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en between four and five thousand. It is not our purpose to dwell at any length on that part of a subject which, to us, appears of but minor importance in comparison with the real question at issue, to wit—the result of the battle of Manassas, or, in other words, the acknowledged victory of the Confederate forces over an army vastly superior in point of number, armament, and equipment. The reader is already informed of the correct strength of our united forces, on the morning of the 21st July. It was increased by 1700 infantry, and a battery, on the arrival of part of General Kirby Smith's command, at 3.30 P. M., which would bring up our aggregate to 30,888 of all arms. It must be borne in mind, however, that the commands of Generals Holmes and Ewell, aggregating at least 3000 men, though mentioned on our field returns as present at and around Manassas, were never directly engaged with the enemy on that day. General Beauregard estimates as follows the numerical strength of
antially to Colonel Jordan, and condemned and abandoned without being despatched, is the only order with which Mr. Davis had anything to do on the night of the 21st of July. Colonel Jordan, in the letter quoted by Mr. Davis, says: This was the only instance during Mr. Davis's stay at Manassas in which he exercised any voice as to vis (that is, an order for pursuit, modified by him, and by him deferred till the next day, at early dawn), was sent by General Beauregard, on the night of the 21st of July, . . . for a copy of which Mr. Davis is indebted to the kindness of that chivalrous gentleman, soldier, and patriot, General Bonham. Ibid. vol. i. p. 355. f the war. We wish merely to state that General Beauregard exonerates Mr. Davis from all responsibility for the failure to pursue the enemy on the night of the 21st of July. Mr. Davis did not object to such a pursuit; on the contrary, he desired it. But it was declared inexpedient, and, after discussion, Mr. Davis himself acknowle
stile attitude of his administration towards General Beauregard, and fully justifies the latter in his endeavor to set himself right before the country. The importance and the significant bearing of this letter render necessary its publication entire. Richmond, Va., Oct. 30th, 1861. General G. T. Beauregard: Sir,—Yesterday my attention was called to various newspaper publications purporting to have been sent from Manassas, and to a synopsis of your report of the battle of the 21st of July past, and in which it is represented that you had been overruled by me in your plan for a battle with the enemy south of the Potomac, for the capture of Baltimore and Washington, and the liberation of Maryland. I inquired for your long-expected report, and it has to-day been submitted to my inspection; it appears by official endorsement to have been received by the Adjutant-General on the 15th of October, though it is dated August 26th, 1861. General Beauregard's report of the battl
. I Had General Beauregard obeyed the telegram of General Cooper, General Johnston, about whose movements the War Department admitted its ignorance, would not have left Winchester, and no victory could have been won by the Confederates on the 21st of July. That junction, that victory, were the results of General Beauregard's untiring, unflinching perseverance. The first was effected, the second achieved, in spite of—not owing to—the action of Mr. Davis or of the War Department. The reasonsshows that General Beauregard had estimated General Johnston's forces at twenty thousand men, and not at twenty-five thousand, as Mr. Davis has it. As to General Patterson, his army, at the time we speak of—that is to say, between the 14th and 21st of July—never amounted even to twenty thousand men, though it was rumored, as early as the 13th, that it numbered upwards of thirty-two thousand. General Johnston refers to that rumor in his report of the battle of Manassas, but, in his book, reduces
to our arms? 3. Why was not the pursuit of the enemy continued after the battle of Manassas? Admitting the impossibility of doing so on the evening of the 21st of July, why was it not attempted afterwards? It is due to the distinguished services of General Beauregard, no less than to the truth, that each of the points enum the efforts of some of his admirers, who wish to give him the meed of praise exclusively belonging to another. That President Davis came to Manassas on the 21st of July, with the probable intention of taking an active part in the battle, should circumstances justify his doing so, none who know anything of the events of that meould be useless—how it happened that the pursuit of the enemy, though ordered and in course of execution, was checked and finally abandoned on the night of the 21st of July; and it has also been shown how an unusually heavy and unintermitting fall of rain, the next day, made an efficient pursuit, at that time, a military impossibi
were marvellous, and fitting precursors to the artillery achievements of the 21st of July. In the outset our fire was directed against the enemy's infantry, whose ss Bull Run in face of our troops, and led him into the flank movement of the 21st July, and the battle of Manassas, the details of which will be related in another tion of the general military operations in the presence of the enemy, on the 21st of July, I propose—I hope not unseasonably-first, to recite certain events which bel In view of these palpably military conditions, by half-past 4 A. M. on the 21st of July I had prepared and despatched orders directing the whole of the Confederate Accompanying are maps, showing the positions of the armies on the morning of 21st July, and of three several stages of the battle, also of the line of Bull Run, nor offered service of Louisiana Legion in the emergency, under Act of Congress, 21st July—August, 1861, for local defence. May I accept? These troops greatly needed.