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accordingly, this government will resort to retaliatory measures as the only means of compelling the observance of the rules of civilized warfare. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, R. E. Lee, General Commanding. General Halleck to General McClellan. Headquarters of the army, Washington, August 18. Major-General George B. McGlellan, Commandng Army of the Potomac: General: I have just received from the Adjutant-General's office your letter of July thirtieth, inclosing a letter from General R. E. Lee of July twenty-first. The letters of General Dix and Major Wood will furnish you with the proper information for a reply to General Lee's complaints in regard to the treatment of prisoners at Fort Monroe. The Government of the United States has never authorized any extortion of oaths of allegiance or military paroles, and has forbidden any measures to be resorted to tending to that end. Instead of extorting oaths of allegiance and paroles, it
time, I took up the line of march on my return on the twenty-sixth of July. Marching by easy stages, and lying over one day at Walkerton, in King and Queen County, for the purpose of resting the horses, I arrived and reported to you on the thirtieth of July. It only remains for me to add that the hospitality of the citizens all along the road was unprecedented. There are in those counties large quantities of grain and beef, long forage, and bacon. The citizens of those counties urged me terviceable. On Monday, the batteries moved with the division, and on Tuesday, none were engaged, if I except Captain Hart, who was able to fire but a few rounds. Captain Woolfolk was relieved from duty with General Toombs's brigade on Monday, July thirtieth, and was engaged only on Friday, twenty-seventh, where he behaved very handsomely, and his battery did excellent service. In concluding this report, I cannot commend too highly the conduct of the officers and men who were under the ter