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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 820 820 Browse Search
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley) 24 24 Browse Search
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865 21 21 Browse Search
Col. O. M. Roberts, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.1, Alabama (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 20 20 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 16 16 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore) 12 12 Browse Search
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott) 11 11 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2 11 11 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments. 10 10 Browse Search
Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865 10 10 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for May 25th or search for May 25th in all documents.

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m sub libertate quietem. 'Tis thine, still thine, to lead the way Through blood to Liberty. On Narragansett's busy shores, Remember gallant Greene; And ye, whose fathers oft he led, Bold Putnam's courage keen. Through the broad Western prairies, The mighty river pours Its swollen floods resistless On subject Southern shores. So, freemen of the prairies, Pour your resistless flood; And, as the rushing river Whirls down the drifting wood, So, let your armies marching, O'erwhelm the traitorous band, That dared their country's flag to touch With sacrilegious hand. Kentucky! “Why in slumbers Lethagic dost thou lie” ? “Wake, join with” Massachusetts, Thy true and “old ally.” In East and West, in North and South, Let every patriot rise, Till North and South, till East and West, Shall share the glorious prize,-- One country, undivided, Called by one glorious name, One banner floating o'er us, From Gulf to Lakes the same. Boston, May 18, 1861. G. S. H. --Boston Daily Advertiser, May
, draw up an order recalling the exequatur issued in favor of-------.----., Consul at Charleston. There, that business is disposed of. Diplomat--My God! Seward, you are not in earnest. I only told you the story as a good joke. Mr. Seward--And I, Mr.---, avail myself of this joke to give you practical evidence of the manner in which we intend to deal with every Foreign Power and their representatives, whenever they interfere, directly or indirectly, between us and the traitors in rebellion against our Government. The exequatur of your Consul is recalled, and the place vacant; and I sincerely hope that no imprudence on the other side of the Atlantic will compel me as summarily to terminate the very pleasant relations now existing with all the members of the Diplomatic Corps. Your Government understands us, and is always friendly; but it may become our duty to prove to others that we are in earnest not to permit interference in this domestic quarrel. --N. Y. Express, May 25.
hree large stars; for a Colonel, two large stars; for a Lieutenant-Colonel, one large star; for a Major, one small star, and a horizontal bar; for a Captain, three small stars; for a First Lieutenant, two small stars; for a Second Lieutenant, one small star. For General and Staff officers, the buttons will be of bright gilt, convex, rounded at the edge — a raised eagle at the centre, surrounded by thirteen stars. Exterior diameter of large-sized button, one inch; of small size, one-half inch. For officers of the corps of Engineers, the same button is to be used, except that in the place of the eagle and stars, there will be a raised E in German text., For officers of artillery, infantry, riflemen, and cavalry, the button will be a plain gilt convex, with a large raised letter in the centre — A for artillery, I for infantry, &c. The exterior diameter of large-sized button, seven-eighths of an inch; small size, one-half inch. No cap has yet been adopted.--N. O. Picayune, May 25
The following correspondence from the Louisville Journal explains itself:-- University of Virginia, May 17, 1861. Prentice: Stop my paper; I can't afford to read abbolition journals these times; the atmosphere of Old Virginia will not at all admit of such filthy sheets as yours has grown to be. Yours, &c., George Lake. To Editors of Louisville Journal. Lake! I think it a great pity that a young man should go to a university to graduate a traitor and a blackguard — and so ignorant as to spell abolition with two b's. G. D. P. --Vincennes (Ind.) Gazette, May 25.
efficient and popular President of Washington College, Lexington, Virginia, has resigned his position since the secession of the State from the Federal Government. We have seen some notices of this resignation which are intended to produce the impression that Dr. Junkin was forced to vacate his place because he was a Northern man. No one who has any knowledge of his antecedents could doubt his loyalty, heretofore, to the South and to Southern interests; but he is not, and never could be, a Secessionist. And when, prior to the action of the State, the students hoisted the secession flag upon the College building, and refused to permit it to be removed, the Doctor declared he would not deliver a lecture be-neath its folds, and immediately resigned. This venerable College has never known greater prosperity than since Dr. Junkin's incumbency. The Trustees accepted his resignation with deep regret, and passed very flattering resolutions on the occasion.--Banner of the Covenant, May 25.
