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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2, Chapter 23: return to his profession.—1840-41.—Age, 29-30. (search)
zes at Nahant. He made an excursion to Lancaster with Felton, whose family was passing some weeks in that interior town, and dined with Emerson at Concord, on his way home. With Dr. Lieber, who made a visit to Boston, he had long talks about his journey. In the summer, he met for the first time Nathaniel Hawthorne and Mrs. Frances Kemble,—the former at Hillard's, and the latter at Pine Bank. He took his father's place in the Society of the Cincinnati, and attended its customary dinner, July 4, at Concert Hall. Slowly he returned to professional and literary work. Soon after reaching home, he filled reluctantly, for a few weeks, a vacancy as instructor in the Law School. He declined an invitation, received through Mr. Daveis, to deliver the Phi Beta Kappa Oration at Bowdoin College,—excusing himself by saying that he could not pledge any time which might be required by his profession. In 1842, he declined a similar invitation from Dartmouth College. Later, he declined an inv
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2, Chapter 24: Slavery and the law of nations.—1842.—Age, 31. (search)
t schoolmate; for well do I remember those lessons in early days, which we recited together. I thank you very much for the oration you were so good as to send me. I admire the frankness and spirit with which you turned the celebration of the Fourth of July to an occasion for moral improvement. I wish that for ever this day might be set apart throughout the whole country as the National Sabbath, to be employed in earnest inquiry into the real condition of public affairs, and in strengthening this daughter was speaking of Hillard's beautiful and most successful article in the North American; and I asked him if he had read it. He told me that he never read the North American! I should like to send you my friend Mann's oration on the Fourth of July. It is the noblest production ever called forth by that celebration. An edition of twenty thousand has already been exhausted, and more are printing. I doubt not that one hundred thousand copies will be circulated in the country. It is a
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2, Chapter 28: the city Oration,—the true grandeur of nations.—an argument against war.—July 4, 1845.—Age 34. (search)
ration of our National Independence on the Fourth of July, during a period when there were fewer patat instead thereof the anniversary of the 4th day of July, A. D. 1776—a day ever memorable in the aof military glory, and he could not on the Fourth of July forget that she sent one soldier for every published the most popular and remarkable Fourth of July oration that was ever written. Republish author of that performance than of all the Fourth of July orations I ever heard or read. and the Chrqualled by that with which I heard you on the 4th July. And while I thank you a thousand times for tion of the character of my remarks on the Fourth of July. Perhaps, if you were acquainted with allity Printer was the largest ever made of a Fourth of July oration. This has been exhausted; and anoppreciation of my oration delivered on the Fourth of July, and feel proud that you and your associatnities, may be extended to nations. No Fourth of July oration ever attracted so much attention a[3 more...]