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Governor sent a communication to the House, informing it of the tender of the Sixth Regiment, by Colonel Jones, for immediate service, if required. Jan. 24. In Senate.—A message was received from the Governor, transmitting the proposition from the Legislature of Virginia, for the appointment of commissioners to meet at Washington on the 4th of February, to agree upon a compromise of the national difficulties. Referred to the Committee on Federal Relations, and ordered to be printed. Jan. 26. In Senate.—Mr. Davis, of Bristol, offered this order:— That the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to forthwith report a bill authorizing the authorities of this Commonwealth to indorse and guarantee the treasury notes of the United States to the full amount of the surplus revenue received by Massachusetts in the year 1837. Some opposition was made to the order, but it was adopted. Jan. 28. In the House.—Mr. Pierce, of Dorchester, introduced resolutions to sustain the U
ecial favorite of Governor Andrew, and of the soldiers of Massachusetts. He had succeeded in having the army newly clothed and armed; he had improved the commissariat; and, by his efforts, the soldiers had received their back pay. On the 26th of January, Governor Andrew wrote General Hooker a confidential letter, in which he congratulated him upon his appointment to the command of the Army of the Potomac, and suggested to him to use a little military eloquence in his first order, in which uld have been conveyed to the Governor by Mr. Winslow, and that the Alabama should have been sunk by Commodore Winslow, months afterwards, in the harbor of Cherbourg, France. Authority was received from the Secretary of War, by an order dated Jan. 26, to recruit a colored regiment in Massachusetts. The first authority given by the Governor to any person to recruit colored men in Massachusetts, was dated Feb. 7; and the regiment; was filled to the maximum May 14, in less than one hundred day
that place. On the 24th of January, Captain Davis and Lieutenant Duncan were detached from the regiment, and ordered to report to the Provost-Marshal-General, Department of the Gulf, where they met with marked success, and were honorably spoken of by the general in command. Quartermaster Burrill was detached to serve as brigade-quartermaster, and attached to the staff, where he served with entire satisfaction, until Colonel Farr was relieved of the command of the brigade. On the 26th of January, five companies, then at Camp Mansfield, were ordered to take post at a point on the Ponchartrain Railroad, known as Bayou Gentilly. Feb. 16.—A company, under command of First-Lieutenant Harding, was attached to the Engineer Department of the Nineteenth Corps, as pontoniers. On the 10th of March, the company moved, via Baton Rouge, to Bayou Monticeno, where they laid a bridge one hundred feet long. On the 13th, the army commenced crossing, and advanced on the Port Hudson road. On
ole Legislature have voted to attend. The review spoken of in this despatch took place on the day named. General Burnside was present, and reviewed the men. The Governor and staff, the Legislature, and an immense crowd of people, were present to witness it. The day was unpleasant, and the mud was ankle-deep; but the review went on. The condition of the troops, and their soldierly appearance, elicited the praise of all, and specially of the distinguished reviewing officer. On the 26th of January, Major Ware, assistant military secretary, addressed the following letter to the editor of the Christian Watchman and Reflector, by request of the Governor:— I beg leave to inclose the following article from a late number of your paper, and very respectfully to ask your attention to the facts. On Saturday (the day before the Sunday above-mentioned), the attention of His Excellency the Governor was called to the camp at Readville, by several communications from town authorities