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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore) 52 52 Browse Search
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley) 46 46 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore) 38 38 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore) 32 32 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 26 26 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 23 23 Browse Search
Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 23 23 Browse Search
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott) 22 22 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2. 22 22 Browse Search
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War. 20 20 Browse Search
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ring, the gunboat retired. Forrest was almost constantly on picket until the 28th of December, when he had a heavy skirmish at Sacramento, which further encouraged the Confederates. General T. L. Crittenden was reported at Calhoun, on the north bank of Green River, with a large force, and with designs looking to an advance. General Johnston ordered a cavalry reconnaissance, and Forrest moved, December 26th, with 300 men, over muddy, icy roads, toward Greenville, which he reached on the 28th. Learning, about eight miles beyond Greenville, that some 400 or 500 Federal cavalry were not far off, Forrest went forward rapidly along the heavy roads to overtake them. Near the village of Sacramento, a young girl, full of patriotic ardor, galloped down to point out to the Southerners the enemy's position. When Forrest overtook the rear-guard of the Federal cavalry, his dash of thirty miles had left him but 150 men. He drove the rear-guard into the village where the Federals had post
. Out of this matter and the general situation in the West arose an unofficial correspondence, which has been published in part. General Johnston's letter of March 18th has been much admired, and comment upon it by the present writer is not called for. President Davis's letters are also given in full, and will be found to reflect equal credit on his head and heart. [Telegram.] Huntsville, March 7-11 A. M. Your dispatch is just received. I sent Colonel Liddell to Richmond on the 28th ult., with the official reports of Generals Floyd and Pillow of the events at Donelson, and suppose that he must have arrived by this time. I also sent by him a dispatch, containing my purposes for the defense of the valley of the Mississippi, and for cooperating or uniting with General Beauregard, who has been urging me to come on. The stores accumulated at Murfreesboro, the pork and provisions at Shelbyville and other points, and their necessary protection and removal, with the bad roads
occupy and secure the rich region of Middle Tennessee, and for that reason preferred to move by land, and make Florence, Alabama, instead of Pittsburg or Savannah, the base of a combined movement. But Halleck, having been put in supreme command, his opinion prevailed, and the joint movement concerted against Corinth between the two commanders was set on foot. Halleck telegraphed Buell, March 26th: I am inclined to believe the enemy will make his stand at or near Corinth. On the 28th: It seems from all accounts the enemy is massing his forces in the vicinity of Corinth. You will concentrate all your available troops at Savannah, or Pittsburg, twelve miles above. Large reinforcements being sent to General Grant. We must be ready to attack the enemy as soon as the roads are passable. On April 5th Halleck telegraphed from St. Louis: You are right about concentrating at Waynesboro. Future movements must depend on those of the enemy. I shall not be able to
he mountains. I at once pushed forward a reconnoitring party to ascertain this. We have made great captures, but I am not yet able to form an idea of their extent. John Pope, Major-General. General Lee's despatch to President Davis regarding the Battle of Manassas throws light upon Pope's falsehoods: Headquarters, Groveton, Aug. 30th, 10 P. M. The army achieved to-day, on the plains of Manassas, a signal victory over the combined forces of Generals McClellan and Pope. On the twenty-eighth and twenty-ninth each wing, under Jackson and Longstreet, repulsed with vigor attacks made upon them separately. We mourn the loss of our gallant dead in every conflict, yet our gratitude to Almighty God for His mercies rises higher each day. To Him, and to the valor of our troops, a nation's gratitude is due. (Signed) Robert E. Lee. Pope had attained a place in history as a great falsifier long before assuming command of the Army of Virginia, as documents regarding his operatio
g party; won't I let him have it good! After a few moments of explanation, I remounted again; and my sudden transformation into a good and true Southerner seemed to have caused infinite disgust to many, but particularly to the ragged gentleman who was so anxious to make one of the firing party. The feverishness of our men regarding spies during these eventful days, was highly excited by the following incident: While Longstreet's corps was hurrying forward to Jackson's relief on the twenty-eighth, several brigades in advance on different roads were observed to halt, thereby stopping all further progress of the corps. Very angry at this, Longstreet trotted to the front, and was informed that a courier had brought orders from General Lee to that effect! From General Lee? said he, his eyes glowing with rage. Where is that courier? he asked. There he goes now, General, galloping down the road. Keep your eyes on him, overtake him, and bring him here. This was soon accomplished
