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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Adams, Charles Francis, 2nd 1835- (search)
fold, all at once, we crowd thundrously down to your feet, And there fronts you, stark, black but alive yet, your army of old, With its rents, the successive bequeathing of conflicts untold; Yea!--each harm got in fighting your battles. each furrow and scar Of its head thrust 'twixt you and the tempest — all hail!here we are! And there we were, indeed, and then and there was enacted such a celebration as I hope may never again be witnessed there or elsewhere on another 4th of July. Even as I stand here before you, through the lapse of years and the shifting experiences of the recent past visions and memories of those days rise thick and fast before me. We did, indeed, crowd thundrously down to their feet! Of the events of those three terrible days I may speak with feeling and yet with modesty, for small indeed was the part which those with whom I served were called upon to play. When those great bodies of infantry drove together in the crash of battle, the cloud
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Adams, John, 1735- (search)
e proper, and that they have been fairly executed, nothing will ever be done by me to impair the national engagements, to innovate upon principles which have been so deliberately and uprightly established, or to surrender in any manner the rights of the government. To enable me to maintain this declaration I rely, under God, with entire confidence on the firm and enlightened support of the national legislature and upon the virtue and patriotism of my fellow-citizens. John Adams. The fourth of July. In a letter to his wife. dated Philadelphia, July 3, 1776, Mr. Adams made the following predictions: Had a declaration of independence been made seven months ago, it would have been attended with many great and glorious effects. We might, before this hour, have formed alliance with foreign states. We should have mastered Quebec and been in possession of Canada. You will. perhaps, wonder how much a declaration would have influenced our affairs in Canada; but, if I could wr
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Amnesty proclamations. (search)
independence of America the 89th. Andrew Johnson. President Johnson in 1868. In this year President Johnson issue two such proclamations. The first dated July 4. pardoning all persons engaged in the Civil War except those under presentment or indictment in any court of the United States having competent jurisdiction, wahereof I have signed these presents with my hand, and have caused the seal of the United States to be hereunto fixed. Done at the city of Washington, the fourth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, and of the Independence of the United States of America the ninety-third. Andrew Johns severally issued on the 8th day of December, 1863, on the 6th day of March, 1864, on the 29th day of May, 1865, on the 7th day of September, 1867, and on the 4th day of July in the present year: and, Whereas, the authority of the federal government having been re-established in all the States and Territories within the jurisdic
th Carolina, also a soldier of the Revolution, was appointed (March, 1812) second major-general, and placed in command of the Southern Department. Joseph Bloomfield (governor of New Jersey), James Winchester (of Tennessee), John P. Boyd (of Massachusetts), and William Hull (then governor of the Territory of Michigan) were commissioned (April 8, 1812) brigadier-generals. The same commission was given (June) to Thomas Flournoy, of Georgia. John Armstrong, of New York, was also commissioned (July 4) a brigadier-general to fill a vacancy caused by the recent death of Gen. Peter Gansevoort. This was soon followed (July 8) by a like commission for John Chandler, of Maine. Morgan Lewis, of New York, was appointed quartermaster-general (April 3), and Alexander Smyth, of Virginia, was made inspector-general (March 30)--each bearing the commission of a brigadier-general. Thomas Cushing, of Massachusetts, was appointed adjutant-general with the rank of brigadier-general. James Wilkinson, o
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Canals. (search)
arliest completed and most important of the great canals of our country is the Erie, connecting the waters of Lake Erie with those of the Hudson River. A committee appointed by Congress during Jefferson's administration reported in favor of this canal, and a survey was directed to be made. Commissioners were appointed in 1810, who reported to Congress in March, 1811. In consequence of the War of 1812, the project languished until 1817. In that year ground was broken for the Erie Canal on July 4, under the authority of New York State, and on Oct. 26, 1825, the canal was completed. It was built by the State of New York at an original cost of $9,000,000, from the operation of which untold wealth has been derived by the city and State of New York. It was completed and formally opened by Governor De Witt Clinton, its great advocate, in 1825, and has been enlarged at great expense since. The canal changed the whole aspect of commercial affairs in the Lake region. The total area of t