The venerable Gen. Samuel L. Williams, of Sterling, Ky., upon being cheered by the Union Guard of that place, thus addressed the men:--When I was a much younger man, I followed that flag; it was in 1812; the enemy was threatening our young and rising country. Under that banner we conquered. And can I now be such a dastard as to forget it? to abandon it? No, no! If Kentucky secedes, I will not. I will be true to that Union. They may take my property — strip me of all, even take the little remnant of my life — but, as God is my witness, they can never make me recognize allegiance to any Government but the Union, with its glorious Stars and Stripes. --N. Y. World, May 25
out to fight, And wage intestine war, Not either of you in the right; What simpletons you are! Too late your madness you will see, And when your passion cools, “Snakes!” you will bellow; “how could we Have been such ‘tarnal fools!” One thing is certain; that if you Blow out each other's brains, 'Twill be apparent what a few Each blockhead's skull contains. You'll have just nothing for your cost, To show, when alt is done. Greatness and glory you'll have lost, And not a dollar won. Oh, joined to us by blood, and by The bond of kindred speech, And further, by the special tie Of slang, bound each to each, All-fired gonies, soft-horn'd pair, Each other will you lick? You everlastina dolts, forbear! Throw down your arms right slick! You'll chaw each other up, you two, Like those Kilkenny cats, When they had better things to do, Improvina off the rats. Now come, shake hands, together jog On friendly yet once more; Whip one another not; and flog Creation, as before! --London Punch, May 2
Greatly descended men.--The son of Light-Horse Harry Lee, of Revolutionary renown, commands the forces of Virginia. His chief aid is J. A. Washington, the only living representative of Washington. The great-grandson of Thomas Jefferson commands the Howitzer Battery at Richmond. A grandson of Patrick Henry is Captain of the Virginia forces. The descendants of Chief Justice Marshall are in the ranks and in command.--Erie (Pa.) Observer, May 25.
:--This great and long-standing conspiracy was well known in its outlines to Mr. Buchanan himself. We heard from his own lips, previous to his entering upon the duties of the Presidency, that he had been reliably informed (we think he said by Gov. Wise) that the officers of the army and navy had been polled on the question whether, in case of a rupture between the two sections of the Union, they would respectively go with the North or the South; and that nearly every Southern man answered he would adhere to the section that gave him birth. Here we have proof not only that this conspiracy had assumed its present determinate shape five years ago, and only waited for opportunity; but that Mr. Buchanan was perfectly well aware of the fact at the very time when he took some of the leaders into his Cabinet; and when he was passively aiding Cobb, Floyd, Thompson, and Toucey, in their plans to cripple the Federal Government, and assure the success of the rebellion. --Ohio Statesman, May 25.
New York, May 25.--This morning, about one o'clock, a party of ladies and gentlemen, numbering some forty in all, alighted from one of the Third Avenue cars, and drew up in line at the southwest corner of the Park Barracks. The gentlemen formed a half-circle, in the centre of which the ladies took their position — the crowd inside of the barracks clustering about the paling, wondering what was to come of the gathering. The morning was one of the very loveliest, and well calculated to bring feelings of inspiration to the bosoms of the very dullest. The queen of night shone with its clearest ray, and under the floods of splendid light which it poured down upon the camp ground, the ladies' silvery voices rang out the ever-cheering and patriotic Star-spangled Banner. The ladies sang unaccompanied by male voices. The effect produced by their clear, beautiful tones, was indescribable. The denizens of the Astor, who had laid themselves away for the night on couches of luxury, and
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