Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for June 29th or search for June 29th in all documents.

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made ready, as the event turned, for the rebels to occupy with guns.--(Doc. 55.) A Georgia Regiment arrived in Richmond, Va., without arms, the Governor of Georgia refusing to allow more arms to be taken from the State.--Richmond Examiner, June 29. Eight companies of rebel infantry and cavalry went from Knoxville, Tenn., to Cumberland and Wheeler's Gap, to guard those places and present the federal troops from passing through Kentucky to the aid of the Union men in East Tennessee. Tstions which underlie the present contest.--N. Y. Tribune, June 30. The First Regiment of New Jersey Volunteers left Trenton this morning for Washington in twenty-one cars, at 8 o'clock.--The Second and Third Regiments left this afternoon by way of the Camden and Amboy Railroad. The tents and other equipage which Quarter-master-General Perine had, under the direction of Governor Olden, and at the request of the War Department, supplied them, went with each regiment.--N. Y. World, June 29.
June 29. Colonel Allen of the First Regiment N. Y. S. V., was arrested at Fortress Monroe for court martial, by order of General Butler.--The Eleventh Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers, under the command of Colonel George Clark, Jr., left Boston for the seat of war. The regiment, previous to their starting, were encamped at Camp Cameron. They were enlisted in April last, and sworn into the United States service about three weeks ago. They number 950 men, and are all armed with new smoldiers having gone through with a leaf of the manual, cheers for the flag and the President were given heartily. Gen. Scott, with his staff and other officers, were on a portico adjoining.--N. Y. Tribune, June 30. During last night there was a skirmish between the New Jersey Zouaves and the rebels outside of Fall's Church, Va. Two of the rebels were killed, and one of the Zouaves was wounded. The dead bodies were brought to Washington this morning.--N. Y. Commercial Advertiser, June 29.
iments have the most approved arms known to the service. The other portions of the regiments are armed with the smooth-bore muskets, which will be exchanged for the rifled guns as soon as the Government can obtain them.--Louisville Journal, August 1. The schooner Tropic Wind arrived at New York from Fortress Monroe in charge of a prize crew, consisting of Thomas F. Spencer, prize-master, Surgeon Linahan, and Alexander Lowe of the Union Coast Guard. The Tropic Wind was seized on the 29th of June, by the order of Major-General Butler, for violation of the blockade and communicating with the enemy, after having been warned by the Pawnee. She had been seized once before by the Monticello and taken to Washington, but was released by order of the Secretary of State, and it was under the voyage down the Potomac that she violated the blockade. The information which led to her seizure was communicated to Major-General Butler by two of her crew, who were free negroes, who were induced t
dianapolis Journal, August 3. The United States steamer Albatross, Captain Prentiss, arrived at Philadelphia, Pa., from Hampton Roads, having in charge the schooner Enchantress, which was captured July 6th, 260 miles southeast of Sandy Hook, by the privateer Jeff. Davis, and on attempting to take her into the port of Charleston, S. C., on the 22d of July, was re-captured with five men of the privateer's crew on board, west of Cape Hatteras. The Enchantress cleared from Boston on the 29th of June, for ports in Cuba. All the crew except Garrick (negro cook) were removed to the Jeff. Davis, and a crew from the privateer, consisting of W. W. Smith, of Savannah, Ga.; Ebin Lane, of West Cambridge, Mass.; Thomas Quigley, of New York; Daniel Mullings, of Charleston, S. C.; and E. Rochford, of Liverpool — put on board to take her to Charleston, the negro Garrick being retained as cook. After the schooner had left the Jeff. Davis, Garrick meditated getting possession of the Enchantress
June 29. The British steamer Ann was cut out from under the guns of Fort Morgan, at the mouth of Mobile Bay, by the United States steamer Kanawha. She ran in during the night, passed the blockading fleet, and as it was very dark, she could not be seen by the vessels. Lights had been kept burning on the fort all night, so that she had no trouble in finding the channel. This morning she was discovered by the Susquehanna, within a half-mile of the fort, unloading her cargo into a rebel steamer alongside. The Susquehanna, accompanied by the Kanawha, then got under weigh, and steamed within gunshot and opened fire, which was returned by the fort, and kept up for an hour on both sides. In the mean time the crew deserted the steamer. She was soon discovered to be adrift, and dropped down with the current about a mile, when the Kanawha was ordered to go in and bring her out, which she did under a heavy fire from the fort. The battles of Peach Orchard and Savage's Station,
June 29. At Philadelphia, Pa., there was much excitement on account of the approach of the rebels toward Gettysburgh. Business was suspended, and the people prepared themselves for defence.--(Doc. 85.) At Sykesville, Marriottsville, and other points in Maryland, the rebels appeared and committed depredations on public and private property.--Columbia, Pa., was placed under martial law, and Captain Samuel J. Randall, of the Philadelphia City Troop, was appointed Provost-Marshal; the citizens of the town were seized and sent to work on the intrenchments.--Wrightsville, Pa., was evacuated by the rebels.--the Forty-fifth regiment of Massachusetts volunteers, returned to Boston from Newbern, N. C.--National troops enforced the enrolment, and arrested deserters, in Sullivan and Green counties, Ind.--Captain Jones, with a detachment of the First New York cavalry, had a sharp engagement with a party of rebel horsemen belonging to the command of General Imboden, at McConnellsburgh,