the twenty-fifth, to a point three miles south of Ponchatoula, on the railroad, with the main body of my command, leaving six companies at Ponchatoula, under Major Clarke, Sixth regiment Michigan volunteers, as picket and provost-guard, with orders to fall back on the main body in case of attack. I here erected a small battery of railroad iron, and mounted one of the field-pieces in charge of the detachment of the Ninth Connecticut volunteers. On the evening of the twenty-sixth, the enemy appeared in s
Doc. 147.-the surrender at Brentwood. Cincinnati commercial account. Franklin, Tenn., March 28, 1863. the cavalry engagement between our forces, under General Green Clay Smith, and the rebels under Cols. Stearns and Wheeler and Gen. Forrest, near Franklin, Tenn., deserved more than a passing notice. Considering the disparity of the numbers on each side, and the complete success of our forces, it was one of the most brilliant affairs of the war. Early on the morning of the twenty-fifth, information was received by Gen. Granger that a large rebel cavalry force had crossed Little Harpeth, about six miles from camp, with the evident purpose of attacking Brentwood, a station on the railroad, about nile miles from Franklin. Gen. Smith was ordered to take a force of cavalry and find out the location of the enemy and his intentions. With parts of the Ninth Pennsylvania, Sixth Kentucky, Fourth Kentucky, and Second Michigan cavalry, numbering five hundred and forty-five men in a
pients of the cheers of their comrades in arms. The good-byes and God-speeds were hearty. The regiment, after its embarkation, was conveyed to Hilton Head, six smiles distant, where they disembarked, and exchanged their fire-arms for the new Austrian rifle. This work occupied nearly the entire day, and it was nearly dark before the regiment reembarked. The Expounder transport then returned to her anchorage off St. Helena Island, where she remained for the night. On Tuesday, the twenty-fifth instant, a southeast gale, accompanied by rain and fog, prevailed, so that it was injudicious to move on that day. At daylight on the morning of Wednesday, the twenty-sixth instant, the Expounder weighed anchor and started for her destination. The sky was clear, with a fresh north-east wind blowing. Leaving the anchorage off St. Helena, we steamed down Port Royal harbor seaward, passing en route the old line-of-battle ship Vemont, the frigate and flag-ship Wabash, the iron-clad fleet of
ith all at American Bend on the morning of the nineteenth, and, in the mean time, transported from Milliken's Bend to Eagle Bend thirty thousand rations, for General Stuart's command. On the twentieth, at eight P. M., the Von Phul left, with one hundred and seventy-one bales of cotton, three hundred and fifty head of beef cattle, and one hundred mules, and proceeded to Lake Providence and discharged her freight there, returning on the twenty-second at eight A. M., and again left on the twenty-fifth, with two hundred and eighty-six head of cattle, landing them half at Milliken's Bend and half at Young's Point. On the twenty-seventh, the David Tatum arrived, and on the twenty-eighth, the expedition left, arriving here and disembarking the troops, without accident or trouble, on the thirtieth. The David Tatum, being nearly wrecked by the storm, only obtained seventy-five cattle, which were delivered to General Logan's division on the thirtieth. The summary of the trip of sixteen
under command of General Dodge. Skirmishing continued on the nineteenth, twentieth, twenty-first, twenty-second, and twenty-third. On the night of the nineteenth the enemy landed troops at Eastport from a large number of steamers,and burned the town and houses on several plantations. On the twenty-fourth Roddy fought them. Their loss was heavy, ours slight. He contested every inch of ground, but falling back before overwhelming forces, the enemy advanced and entered Tuscumbia on the twenty-fifth. The enemy advanced toward Decatur as far as Town Creek. Nothing more occurred until the twenty-eighth. On that day Forrest with his brigade, having been ordered by me from Columbia, arrived and engaged all day, with the loss of one killed and three wounded. The loss of the enemy heavy. Forrest falling back. On the twenty-eighth, Forrest discovered a heavy force of cavalry, under Colonel Streight, marching on Moulton and Blountsville. General Forrest pursued this force with two