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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Battle of Gettysburg-report of General G. Doles. (search)
ed within one hundred yards of the enemy's line. After consulting with Generals Ramseur and Iverson, the line was ordered to fall back to a dirt road, some three hundred yards to the rear. We remained in this position until 1.30 o'clock A. M., July 4th. We were then ordered to fall back to the heights near the Theological College. This command was actively engaged in heavy skirmishing during the 2d, 3d and 4th July. In the action of July 1st, Lieutenant-Colonel Winn was killed and Lieut4th July. In the action of July 1st, Lieutenant-Colonel Winn was killed and Lieutenant-Colonel Lumpkin fell severely wounded (leg since amputated) while gallantly leading their respective regiments in a charge against the enemy. To Colonel Edward Willis and Major Isaac Hardeman, of the Twelfth Georgia regiment; Colonel J. T. Mercer, Lieutenant-Colonel T. W. Hooper and Major T. C. Glover, of the Twenty-first Georgia regiment; Major W. H. Willis, of the Fourth Georgia regiment, and Major W. H. Peebles, Forty-fourth Georgia regiment, I attribute the success of this command. T
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Gettysburg. (search)
eral Ramseur, advanced with him, got under the fire of the enemy's skirmishers and artillery without returning the fire, and perceiving, as I believe every one did, that we were advancing to certain destruction, when other parts of the line fell back, I also gave the order to retreat and formed in the road, in which we maintained a position during that night and the whole of the 3d day of July, while the fight of that day was progressing, and from which we fell back about 3 o'clock A. M. of July 4th to the ridge near the Theological Seminary. From this position I was moved about 2 P. M. same day to escort the wagon train on the Fairfield road. I inclose herewith a list of casualties. To the officers and men of the brigade, great credit is due for the great bravery with which they sustained the position to which they were ordered to advance. Captain D. P. Halsey, Assistant Adjutant-General, was very conspicuous throughout the day for his distinguished gallantry and energy. Lieu
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Gettysburg campaign--report of Brigadier-General Harry T. Hays. (search)
received an order from Major-General Early to withdraw my command from its position, and to occupy that street in the city which I had held during the 1st July. I continued to remain here that day (the 3d), and until early in the morning of the 4th July, when I was ordered by Major-General Early out of the city to a range of hills on the west. Here I put my brigade in line of battle, the division line being on the left of Major-General Rodes. In this position I remained with my command untieen officers and one hundred and four men wounded, and three officers and thirty-eight men missing. Loss the 3d July, one officer and seven men killed, three officers and thirty-seven men wounded, one officer and eighteen men missing. On the 4th July, twenty men were reported missing. Total loss--seven officers and twenty-nine men killed, twenty-two officers and one hundred and seventy-eight men wounded, four officers and ninety-one men missing. The missing, I fear, were either killed or w
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Battle of Gettysburg. (search)
r imperfect ammunition, by which I lost seven (7) men killed and wounded. Withdrew at night and formed line of battle near Gettysburg, where we remained on the 4th of July. Commenced retreat with the army on the night of the 4th instant. I desire to express my thanks to the gentlemen of my staff, Captain Gales, Assistant Adjut., Anderson's Division: Major — I submit the following report of the part taken by my brigade in the military operations at Gettysburg on the 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th of July last. On the morning of the 1st of July, I moved my brigade from its camp near Fayetteville, Pennsylvania, and by order of the Major-General commanding the dained until the night of July 3d, when we were ordered to take position in the woods on the right of Gettysburg, near the town, from which place, on the night of July 4th, the march was commenced to Hagerstown, Maryland. The brigade lost many valuable men and officers in heavy skirmishing with the enemy. The conduct of men and o
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Gettysburg. (search)
ncomium in this report. The action of the division attests the value of his services, which a grateful country will ever appreciate. One member of his staff was killed, and two others wounded, Major Gettings but slightly. The division was reformed in accordance with orders from General Trimble, by General Lane, just in rear of the artillery and upon the same ground where it had rested before making the attack, and in this position remained until the army fell back on the night of the 4th of July. The reports of the brigade commanders are herewith enclosed, to which your attention is called for further particulars and for notices of individual gallantry. The list of casualties, which was very large, has already been forwarded by Surgeon P. A. Holt, the Medical Director of the division. Sincerely regretting the loss the division sustained in its two commanders, which has devolved upon me the necessity of writing this report, I am, Major, very respectfully, Your obedi
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 8.82 (search)
to reciprocate the courtesy of the enemy's attempted invasion, and while indulging in the strategy of masterly inactivity, one of my spies informed me, on or about the 22d day of June, that General Pemberton would surrender Vicksburg on the 4th day of July, then near at hand. I assured him that such a rumor must be entirely groundless, that General Pemberton was not the man to surrender, and that he well knew that there were three hundred and sixty-four other days in the year, on any one of which he might surrender; and, furthermore, that the 4th of July had been sufficiently signalized already — that the rumor was incredible! The spy then said that General Dodge, the Federal commander at Corinth, had stated in his presence that Vicksburg was to be surrendered to the Federal army on the 4th of July proximo. Before leaving the neighborhood of Guntown, on the 18th, Major W M. Inge was ordered from Tupelo with one hundred and twenty-five select men, to be joined by Captain Warren,