or repairs. On June 24, rear-Admiral George C. Remey (q. v.) proceeded with the flag-ship Brooklyn from Manila to succeed Admiral Kempff in the command of the American fleet. On June 26, Gen. Adna R. Chaffee (q. v.) was appointed to the command of the American army in China, and 6,300 troops, infantry and cavalry, intended for the Philippines, proceeded to China, and the United States government announced that it would, if necessary, increase the American army of occupation to 16,000. On July 4, Secretary of State John Hay, in a note to the European powers, declared the attitude of the United States towards the Chinese troubles. On June 21-23 the allies had forced their way, by the aid of fire from the fleet, into the foreign quarter at Tientsin, and had united with the Europeans there besieged by the Chinese Boxers and imperial soldiers; for many days hard fighting was carried on against this enemy, sheltered in the native portion of the city and on the walls. On July 2, the w
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Constitution of the United States (search)
inhabitants were in favor of the Constitution. Greenleaf's Political register —anti-Federal in its politics-contained a disparaging account of the celebration; and when, a night or two afterwards, news came of the ratification of the Constitution by the convention in session at Poughkeepsie, a mob attacked the printing-office, broke in the doors, and destroyed the type. The people of Providence, R. I., were in favor of the Constitution, and were preparing to celebrate its ratification on July 4, with other ceremonies appropriate to the day, when 1,000 men, some of them armed, headed by a judge of the Supreme Court, came in from the country, and compelled the citizens to omit in the celebration anything favorable to the Constitution. A more violent collision took place in Albany. The friends of the Constitution celebrated its ratification on July 3, the opponents at the same time burning it. Both parties united in celebrating the 4th, but dined at different places. After dinner t
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Declaration of Independence. (search)
me of the arrival of a large British armament, under the brothers Howe, at Sandy Hook. Immediate and united action was essential. McKean, one of the two representatives of Delaware present, burning with a desire to have the vote of his colony recorded in the affirmative, sent an express after the third delegate, Caesar Rodney. He was 80 miles from Philadelphia. Ten minutes after receiving McKean's message Rodney was in the saddle, and, riding all night, he reached the floor of Congress (July 4) just in time to secure the vote of Delaware in favor of independence. All three of the delegates from Delaware voted for the declaration. The vote of Pennsylvania was also secured, a majority of its seven delegates being in favor of the measure; and on the 4th of July, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the unanimous vote of the thirteen colonies. On Thursday, July 4, 1776, agreeable to the order of the day, Congress resolved itself into a committee of the whole to co
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Everett, Edward, 1794-1865 (search)
capitals were not given up to the threatened plunder, perhaps laid in ashes, Washington seized by the enemy, and a blow struck at the heart of the nation. Who that hears me has forgotten the thrill of joy that ran through the country on the 4th of July—auspicious day for the glorious tidings, and rendered still more so by the simultaneous fall of Vicksburg—when the telegraph flashed through the land the assurance from the President of the United States that the Army of the Potomac, under Genrawing his troops at daybreak on the 4th, throwing up field-works in front of our left, which, assuming the appearance of a new position, were intended probably to protect the rear of his army in their retreat. That day—sad celebration of the 4th of July for the army of Americans—was passed by him in hurrying off his trains. By nightfall the main army was in full retreat on the Cashtown and Fairfield roads, and it moved with such precipitation that, short as the nights were, by daylight the
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Florida, (search)
ivil authority was transferred by the national government to the provisional State officers in January, 1866, and, under the reorganization measures of Congress, Florida was made a part of the 3d Military District, in 1867. A new constitution was ratified by the people in May, 1868, and, after the adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment to the national Constitution, on June 14, Florida was recognized as a reorganized State of the Union. The government was transferred to the State officers on July 4. In 1899 the assessed (full cash value) valuation of taxable property was $93,527,353, and in 1900 the total bonded debt was $1,275,000, of which all excepting $322,500 was held in various. State funds. The population in 1890 was 391,422; in 1900, 528,542. Don Tristan de Luna sailed from Vera Cruz, Mexico, Aug. 14, 1559, with 1,500 soldiers, many zealous friars who wished to convert the heathen, and many women and children, families of the soldiers. He landed near the site of Pensacol
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