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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Second regiment Massachusetts Cavalry. (search)
Including non-commissioned staff.1–1422111020171010161517326201 Totals,–––––––––––––––211 Casualties by Engagements. 1863. June 20, King and Queen's Court House, Va.––1––––––––––––1 June 26, South Anna Bridge, Va.––1––––––––––––1 July 12, Ashby's Gap, Va.,––––––2––––––––2 July 31, Aldie, Va.,––––––––––––2––2 Aug. 24, Coyle Tavern, Va.,––2––––––––––1–3 Nov. 14, Vienna, Va.,––––––––––––1––1 1864. Feb. 22, Dranesville, Va.,–1–5––1––––1–2–10 April 20, Leesburg, Va.,–––––––––1–––––1 April 30, Rectortown, Va.,––––––––––––1––1 May 24, Difficult Run, Va.,––––––––––––1––1 July 6, Mt. Zion Church (Aldie), Va.–11––––1–141–––9 July 12, Fort Stevens, D. C.,––
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Seventh regiment Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
336548 Actual total of members of regiment,— Officers,1464–––––––––––78 Enlisted men, Including noncommissioned staff.7–2011210698112103106102101981081,073 Totals,–––––––––––––1,151 The 7th Mass. Infantry was recruited by Col. (afterward general) Darius Nash Couch, a West Point graduate, who had served nine years in the regular army. It was composed mainly of men from Bristol County and was mustered into service at Taunton, Mass., June 15, 1861. It left the State for Washington July 12, and remained engaged in its defences for nearly a year. On March 25, 1862, it left camp for Fortress Monroe to engage in the Peninsular campaign. It took part in the siege of Yorktown and the battles of Williamsburg, Fair Oaks and Oak Grove, engaging afterwards in the seven days retreat. Remaining at Harrison's Landing until August 16 it moved then to Yorktown, and on August 31 arrived at Alexandria, on the way to join General Pope's forces i
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Thirteenth regiment Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
g. 30, Manassas, Va.,––3767–3–352–36 Sept. 17, Antietam, Md.,––51131235–4–25 Dec. 13, Fredericksburg, Va.,––––13–––––––4 1863. April 30, Fitz Hugh's Crossing, Va–2–––––––––––2 May 4, Chancellorsville, Va.,–––––1–––––––1 July 1-2, Gettysburg, Pa.,––1241211436–25 1864. May 5-10, Wilderness, Va.,–2–1––––––11–5 May 8-11, Spotsylvania, Va,–––––131112––9 June 1-3, Bethesda Church, Va.,––1––––––1–––2 June 2-12, Cold Harbor, Va.,–––––––––1–––1 June 20-22, Petersburg, Va.,–––1–––––11––3 July 12-18, Petersburg, Va.,–––––––2–––––2 Present also at North Anna and Totopotomoy. The Fourteenth Massachusetts Infantry, having been converted into the First Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, has already been inserted in its place.Fifteenth Regiment Massachusetts Infantry. (1)
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Twenty-third regiment Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
t Walthal Junction and active at Arrowfield Church; it took part early in the morning of May 16 at Drewry's Bluff, with great loss; Lieutenant-Colonel Chambers was mortally wounded, Captain Raymond taking command of the regiment. It formed part of the forces sent to join the Army of the Potomac, and, reaching Cold Harbor June 1, took active part in the operations there, moving afterward to Petersburg, and taking part in the siege. On September 4 it was ordered to New Berne and stationed on the south side of the Trent River. On September 26 those of the regiment whose term of service had expired were ordered to Massachusetts for muster out. In March, 1865, the regiment took part in a movement into the interior, engaged with loss at Kinston, and was stationed near the town on the Neuse River until ordered to New Berne, May 2; here, on June 25, 1865, it was mustered out of service, and, returning to Massachusetts, received its final discharge and payment at Readville, Mass., July 12.
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Thirty-seventh regiment Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
d in the movements to North Anna and Cold Harbor, and reached Petersburg June 17, taking part in the charge of the next day. In June the re-enlisted men of the 7th and 10th Mass. Infantries were attached to the regiment, and July 6, by the reorganization of the division, it became under Lieutenant-Colonel Montague part of the 3d Brigade, with Colonel Edwards as brigade commander. Forming part of the forces sent to protect Washington against the advance of General Early, it reached the city July 12, and went into action immediately at Fort Stevens. It took part in the operations against Early in the Shenandoah Valley, suffering loss at Charlestown August 21, and losing more heavily at the Opequon September 19, after which it was stationed as provost guard at Winchester. The regiment rejoined the Army of the Potomac before Petersburg December 16; engaged at Hatcher's Run in February, 1865; took part under Major Tyler in the action of March 25, and served under Captain Hopkins in the
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Thirty-seventh regiment Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
––––––––––––– Enlisted men,––89698661085176 Died as prisoners,— Officers,–––––––––––––– Enlisted men,––23–21––311114 Total losses,— Officers,–4–––––––––––4 Enlisted men,––283822252222182920165245 Totals,–––––––––––––249 Casualties by Engagements. 1862. Dec. 13, Fredericksburg, Va.,–––––––––1–––1 1863. May 3, Chancellorsville (Fredericksburg and Salem Heights), Va.–––––––––1–2–3 July 3, Gettysburg, Pa.,–––1––21–––2–6 1864. May 5-9, Wilderness, Va.,––61056586421–53 May 9-21, Spotsylvania, Va.,–3236412–432–30 June 1-11, Cold Harbor, Va,––131–21–221–13 June 16-21, Petersburg, Va.,––11–––11–1–16 July 12, Fort Stevens, D. C.,––––––––––––11 Aug. 21, Charlestown, Va.,––21–––11–––16 Sept. 19, Winchester, o
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Fifty-sixth regiment Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
in the siege operations. It shared with the 9th Corps in the action at the Crater July 30, forming part of the division selected to lead the advance immediately after the explosion of the mine, losing many as prisoners, in addition to those killed and wounded. It took part in the movement against the Weldon Railroad in August, sharing in the engagement of August 19, and was present at the battle of Peebles' Farm, or Poplar Spring Church, September 30. Participating in all the duties of the siege during the autumn and winter, it took active part in the assault of April 1, 1865, when, located near the Jerusalem Plank Road, it held with the 5th Mass. Battery an important position throughout the day in the line of Confederate works. Encamping at Burkesville after the fall of Petersburg, it moved after Lee's surrender to Alexandria and was stationed there during the remainder of its service. It was mustered out July 12 and paid off and discharged at Readville, Mass., July 22, 1865.
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Fifty-eighth regiment Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
,–––––––––––––109 Missing,––11322––23––14 Died by accident or disease,— Officers,–1–––––––––––1 Enlisted men,––961041478954–76 Totals,–––––––––––––77 Died as prisoners,— Officers,–1–––––––––––1 Enlisted men,––9121086913125––84 Totals,–––––––––––––85 Total losses,— Officers,111–––––––––––12 Enlisted men,––3429332731243730235–273 Totals,–––––––––––––285 Casualties by Engagements. 1864. May 6, Wilderness,Va.,––11–1121––––7 May 11-21, Spotsylvania, Va.,–223331–5––––19 June 2-10, Cold Harbor, Va.,1383253243–––34 June 15-21, Petersburg, Va.,––2–1221–12––11 June 23-26, Before Petersburg, Va.,–1–––––––13––5 July 4, Picket near Petersburg, Va.–––––––1–––––1 July 12, Peters