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ground — let them despoil its beautiful edifices — and let them if they would, pull down that magnificent statue of their Washington, and he said, that from the ashes of our ruins would arise the glorious and great Constitution of our forefathers, phoenix-like, in all its integrity — the safeguard and protection of our future posterity. After an eloquent appeal to the patriotism of the American people, the speaker closed his remarks, and the proceedings terminated.--N. Y. Herald, April 21, 24. Many eloquent and patriotic speeches were made from the balconies of buildings on the south side of Union square, and amid a very large concourse of ladies and gentlemen. From the balcony of Haughwout's building, the remarks of the Rev. Dr. George W. Bethune and ex-Ald. Douglass of Brooklyn elicited and stirred the right vein, and long and en. thusiastic cheers were given by the listening crowd. It was impossible to put a sudden stop to such enthusiasm. Ten thousand people lingered a<
ment. The District of Columbia was carved out of Southern territory, and they ought not to be permitted to hold an island in our own country. He was therefore for taking it. He was for unity of action among all the States of the South under any military leader who was best qualified to lead them. He said that though Mr. Jefferson Davis had not been a favorite with him as a politician, he believed him to be as able and competent a military commander as there is in the South, and lie was for marching under him, or any other man, against the invaders of Southern soil. His cry was, To arms! To arms! not only to resist the invasion of our own soil, but that of any of the Southern States. He had no thought of accepting the poor privilege of being swallowed up at last. Hon. Andrew Ewing followed, declaring, in the strongest and most emphatic terms, for resistance to the attempted subjugation of the South. He was for the whole South standing as a unit.--Nashville Banner, April 24.
ieut. Mead; B, Capt. Sprague, Lieuts. Hay and McKee; C, Capt. Morgan, Lieut. Dodge; D, Capt. Balsden, Lieuts. Strong and Bennett; E, Capt. Jones, Lieut. Richards; F, Capt. Betts, Lieuts. Morton and Betts; G, Capt, Thorne, Lieuts. Johnson and Woodward. Engineer Corps, Sergeant Briggs. Company F, is composed exclusively of firemen, attached to Victory Engine Company No. 13, and a very hardy set of men they are. Their uniforms consist of felt hats, black fire coats, drab pants and red shirts. Their muskets are most formidable-looking weapons. The dress of the main portion of the regiment is gray throughout. It was expected that the regiment would march to the City Hall to be inspected; and thousands of persons gathered in the vicinity; but they were greatly disappointed, when after waiting all day they ascertained that the regiment had marched direct to the boat by the shortest route. The colors of the regiment are borne by Ensign Bromell of Company E.--N. Y. Tribune, April 24.
Doc. 94.--proclamation of Gov. Magoffin, April 24. Recent events are of so startling a character as to render it imperatively necessary that the Legislature of Kentucky be again convened in extraordinary session. It is now apparent that the most energetic measures are being resorted to by the Government at Washington to prosecute a war upon an extended scale with the seceded States. Already large sums of money and supplies of men are being raised in the Northern States for that purpose. The tread of armies is the response which is being made to the measures of pacification which are being discussed before our people; whilst up to this moment we are comparatively in a defence. less attitude. Whatever else should be done, it is, in my judgment, the duty of Kentucky, without delay, to place herself in a complete position for defence. The causes for apprehension are now certainly grave enough to impel every Kentuckian to demand that this be done, and to require of the Leg
Doc. 98.--capture of U. S. Troops by Col. Van Dorn, at Saluria. Col. Van Dorn arrived at Indianola with about 800 Texas volunteers, on Wednesday afternoon, 24th April, and having taken possession of the U. S. steamers Fashion and United States, and the propeller Mobile, without delay placed his forces on them, and about nine o'clock at night, came down to Saluria and anchored within about half a mile of the schooners having on board the U. S. troops, numbering 450, under the command of Major C. C. Sibley, 3d Infantry; Adjutant-Lieutenant Phillips, 1st Infantry; Ass't Surgeons Lynde and Byrne, Capts. Granger and Wallace, 1st Infantry ; Capt. Bowman, 3d Infantry; Capt. Jordan, 8th Infantry; Lieut. Green, 1st Infantry, and Lieuts. Hopkins and Lay, 3d Infantry. The troops consisted of the band of the 1st Infantry, and Companies G and K of that Regiment, Companies A, F, and I, 3d Infantry, and Companies A and D of the 8th Infantry. Capt. Wallace had his lady and child, and Dr. Lynde
ing it. He said the arsenal was surrounded by a thousand spies, and every movement was watched and reported to the headquarters of the Secessionists, who could throw an overpowering force upon them at any moment. Captain Stokes represented that every hour's delay was rendering the capture of the arsenal more certain, and the arms must be moved to Illinois now or never. Major Callender agreed with him, and told him to take them at his own time and in his own way. This was Wednesday night, 24th April. Capt. Stokes had a spy in the camp, whom he met at intervals in a certain place in the city. On Thursday he received information that Gov. Jackson had ordered two thousand armed men down from Jefferson city, whose movements could only contemplate a seizure of the arsenal, by occupying the heights around it, and planting batteries thereon. The job would have been an easy one. They had already planted one battery on the St. Louis levee, and another at Powder Point, a short distance be
tself. The alarm, however, proved to be false, the vessels in the offing proving to be laden with the Seventy-first and other New York regiments; so that, after an unpremeditated trial of our readiness for action, we were permitted to retire to our virtuous coaches, which means, permit me to say, a blanket on the floor, with a military overcoat over you, and a nasal concert all around you, that, in noise and number, outvies Musard's celebrated concerts monstres. On the morning of the 24th of April we started on what afterwards proved to be one of the hardest marches on record. The Secessionists of Annapolis and the surrounding district had threatened to cut us off in our march, and even went so far as to say that they would attack our quarters. This, of course, was the drunken Southern ebullition. A civilian told me that he met in the streets of Annapolis two cavalry soldiers who came to cut our throats without delay, but as each brave warrior was endeavoring to hold the other
will assuredly be purified by fire. The people are determined upon it, and are clamorous for a leader to conduct them to the onslaught. That leader will assuredly rise, aye, and that right speedily. From the Goldsboroa (N. C.) Tribune, of April 24. We understand that Duncan K. McRae, Esq., who came here last night, bears a special order for one regiment of North Carolina troops to march to the city of Washington. They are to be ready in forty-eight hours from the notice. This is by o-throats from the White House. It makes good the words of Secretary Walker at Montgomery in regard to the Federal Metropolis. It transfers the lines of battle from the Potomac to the Pennsylvania border. From the Raleigh (N. C.) Standard, of April 24. North Carolina will send her full quota of troops to unite in the attack on Washington city. Our streets are alive with soldiers and officers, many of the latter being here to tender their companies to the Governor. Washington city will so