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s that we lost steam, and could not use our vessel as a ram. We were otherwise cut up, as we engaged at close quarters. Loss ten killed, fifteen wounded, and others with slight wounds. [Signed] Isaac N. Brown, Lieutenant Commanding. The Government also received the subjoined dispatch from General Van-Dorn, giving some additional particulars of the victory, and bestowing a proper tribute of praise upon the gallant commander of the Arkansas, her officers and men: Vicksburg, July 15.--The sloop-of- war Arkansas, under cover of our batteries, ran gloriously through twelve or thirteen of the enemy's rams, gunboats, and sloops-of-war. Our loss is ten men killed and fifteen wounded. Captain Brown, her commander and hero, was slightly wounded in the head. Smoke stack of the Arkansas is riddled, otherwise she is not materially damaged, and can soon be repaired. Two of the enemy's boats struck their colors, and ran ashore to keep from sinking. Many killed a
Unofficial account of the Triumph on the Mississippi. Mobile, July 15th. --A special dispatch to the Advertiser and Register, from Vicksburg, to-day, says that the ram Arkansas came out of the Yazoo river and fought through the enemy's upper fleet, inflicting great damage. She is now safe under our guns, preparing for aated her. Our loss was twenty killed and wounded. Capt. Brown was wounded slightly.--The enemy's lower fleet is hastily retiring. Another account. Jackson, July 15. --A dispatch to the Mississippi plan says that the monster, Arkansas, this morning came through the Federal fleet under a heavy fire, losing five killed anurg, and the wounded have been sent ashore. Gens. Van Dorn, Breckinridge and Smith visited her. The Federal loss is unknown. [Second Dispatch.] Jackson, July 15th. --The Arkansas sunk two boats, coming out of Yazoo river. The Federal fleet opened on both sides, pouring in a terrific fire as she passed. On opening a
Gen. Buell's forces. Knoxville, July 15. --Gen. Buell's forces are scattered all along the line from Huntsville to Stevenson, and are said to number 30,000, including 1,500 cavalry. McCook's division, 10,000 strong, is marching against Chattanooga, with twenty-five pieces of artillery and Buell's cavalry. Gen. Mitchell has certainly been sent to Washington under arrest. Gen. Buell is now in command of all the Yankee forces in Tennessee. Col. Jack Morgan surprised 300 Yakee cavalry at Tompkinsville, Monroe county, Ky., a few days ago. He captured 30 and wounded 25. He also captured 40 horses and eight wagons, containing guns and ammunition. Morgan had two wounded, none killed. Another account. Knoxville, July 15. --On the 9th instant, at Tompkinsville. Monroe county. Kentucky, Colonel Morgan's squadron surprised and routed the Seventh Pennsylvania regiment, killing thirty-four, wounding forty, and capturing thirty. Among the prisoners is Major Th
The bombardment of Vicksburg. Jackson, Mississippi. July 15th. --A heavy bombardment is now (8 P. M.) going on at Vicksburg. The reports are distinctly heard here. No telegraphic intelligence has been received from Vicksburg for the last three hours. [Second Dispatch.] Jackson. July 15. --The firing ceased at 9 o'clock to night. Both the upper and lower fleets attempted to pass our batteries, but were repulsed. The exasperated and mortified enemy vented his rage by throat Vicksburg. The reports are distinctly heard here. No telegraphic intelligence has been received from Vicksburg for the last three hours. [Second Dispatch.] Jackson. July 15. --The firing ceased at 9 o'clock to night. Both the upper and lower fleets attempted to pass our batteries, but were repulsed. The exasperated and mortified enemy vented his rage by throwing liquid shells into the city, burning one row of buildings. Our batteries are uninjured. No casualties reported.
Death of Gen. Twiggs, Augusta, July 15. --Gen. David E. Twiggs died here this morning after a brief illness.