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e of Bull Run (q. v.), General McClellan, then in western Virginia, was summoned to Washington and placed in charge of the shattered army there. The Departments of Washington and of Northeastern Virginia were created and placed under the command of McClellan. The Department of the Shenandoah was also created, and Gen. N. P. Banks was placed in command of it, relieving Major-General Patterson. McClellan turned over the command of the troops in western Virginia to General Rosecrans, and on July 27 he entered with zeal upon the duty of reorganizing the army in the vicinity of the national capital. He brought to the service youth, a spotless moral character, robust health, untiring industry, a good theoretical military education, the prestige of recent success, and the unlimited confidence of the loyal people. Having laid a broad moral foundation for an efficient army organization, he proceeded with skill and vigor to mould his material into perfect symmetry. So energetically was th
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Atlanta, (search)
t 1,000 were prisoners. Generals Thomas and Schofield having well closed up, Hood was firmly held behind his inner line of intrenchments. Sherman concluded to make a flank movement, and sent Stoneman with about 5,000 cavalry, and McCook with another mounted force, including Rousseau's cavalry, to destroy the railways in Hood's rear. McCook performed his part well, but Stoneman, departing from Sherman's instructions, did not accomplish much. Simultaneously with these raids, Slocum began (July 27) a flanking movement from Atlanta. Hood had penetrated Sherman's design, knew of changes in his army, and acted promptly. Under cover of an artillery fire, he moved out with the larger part of his army (July 28), with the expectation of finding Howard's forces in confusion. He was mistaken, and disastrous consequences followed. He threw heavy masses of his troops upon Logan's corps on Howard's right, and was met by a fire that made fearful havoc in their ranks. They recoiled, but retur
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Burnt corn Creek, battle of. (search)
Caller set out with a few followers. He marched towards the Florida frontier, joined on the way by the famous borderer Capt. Samuel Dale and fifty men, who were engaged in the construction of a fort. He was now joined by others from Tensaw Lake and Little River under various leaders. Caller's command now numbered about 180 men, in small companies, well mounted on good frontier horses, and provided with rifles and shot-guns. Setting out on the main route for Pensacola on the morning of July 27 (1813), they found McQueen encamped upon a peninsula formed by the findings of Burnt Corn Creek. It was resolved to attack him. McQueen and his party were surprised, but they fought desperately a few minutes, and then fled towards the creek. The tide then turned. McQueen and his Indians arose from an ambush with horrid yells and fell upon less than 100 of Caller's men. Dale was severely wounded, but kept on fighting. Over-whelming numbers at length compelled Caller's force to retreat.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Newport, capture of (search)
s east of the Hudson. French fleet and army blockaded. Washington had hoped the French army, which arrived at Newport, July 10, would march to the Hudson River, and, with their assistance, expected to drive the British from the city of New York. But it was compelled to stand on the defensive there. Six British ships-of-the-line, which had followed the French fleet across the Atlantic, soon afterwards arrived at New York. Having there a naval superiority, Sir Henry Clinton embarked (July 27) 6,000 men for the purpose of assailing the French, without waiting for them to attack. The French, perceiving this, cast up fortifications and prepared for a vigorous defence. The militia of Connecticut and Massachusetts marched to their assistance, and Washington crossed the Hudson into Westchester county and threatened New York. As Clinton and Admiral Arbuthnot could not agree upon a plan of operations, the troops were disembarked; but the fleet proceeded to blockade the French ships
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Treaties. (search)
d States with other powers, exclusive of postal conventions: Principal treaties and conventions of the United States with other powers. Foreign Power and Object of Treaty.Where Concluded.Date. Algiers: Treaty of Peace and amityAlgiersSept. 5, 1795 Treaty of Peace and amityAlgiersJuly 6, 1815 Treaty of Peace and amityAlgiersDec. 24, 1816 Argentine Confederation: Treaty of Free navigation of Parana and UruguaySan JoseJuly 10, 1853 Treaty of Friendship, commerce, navigationSan JoseJuly 27, Austria: Treaty of Commerce, navigationWashingtonAug. 26, 1829 Treaty of Commerce and navigationWashingtonMay 8, 1848 Convention of ExtraditionWashingtonJuly 3, 1856 Austria-Hungary: Convention of Rights of consulsWashingtonJuly 11, 1870 Convention of NaturalizationViennaSept. 20, 1870 Convention of Trade-marksViennaNov. 25, 1871 Baden: Convention of ExtraditionBerlinJan. 30, 1857 Treaty of NaturalizationCarlsruheJuly 19, 1868 Bavaria: Convention of Abolishing droit d'aubaine
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Florida, (search)
w Orleans, attacked by Indians while seeking to ford the Withlacoochee......Feb. 29, 1836 Richard Keith Call appointed territorial governor......March, 1836 Defence of Cooper's post west of the Withlacoochee by Georgia volunteers under Major Cooper against 250 Seminole warriors......April 5-7, 1836 Railroad from St. Joseph to bayou Columbus opened......1836 Battles between the United States troops and Indians in Florida, at Micanopy, June 9; Welika Pond, July 9; Ridgely's Mills, July 27; Fort Drane, Aug. 21; San Velasco......Sept. 18, 1836 General Call relieved; Gen. Thomas S. Jesup takes command......November, 1836 Battle of Wahoo Swamp ends the campaign of 1836; results of the year encourage the Seminoles......Nov. 17-21, 1836 Attack on Camp Monroe by 400 Seminoles under King Philip repulsed......Feb. 8, 1837 Four hundred Seminoles attack Fort Mellon, on Lake Monroe, and retire......Feb. 9, 1837 Indians assembled in large numbers at Fort Dade, by articles
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Warner, Seth 1743-1784 (search)
Warner, Seth 1743-1784 Military officer; born in Roxbury, Conn., May 17, 1743; was a man of noble bearing, sound judgment, energy, and pure patriotism. With his father, Dr. Benjamin Warner, he went to Bennington in 1765, and became, with Ethan Allen, a principal leader in the disputes between New York and the New Hampshire Grants. He and Allen were outlawed by the State of New York, and a reward was offered for their arrest. He captured Ticonderoga, May 12, 1775, and on July 27 was appointed colonel of Vermont militia. He joined the Northern army and was at the siege of St. John. He defeated an attempt of General Carleton to relieve the garrison. The next year he performed signal service during the retreat of the Americans from Canada. On the retreat of the Americans from Ticonderoga (July 4) in 1777 he again performed good service. In the command of the rear-guard he fought a severe battle at Hubbardton, and was compelled to retreat. At the battle near Bennington he a