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nted by the good people of these Colonies, was the first general or national government which existed in America: and its very assembling was a declaration of Union, as its act, nearly two years afterwards, was a Declaration of Independence. On the day, therefore, of the assembling of that Congress, the grand idea of American Union attained its full development, and expanded into action. That was the birthday of United America — the natal hour of our hallowed Union. We celebrate the Fourth of July for our Independence; but we take no note of the fifth of September for the Union, without which Independence would never have been achieved, or, perhaps, meditated. Having thus traced back the stream of Union to its source, let us observe for a moment the character of the people who then commingled their fate, and the circumstances with which they were surrounded. They were, in language, lineage, and institutions, essentially one people, as they then organized and consolidated thems
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 65-speech of Galusha A. Grow, on taking the Chair of the House of Representatives of the United States, July 4. (search)
Doc. 65-speech of Galusha A. Grow, on taking the Chair of the House of Representatives of the United States, July 4. Gentlemen of the House of Representatives of the United States of America:-- Words of thanks for the honor conferred by the vote just announced, would but feebly express the heart's gratitude. While appreciating this distinguished mark of your confidence, I am not unmindful of the trying duties incident to the position to which you have assigned me. Surrounded at all times by grave responsibility, it is doubly so in this hour of national disaster, when every consideration of gratitude to the past and obligation to the future tendrils around the present. Fourscore years ago, fifty-six bold merchants, farmers, lawyers, and mechanics, the representatives of a few feeble colonists, scattered along the Atlantic seaboard, met in convention to found a new empire, based on the inalienable rights of man. Seven years of bloody conflict ensued, and the Fourth of July, 1
Doc. 72.-recurring to First principles. The Fourth of July. The Confederate States of 1861 are acting over again the history of the American Revolution of 1776. The actions of the British King, which were recited in the Declaration of Indepent in its beneficent creed. To them now belongs of right the custody of all the hopes of human progress, of which the Fourth of July is the symbol in history, and it is by their swords that it is to be saved for mankind. As the States of the Southly independent, in fact, and by declaration, before the general declaration was made by the assembled delegates on.the 4th of July. That declaration was consistent in comprising by a unanimous vote the concurrence of all in the proclamation of the some of the Middle States, particularly New York, for confiscating the estates of adherents to Great Britain. The Fourth of July is, therefore, pre-eminently an anniversary to be preserved and commemorated by the adherents to the doctrine of Stat
ith a bundle, in which was contained a full uniform of a Zouave, including a cap, a number of letters and papers, among which was said to be a commission in the Confederate army. The names of those arrested with him could not be ascertained last evening. Neale Green was brought up by Lieutenant Carmichael and taken to the Middle Police Station, where he was locked up for examination. He confesses that he left this city on account of having committed an assault on a soldier. On the 4th of July certain suspected parties were seen examining the steamer Columbia, of the same line as the St. Nicholas, now lying idle at Fardy's ship-yard, near Federal Hill. They went aboard and inquired of Captain Harper what was her speed, how much coal was on board of her, and whether she could be chartered? On being told that she was not for charter, one of them, on leaving the boat, was heard to say that they would have her anyhow. The facts were immediately laid before Provost-marshal Kenly,
rdered one company, under Captain Hackmann, to make a forward movement from Mount Vernon to Sarcoxie. I also ordered Captain Conrad, of Company B, (Rifle Battalion, Third Regiment,) to remain in Neosho, in order to afford protection to Union-loving citizens against the secession hordes, and if necessary, to retreat to Sarcoxie. Company H, Captain Indest, was one of the two companies which I had sent to Grand Falls. It had not returned when the battle commenced. On the evening of the 4th of July, our troops, after a march of twenty miles, encamped southeast of Carthage, close by Spring River. I was by this time pretty certain that Jackson, with four thousand men, was about nine miles distant from us, as his scouts were seen in large numbers coming over the great plateau as far as the country north of Carthage, and conducted their explorations almost under our very eyes. The troops under my command who participated in the engagement on the 5th of July, were as follows: Nine co
Doc. 79.-fight near New Orleans, La. A rebel account. On Thursday last, the 4th of July, Captain Higgins, formerly of the United States navy, and now of the Confederate army, and aide-decamp to Major-General Twiggs, fitted out the steamer Oregon, commanded by Captain A. L. Myers, and also the steamer Swaim, Lieutenant Warley, C. S. N., commanding, for the purpose of driving the enemy out of the Mississippi Sound. The steamers sailed on Friday last, both well armed and manned, and proceeded as far as Bay St. Louis, where they filled up the bags which they had provided themselves with, with sand. They left the bay at 9 o'clock Saturday morning for the cruising ground of the enemy, the Swaim taking the main land, or side passage, and the Oregon the outside, and proceeded to Ship Island Pass. Finding no enemy in sight, the Oregon proceeded to sea from Ship Island, and soon saw two vessels, and gave chase. They proved to be two fishing smacks of our own. The Oregon then retu
have refused to defend the Capital when he found that armed rebellion was endeavoring to capture it? He believed not. He proceeded to allude to the seizure of telegraphic despatches, severely commented on as a usurpation of power by the senator from Kentucky. That seizure would be necessary perhaps to implicate certain senators on this floor. He had read this day in a paper that a certain senator had telegraphed that President Lincoln's Congress would not be allowed to meet here on the 4th of July. Mr. Breckinridge said he supposed the senator alluded to him. Mr. Lane replied that he did. Mr. Breckinridge replied that his personal relations with the senator precluded him from believing that he would do any thing of the kind; but he had to say that the statement that he sent such a despatch was totally unfounded. He would not pretend to deny all the charges made against him in the papers. He had attempted it once, but found the charge reiterated in the same journal the se
they will have an easy victory over the North, and the officers do all in their power to inspire them with confidence. General Beauregard, about the close of June, in addressing his troops, assured them that he had a strong hope that on the Fourth of July he would dine at Willard's Hotel, in Washington; that he would then immediately march upon Philadelphia, from which point he would proceed to New York, and there alone, on the banks of the Hudson, dictate terms of peace to the Northern army. or of the Spottswood House, where Jeff. Davis and family are quartered. Notwithstanding all the precautions which have been taken, goods of great importance to the insurgents are still occasionally forwarded to them from the North. On the Fourth of July thirty barrels of linseed oil arrived there from the city of Philadelphia, and was of great use to them in the manufacture of oilcloth for haversacks and knapsacks. It was obtained by Purcell & Co., of Richmond; and it might not be amiss for