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Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, chapter 7 (search)
rrow, or within a short time. And at last he was right, for Lee began it on the 26th, and during the interval, since June 2, the advantage had shifted from McClellanion on the Chickahominy near Half-Sink. At three o'clock Thursday morning, 26th inst., Gen. Jackson will advance on the road leading to Pole Green Church, communicse to see that instead of crossing the Virginia Central R. R. at 3 A. M. on the 26th, they do not begin to cross it until 10 A. M. on that date. That is practically and his men would have been in excellent condition to set out at 3 A. M. on the 26th, with less than 10 miles to go to reach the enemy. The result of crossing the Ced all the rest of his career. Crossing the Central R. R. at 10 A. M. on the 26th, he marched but eight miles farther that day, going into bivouac about five o'cled for the night. Gen. Trimble, in his official report, writes: — On the 26th we moved, with the army, from Ashland in a southerly direction, passing to the e
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 11: second Manassas (search)
, it had been for some days, was to fall back with his whole army to Manassas. He would, perhaps, have done this but that Halleck had ordered him to hold especially the lower Rappahannock, covering Falmouth, and to fight like the devil. On the 26th, Jackson marched at dawn, and now the head of his column was turned to the east, and his men knew where they were going. In front of them was Thoroughfare Gap, through the Bull Run Mountains, which debouched upon the heart of the enemy's territorps, would be hurrying to throw himself into the lion's den by the side of Jackson. He seems to have thought that his effort should be to bag Jackson, rather than to keep him from uniting with Lee. Let us now turn to Lee and Longstreet. On the 26th, Jackson having about a day and a half the start, Longstreet's corps set out to follow. One division, Anderson's, of four brigades, was left at Sulphur Springs, in observation of the enemy, while the remaining 17 brigades, somewhat loosely organi
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 19: battle of Chickamauga (search)
il withdrawn after dark. Considering how utterly the centre of his line was routed, Bragg made a surprisingly good retreat, the enemy not pursuing vigorously. Bragg crossed the Chickamauga that night, destroying the bridges behind him. On the 26th, he retreated to Ringgold, where on the 27th he repulsed a pursuing force which then retired. The army then withdrew to Dalton, where, five days later, Bragg, at his own request, was relieved of the command. He lost his campaign primarily when hd with the decision of all questions of military engineering, it is perhaps not strange that Longstreet was quick to adopt his suggestions, and these, it will be seen, robbed him of most of his few remaining chances of victory. On Thursday, the 26th, the attack having already been postponed to await the arrival of Johnson's brigades, Leadbetter and Longstreet rode on a reconnoissance around the enemy's entire position. Leadbetter pronounced Fort Sanders to be assailable, but expressed a pref
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 20: battle of the Wilderness (search)
it had been the death of our brilliant cavalry leader, Maj.-Gen. J. E. B. Stuart, who was killed at Yellow Tavern, near Richmond, on May 11. As before said, I have always believed that Lee should have made him the successor of Stonewall Jackson when the latter was killed at Chancellorsville. Grant's total casualties in the North Anna lines, May 23 to 27, are given as: — Killed 22, wounded 1460, missing 290, total 1973. The Confederate losses were probably about the same. On the 26th, Grant, at noon, started Sheridan and the pontoon trains to cross the Pamunkey River at Hanover Town. After dark the infantry moved, and by next morning his whole army had vanished, except cavalry pickets at the sites where the bridges had stood. The movement of the enemy was not discovered until the morning of the 27th. The rough sketch map represents the essentials of the position. Map. The army was put in motion without delay, crossing the South Anna on the railroad bridges and,
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 23: the fall of 1864 (search)
he slightest damage was done to the fort, whose garrison remained in ignorance of Butler's plans until published afterward. On the 24th and 25th, the fort was subjected to a terrific bombardment at the rate of 40 to 50 shells per minute for hours at a time, until the fleet had practically exhausted its ammunition. It had not silenced the fort nor materially damaged it, which, being reported by the land forces who had been put ashore, they reembarked without assaulting, on the night of the 26th, and the next day the expedition returned to Fortress Monroe. The casualties in the fort from the fire of the ships were 61, and a greater number were suffered in the fleet from the 662 shots fired by the fort. Another and a still larger expedition was soon gotten together and despatched against Fort Fisher, but, though his own campaign was still in abeyance, the political situation was now so improved by the successes elsewhere that Grant was no longer afraid to exercise his authority,