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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Irene E. Jerome., In a fair country 16 16 Browse Search
Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 15 15 Browse Search
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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 2: preliminary rebellious movements. (search)
act John Caldwell Calhoun. of rebellion, performed by South Carolinians in Convention at Charleston, sixty days later, seems to have been arranged. They were assured that their well-managed sundering of the Democratic party at Charleston, in April, See page 23. would result in the election of Mr. Lincoln, and that the pretext for rebellion, so long and anxiously waited for, would be presented within a fort-night from that time. This meeting was followed by similar cabals in the othercannon; and, at evening, the city was illuminated by bonfires. The wished — for pretext for insurrection was at hand, and the master spirits of treason were everywhere jubilant. Their work, begun so hopefully in the Convention at Charleston, in April, was now wellnigh finished in November. The germ of revolution then planted had expanded, and budded, and blossomed, and now promised abundant fruit. There was intense excitement at Columbia, on the morning after the election. Governor Gist
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 8: attitude of the Border Slave-labor States, and of the Free-labor States. (search)
offered to the traitors by Rhode Island. When they struck the blow, with deadly intent, at the life of the Republic, ten weeks later, she sent against them a sword in the hands of her Governor and others, that performed brave deeds in the cause of our nationality. In the remaining New England States, namely, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Connecticut, nothing specially noteworthy William Sprague. was done in relation to the secession movement, before the insurgents commenced actual war, in April; but in the great State of New York, whose population was then nearly three millions nine hundred thousand, and whose chief city was the commercial metropolis of the Republic, much was done to attract public attention. The Legislature assembled at the beginning of January, and the Governor, Edwin D. Morgan, in a conciliatory message, proposed to cast oil on the turbulent political waters, by offering concessions to the complaining politicians of the South. The members of the Legislature
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 11: the Montgomery Convention.--treason of General Twiggs.--Lincoln and Buchanan at the Capital. (search)
ts. Captain Hill, who commanded Fort Brown, on the Rio Grande, opposite Fort Brown. Matamoras, refused to obey the order of Twiggs to evacuate it, and prepared to defend it. He soon found that he could not hold it with the small force under his command, and he was compelled to yield. The troops along the line of the Rio Grande soon left the country, but those in the interior, who made their way slowly toward the coast, became involved in great difficulties. Toward the middle of April, Major Earle Van Dorn, who was a favorite in the army of that department, appeared in Texas with the commission of a colonel, from Jefferson Davis. He was a native of Mississippi. He had abandoned his flag, and was now in the employment of its enemies. He was there to secure for the use of the insurgent army, by persuasion and glowing promises of great good to themselves, the remnant of the betrayed forces of the Republic, or to make them useless to their Government. Simultaneously with
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 12: the inauguration of President Lincoln, and the Ideas and policy of the Government. (search)
th. In their communication, Messrs. Forsyth and Crawford recited the assurances concerning Fort Sumter which they had received from the Secretary of State through Judge Campbell, and charged the Administration with bad faith, because, early in April, it attempted to send supplies to the Fort. Judge Campbell, finding himself suspected of treachery, or at best of duplicity, by his friends at Montgomery, hastened, on the day after the attack on Fort Sumter, to exculpate himself by a letter to assurances, such as Judge Campbell mentioned, of relief, nor any information of a plan for that purpose. On his return to Washington, Mr. Fox reported to the President that any attempt to succor Major Anderson must be made before the middle of April. The President was perplexed. He yearned for peace, if it could be had without dishonor. The Virginia Convention was then in session, and he sent for one of the prominent members of that body, known to be a professed Union man, and assured him
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 15: siege of Fort Pickens.--Declaration of War.--the Virginia conspirators and, the proposed capture of Washington City. (search)
o furnish one regiment of infantry without delay, to rendezvous at Harper's Ferry, Virginia. It must consist of ten companies, of not less than sixty-four men each. . . . They will be mustered into the service of the Confederate States at Harper's Ferry. The object of this call to Harper's Ferry will be apparent presently. Virginia, at this time, was in a state of great agitation. Its Convention had passed through a stormy session, extending from the middle of February to the middle of April. It was held in the city of Richmond, and was organized February 13, 1861. by the appointment of John Janney, of Loudon, as its President, and John L. Eubank, Clerk. In his address on taking the chair, the President favored conditional Union, saying, in a tone common to many of the public men of Virginia, that his State would insist on its own construction of its rights as a condition of its remaining in the Union. It was evident, from the beginning, that a better National sentiment than
