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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 5: the Chattanooga campaign.--movements of Sherman's and Burnside's forces. (search)
ddened by thirst, where little water might be found on account of a parching drought — the army pressed forward over a country which, by Grant's orders, May 26. had been desolated by General Baird for scores of miles around Vicksburg, and pushed Johnston back to Jackson, where he took shelter July 7. behind his breastworks and rifle-pits, and from which, with a ludicrous show of faith at such a moment and under such circumstances (which he evidently did not feel), he issued a florid order July 9. to his troops, telling them that an insolent foe, flushed with hope by his recent success at Vicksburg, then confronted them, threatening the homes of the people they were there to protect, with plunder and conquest. The enemy, he said, it is at once the duty and the mission of you, brave men, to chastise and expel from the soil of Mississippi. The commanding general confidingly relies on you to sustain his pledge, which he makes in advance, and he will be with you in the good work, even
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 14: Sherman's campaign in Georgia. (search)
er, and constructed a pontoon and a trestle bridge across it. At the same time General Garrard moved on Roswell, and destroyed factories there in which cloth was manufactured for the insurgents. Schofield's position commanded good roads running eastward, and he soon found himself supported by Howard, who laid a pontoon bridge at Power's Ferry, two miles below, crossed over, and took a commanding position on the right of the Army of the Ohio. At the same time there was a general movement July 9. of Sherman's forces from right to left, and thereby Johnston was compelled to abandon his position on each side of the river. He drew his entire army to the left bank of the stream, and took position on a new line that covered Atlanta, its left resting or the Chattahoochee, and its right on Peachtree Creek. On the 10th of July, or sixty-five days from the time he put his army in motion southward, Sherman was master of the country north and west of the river upon which he was resting — of