Browsing named entities in Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe, Florence Howe Hall, Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, in two volumes, with portraits and other illustrations: volume 1. You can also browse the collection for January 15th or search for January 15th in all documents.

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Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe, Florence Howe Hall, Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, in two volumes, with portraits and other illustrations: volume 1, Chapter 1: Ancestral (search)
have visited the halls of painting and sculpture at the Louvre. The peices [sic] are all called chef d'ceuvres by connoisseurs. The oldest are thought the best, I cannot tell why, though some of the old peices are very good. Milo riving the oak is good.... He went to the theatre, and observed that the features which appeared to him most objectionable were specially applauded by the audience. Briefly, amid items of the sale of land, he thus notes the execution of Louis XVI:-- January 15th. The convention has this day decided upon two questions on the King; one that he was guilty, another that the question should not be sent to the people. January 17th.. The convention up all night upon the question of the King's sentence. At eleven this night the question was determined — the sentence of death was pronounced. 366 death--319 seclusion or banishment-36 various — majority of 5 absolutethe King caused an appeal to be made to the people, which was not allowed; thus the co
Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe, Florence Howe Hall, Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, in two volumes, with portraits and other illustrations: volume 1, Chapter 9: no. 13
Chestnut Street
, Boston 1864; aet. 45 (search)
to Paddock, Miss Mary Paddock, our father's devoted amanuensis: one of the earliest and best-loved teachers at the Perkins Institution; often our mother's good helper; the faithful and lifelong friend of us all. I found the execution of the task to have fallen far short of my conception of it. I shall try to rewrite much of the Essay. The Journal of 1864 is a quarto volume, with a full page for every day. There are many blank pages, but the record is much fuller than heretofore. January 15. Worked all the afternoon at my Essay on Distinction between Philosophy and Religion. Got a bad feeling from fatigue. A sort of trembling agony in my back and left side. Yet she went to the opera in the evening, and saw Faust, a composition with more faults than merits. She concludes the entry with Dilige et relinque is a good motto for some things. Sunday, January 17. It was announced from the pulpit that an Essay on the Soul and Body would be read by a friend at Wednesday evenin
Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe, Florence Howe Hall, Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, in two volumes, with portraits and other illustrations: volume 1, Chapter 2: a Roman winter--1878-1879; aet. 59-60 (search)
t day, we often met little troops of Bedouins travelling on donkeys — sometimes carrying with them their cattle and household goods. I saw a beautiful white and black lamb carried on a donkey. Met three Bedouin horsemen with long spears. One of these stretched his spear across the way almost touching my face, for a joke. Jerusalem. Sunday, January 12. English service. Communion, interesting here where the rite was instituted. I was very thankful for this interesting opportunity. January 15. Mission hospital and schools in the morning. Also Saladin's horse. Wailing place of the Jews and some ancient synagogues. In the afternoon walked to Gethsemane and ascended the Mount of Olives. In the first-named place, sang one verse of our hymn, Go to dark Gethsemane. Got some flowers and olive leaves. ... After Jerusalem came Jaffa, where she delivered an address to a circle at a private house. She says:-- In Jaffa of the Crusaders, Joppa of Peter and Paul, I find an Americ
Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe, Florence Howe Hall, Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, in two volumes, with portraits and other illustrations: volume 1, Chapter 10: the last Roman winter 1897-1898; aet. 78 (search)
American sculptor, modelled an interesting terra-cotta bust. While the sittings for these portraits were going on, her niece said to her:-- My aunt, I can expect almost anything of you, but I had hardly expected a success de beauty. Among the diplomats who play so prominent a part in Roman society, the Jonkheer John Loudon, Secretary of the Netherlands Legation, was one of her favorite visitors; there are frequent mentions of his singing, which she took pleasure in accompanying. January 15. We had a pleasant drive to Villa Madama where we bought fresh eggs from a peasant. Cola cut much greenery for us with which Maud had our rooms decorated. Attended Mrs. Heywood's reception, where met some pleasant people — the Scudder party; an English Catholic named Christmas, who visits the poor, and reports the misery among them as very great; a young priest from Boston, Monsignor O'Connell Now Cardinal O'Connell.; a Mr. and Mrs. Mulhorn, Irish,--he strong on statistics, she a writ
Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe, Florence Howe Hall, Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, in two volumes, with portraits and other illustrations: volume 1, Chapter 14: the sundown splendid and serene 1906-1907; aet. 87-88 (search)
paired of making my jingle tell in so large and unfamiliar a company. At last I took courage and read it, bad as I thought it. To my surprise, it told, and created the merriment which had been my object so far as I had any. My Battle Hymn was sung finely by a male quartette. Colonel Higginson and I were praised almost out of our senses. A calendar, got up with much labor, was presented to each of us. January 13. To church, to take down my vanity after last evening's laudations.... January 15. Made a final copy of my lines on Robert E. Lee,--read them to Rosalind — the last line drew a tear from each of us, so I concluded that it would do and sent it. To Tuesday Club, where the effort which I made to hear speakers tired my head badly. Themes: Whether and how to teach Ethics in public schools; also, The English Education bill. Socrates having been mentioned as an exemplar, I suddenly cried out that I thought he did wrong to stay and suffer by unjust laws and popular superst