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 18: the Capital secured.--Maryland secessionists Subdued.--contributions by the people. (search)
1. Only a few officers were intrusted with the secret; the men had no knowledge of their route. Quietly they passed down the Delaware to the ocean, on a beautiful April evening, and entered the waters of Virginia between its great Capes, Charles and Henry. Marshall Lefferts. Informed of batteries near Alexandria, and findi ascertained that Baltimore was within his Military Department, and, with a plan of bold operations teeming his brain, he returned to Annapolis. At the close of April, General Butler had full ten thousand men under his command at Annapolis, and an equal number were guarding the seat of Government. Already the Unionists of Maryl, restricted their service to three months. See notes 2 and 3, page 836. full one hundred and fifty thousand of whom were organized or were forming at the close of April. The response to this was equally if not more remarkable. The enthusiasm of the people was unbounded. Money and men were offered in greater abundance than the G
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 19: events in the Mississippi Valley.--the Indians. (search)
Ellsworth introduced the costume and system of maneuvers into this country, and at the beginning of the civil war large numbers of the volunteers assumed their garb and name. Within four days after the President's call was promulgated from Washington, more than ten thousand Indianians were in camp. So Indiana, one of the younger States of the Union, also prepared for the struggle. Illinois, under the vigorous leadership of Governor Yates, was early upon the war-path. At the beginning of April, Yates saw the clouds of most alarming difficulty surely gathering, while many others perceived nothing but a serene sky. On the 12th he issued a call for an extraordinary session of the Legislature on the 23d. On receiving the President's call for troops on the 15th, he issued a stirring appeal to the people, and in less than twenty-four hours afterward, four thousand men reported themselves ready and anxious for service. The quota of the. State (six thousand) was more than filled by the
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 20: commencement of civil War. (search)
Vernon, 485. attack on Sewell's Point, 486. attack on Acquia Creek batteries, 487. dash into Fairfax Court House the Unionists in Western Virginia, 488. Union Convention at Wheeling alarm of the conspirators, 489. Government of Virginia reorganized, 491. State of West Virginia, 492. troops ordered to Western Virginia, 493. insurgents in Western Virginia, 494. March against the insurgents at Philippi, 495. battle of Philippi, 496. Union troops at Grafton, 497. At the close of April, 1861. Jefferson Davis and his confederates were satisfied that the Government and the loyal people of the country were resolved to maintain the nationality of the Republic at all hazards, and they put forth extraordinary efforts to strike a deadly blow before it should be too late. The possession of Washington City being the chief object to be first obtained, troops were hurried toward it, as we have seen, from all points of the Slave-labor States, with the greatest possible haste and in
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 21: beginning of the War in Southeastern Virginia. (search)
the threatening aspect of affairs at Newport-Newce, which Greble was rendering impregnable, made the armed insurgents on the Peninsula, who were commanded by Colonel J. Bankhead Magruder Magruder, who became a Confederate general, was an infamous character. He was a lieutenant-colonel of the artillery in the National Army, and, according to a late writer, professed loyalty until he was ready to abandon his flag. Mr. Lincoln, he said to the President, at the White House, at the.middle of April, every one else may desert you, but I never will. The President thanked him, and two days afterward, having done all in his power to corrupt the troops in Washington City, he fled and joined the insurgents. See Greeley's American Conflict, i. 506. (who had abandoned his flag), bold, active, and vigilant. Their principal rendezvous was Yorktown, which they were fortifying, and from which they came down the Peninsula, to impress the slaves of men who had fled from their farms into service o
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 23: the War in Missouri.-doings of the Confederate Congress. --Affairs in Baltimore.--Piracies. (search)
spended. They had no other dies for coin than those of the United States, and the conspirators sat, in the scheme for issuing an irredeemable paper currency, without limit, no use for coin. and on the 16th of May an Act was approved authorizing the issuing of bonds for fifty millions of dollars, at an annual interest not to exceed eight per cent., and payable in twenty years. Made wiser by their failure to find a market for their bonds authorized in February, See page 263. and offered in April, the conspirators now devised schemes to insure the sale of this new issue, or to secure money by other means. The Act gave the Secretary of the Treasury, so-called, discretionary power to issue in lieu of such bonds twenty millions of dollars in treasury notes, not bearing interest, in denominations of not less than five dollars, and to be receivable in payment of all debts or taxes due to the Confederate States, except the export duty on cotton, or in exchange for the bonds herein authori