Browsing named entities in Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 3. You can also browse the collection for April 1st or search for April 1st in all documents.

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s own absent brigade returned to him late on the 1st of April. On the 20th of February the extra-duty men in ad. For many of the incidents of March 31st and April 1st, such as only an eye-witness could describe, I am ion on the White Oak road till five A. M. on the 1st of April, About five A. M. on the morning of April 1sApril 1st, an order was received through a staff officer to move the First division with all possible despatch via the ht so gallantly to-day. At three A. M. on the 1st of April, supposing Warren to be in the position indicateace at the appointed time. At daylight on the 1st of April, hearing as yet nothing from Warren, but strong ition on the White Oak road, in front of Lee. 1st of April, early in the morning, while still in camp near ion, 3,000 strong, was south of Dinwiddie on the 1st of April, and as far from the battle-field as the left ofn, to Sheridan. But when, on the morning of the 1st of April, he was fully aware of the inefficiency displaye
battle arrived, he had directed Meade to hold Miles's division, of the Second corps, in readiness to move to the left; Miles's division should be wheeled by the right immediately, so as to prevent reinforcing against Sheridan.—Grant to Meade, April 1, 5.45 P. M. Miles's division has been ordered to swing around to the White Oak road.—Grant to Sheridan, April 1. and at 9.30 P. M., he said again: I would fix twelve to-night for starting Miles's division down White Oak road to join SheridanApril 1. and at 9.30 P. M., he said again: I would fix twelve to-night for starting Miles's division down White Oak road to join Sheridan, if the enemy is not started by that time and the Second corps in pursuit. With Miles's division, and what he already has, I think Sheridan could hold all of Lee's army that could be got against him till we could get up. The corps commanders, however, reported that they could not be ready to assault before morning, and the order was finally made definite for four A. M. Parke and Wright were to attack positively, and Humphreys and Ord, if they found the enemy leaving, or if for any other ca
thousand in number, escaped. Wilson's command, consisting of twelve thousand five hundred mounted men, marched south from the Tennessee river into the heart of Alabama. Forrest was in front with a motley force, made up of conscripts and local militia: old men and boys, clergymen, physicians, editors, judges—the people usually left behind in time of war. To these the rebel commander added two or three thousand cavalry-men, and altogether his numbers amounted to seven thousand. On the 1st of April, Wilson encountered this enemy at Ebenezer Church, and drove him across the Cahawba river in confusion. On the 2nd, he attacked and captured the fortified city of Selma, took thirty-two guns and three thousand prisoners, and destroyed the arsenal, armory, machine-shops, and a vast quantity of stores. On the 4th, he captured and destroyed Tuscaloosa. On the 10th, he crossed the Alabama river, and, on the 14th, occupied Montgomery, which the enemy had abandoned. Here he divided his forc
division the right column. During the movement, Major-General Weitzel will be left in command of all the forces remaining behind from the army of the James. The movement of troops from the army of the James will commence on the night of the 27th instant. General Ord will leave behind the minimum number of cavalry necessary for picket duty in the absence of the main army. A cavalry expedition from General Ord's command will also be started from Suffolk, to leave there on Saturday, the 1st of April, under Colonel Sumner, for the purpose of cutting the railroad about Hicksford. This, if accomplished, will have to be a surprise, and therefore from three to five hundred men will be sufficient. They should, however, be supported by all the infantry that can be spared from Norfolk and Portsmouth, as far out as to where the cavalry crosses the Blackwater. The crossing should probably be at Uniten. Should Colonel Sumner succeed in reaching the Weldon road, he will be instructed to do a