tries with Pleasanton. we lose and Recapture Martinsburg. Osculatory ovation at Shepherdstown. with a flag of truce into the enemy's lines. field-sports and Dramatic entertainments. new uniform coat for General Jackson. General Stuart had meanwhile shifted his headquarters to a point exactly in rear of the centre of our outpost lines, and much nearer to Jackson than my own position at Charlestown, thus rendering my further detached duty unnecessary. Accordingly, on the morning of the 28th, orders reached me to join him at The Bower, a plantation eight miles from Martinsburg, and about ten from Charlestown. Two-thirds of our march thither had been already accomplished, and we were just entering the little village of Leetown, when a heavy cannonade was heard from the neighborhood we had left, and Stuart soon came galloping towards us. His orders now were that I should return with him at once to the scene of the conflict. Riding at full speed, in an hour's time we reached th
Heros von Borcke, Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence, Chapter 20: (search)
ry boots of mine, which once or twice they succeeded in dragging off far into the woods, giving my negro Henry and myself infinite trouble before we could recover these precious parts of my accoutrement. Our evenings were mostly passed in the village, in the company of our lady acquaintances, whom Scheibert delighted by his excellent pianoforte-playing, to say nothing of the amusement they derived from his original practice with the idiom and pronunciation of the English language. On the 28th, Stuart and the members of his Staff, including our visitor, dined by invitation under the roof of an old widow lady, a very particular friend of mine, who resided on a pretty little plantation close to Culpepper. Mrs S. was a poetess, and had exercised her talents to the glorification of Lee and Jackson, so that when, after dinner, she asked permission to read a new poem, we all naturally expected that it was now Stuart's turn. What was my astonishment, however, and embarrassment to find m
know that it would be useless to attack us here, since we were able to rout them the other morning in an — open field, when they had an opportunity of choosing the position and time of attack, and were free to maneuver as they pleased. On the 28th the Arkansas river commenced rising rapidly, so that the enemy will not likely be very active on the north side for perhaps a week or so. They have no steam ferry boats, nor any other kind of boats fit for crossing the river, that we have heard ofs good food and plenty of it to keep up a strong vigorous current of blood through its natural channels. The enemy's pickets and ours along the river are getting more tolerant of each others' presence. They agreed on a temporary truce on the 28th, and approached each other at a narrow point on the river, and talked across the water in a quite friendly manner. They had another conference on the 29th instant, and talked over the engagement of Monday morning pleasantly, and inquired of each
Elk Creek by signals, so that they could be moving south, several hours before we could reach that point. The troops of this division, however, are too busily engaged elsewhere to make a dash on the enemy's camp. The rebel pickets on Sunday, 28th instant, stated that they had just heard that the Confederate army in the east, under General Lee, has recently gained a great victory over the Federal army, and that our army has fallen back to the immediate vicinity of Washington. They also stahat they feel so sure of success, that they will not leave a way open for retreat. A deserter from the rebel command, now encamped on Elk Creek, was brought in this morning, July 1st, and he states that just before he left the enemy on the 28th ultimo, General Cooper had sent out another division of cavalry to join the force that had gone out several days previous. He says that they are very confident of success this time, as they have made great preparations, and are well advised of the
Indian soldiers by it. But the greatest mortality caused by it has been among refugee Indian families. Though my bump of curiosity has taken me around to notice everything I could think of, it never took me to the small-pox hospital. Considering the heterogeneous mass of humanity we had together last winter, we are, perhaps, fortunate that we were no worse afflicted during the spring and summer, and no doubt would have been, were it not for the vigilant eye of Colonel Phillips. On the 28th, W. S. Tough, Captain and Chief of Scouts, shot and killed a soldier on the street. It seems that the soldier was drunk and making some demonstration which led Tough to believe that he was endeavoring to draw his pistol. From what I can find out about the matter, however, I think it would have been much more creditable to Captain Tough to have turned his pistol against the enemy. Why a Captain of civilian scouts should be one hundred and fifty miles from the front is unaccountable to me an
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