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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 27, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for January 25th or search for January 25th in all documents.
Your search returned 6 results in 6 document sections:
Mayor's court, Jan. 25.
--After having disposed of several cases of a trivial character, the Mayor proceeded to examine Andrew Muller and Charles W. Ellis, charged with exhibiting the game of faro, and Jesse White, charged with keeping and dealing the game.
The parties appear to have been surprised by the police, in a room No. 175, Main street, where appearances indicated that a game had been going on. The sum of $116 was taken from one of the accused.
The law provides for the arrest of the parties found engaged in gaming, the seizure of the table and implements used, which are to be burned, and the seizure and confiscation of the money found thus employed.
The counsel for the defence contended for a very strict construction of the act, according to which, he insisted that neither the implements nor the money could be condemned, there being no positive proof that they were actually in use for gaming purposes.
But his Honor overruled the objection, holding that the
The Kentucky disaster.further particulars.
Crittenden makes a stand — the destruction of arms, cannon, and stores.
Petersburg, Jan. 25.
--The follow dispatch, dated at Knexville last night, has been received here:
Gen. Crittenden rallied his forces at Monti cello, and will make a stand there.
Monticello is only twenty-five miles from Somerset.
The flying, frightened fugitives have greatly exaggerated our disaster.
Nashville, Jan. 24,
(via Mobile, 25.)--The most reliable information we have received here of the engagement at or near Somerset is to the effect that only two regiments--Col. Battle's Tennessee and Col. Statham's Mississippi--Were engaged in the fight near Mill Springs.
The estimated number of our killed and wounded, and prisoners taken from us, varies from three to five hundred.
Gen. Crittenden, with nearly all his force, is now at Monticello.
Stores and equipments are being sent to him.
The Confederates, after sp
Large meeting of sympathy for the death of Zollicoffer. New Orleans, Jan. 25.
--A large meeting was held at the St. Charles Hotel last night for the purpose of expressing regret at the death of the distinguished statesman and soldier, Gen. Zollicoffer.
Colonel Andrew Erwin was called to the Chair, and Mr. H. L. Goodrich requested to act as Secretary.
On motion, the Chairman appointed the following committee to draft resolutions:
Col. J. G. Pickett, Maj. Gen. Lovell, Brig. Gen. Huggles, Commodore Holline, W. A. Johnson, A. L. Davis, W. J. Berry, Alex. Fall, D. M. Kildreth, M. Hilcher, and J. C. Goodrich, which reported the following resolutions:
Resolved, That we have received the intelligence of the death of Gen. Felix K. Zollicoffer with feelings of the profoundest sorrow, and lament his untimely end as an irreparable loss to the cause for which he heroically gave his life.
In private life, or in discharging public duties, we always found him an incorru
The Daily Dispatch: January 27, 1862., [Electronic resource], Sale of negroes in Tennessee . (search)
The burning of Cedar Keys, Fla., by the enemy — great destruction. Augusta, Jan. 25.
--The Savannah News, of this morning says that a letter, dated on the 19th inst., from Cedar Keys, Fla., confirms the reported capture of that place.
The Federals burnt the town, the wharves, and five loaded schooners in that port; also, 50 bales of cotton and 150 barrels of turpentine.
The schooner Fanny escaped up the Christol river.
A flat, with fifteen men and some ladies, was captured by the Yankees.
The men were ironed.
The captain of the schooner Ann Smith and some civilians were released on their parole after two days confinement.
A letter from Fernandina says that the citizens of Cedar Keys were not molested, and that private property was not taken.
The enemy have left the place.
The Daily Dispatch: January 27, 1862., [Electronic resource], Congressman Ely Misrepresented . (search)
Disastrous fire in New Orleans. New Orleans, Jan. 25.
--A disastrous fire occurred this morning, which destroyed two stores on Magazine street, occupied by Chas. C. Caines & Co. as a hardware store, and another by H. H. Hansell as a manufactory of harness and military equipments.
The loss is about $150,000, while the insurance does not exceed $20,000.
A Confederate steamer chased, abandoned and burned. Augusta, Jan. 25.
--The Charleston Courier of this morning, says that information has been received from New Orleans that the Confederate steamer Calhoun, on her way from Havana, with a large and valuable carge, was chased by a Lincoln cruizer, and abandoned, and totally burned.