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Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 8 (search)
ted house, very ill, and the family are reduced to such straits that they can make no provision for him. This seems to distress Mrs. Toombs more than her own situation. Dr. Lane promised her to render the negro medical service, and if Gen. Wild was really as fond of the negroes as he pretends to be, he would provide the poor fellow with everything else he needs-but he leaves that to their rebel mastersthose cruel slaveholders whose chief delight was to torture and murder their negroes. July 31, Monday The best thing that has ever happened since the world began! Old Wild arrested! He had just established himself comfortably in Mrs. Toombs's house, where he announced his intention of opening a negro school in the basement, reserving the first floor for himself and his gang. One of the teachers had come, and Dr. French was in high feather. The general himself was reveling in power and wickedness. He had removed his female prisoners from the courthouse to an upper room on th
affords no grass. The troops encamped on a high hill; the horses were tied up without food. July 30th.-The march was continued to-day. The face of the country bears the same character as that passed yesterday. The general course of the trail is northwest. Encamped this evening in a deep, narrow valley, near a small stream running westward; the water was remarkably cold. Small saplings of maple and elm were cut down for the horses to feed on; they had suffered much for want of grass. July 31st.-After a hard day's march, the troops encamped near the Kickapoo River — a small stream flowing into the Wisconsin. August 1st.-Passed the Kickapoo to-day at a shallow ford. Here commences a prairie country, with scattering groves of oak, quite as rough as that we had passed over. This was a long day's march for the infantry, who found no difficulty, however, in keeping pace with the mounted men, whose horses were exhausted for want of food. The troops encamped after dark. The appear
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The first year of the War in Missouri. (search)
ll this, they were brave and intelligent. Like all frontiersmen, they were shrewd, quick-witted, wary, cunning, and ready for all emergencies, and like all backwoodsmen, their courage was serene, steady, unconscious. While there was no attempt at military discipline, and no pretense of it, the most perfect order was maintained by McBride's mere force of character, by his great good sense, and by the kindness with which he exercised his patriarchal authority. Leaving Cassville on the 31st of July, the combined Southern armies, nearly 11,000 strong, advanced toward Springfield. On the way they encountered Lyon, who had come out to meet them. McCulloch, who could not comprehend the Missourians or the able soldier who commanded them, refused to attack unless Price and Pearce would confer upon him the chief command. Price had been a brigadier-general in Mexico, when McCulloch was but a captain of scouts, and had won more battles there than McCulloch had ever witnessed; he was now a
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., In command in Missouri. (search)
eneral Fremont had full power, and that he, as Fremont's chief quartermaster, must use his own judgment and do the best he could toward meeting the wants of the department. In July, at Washington, the subject of mortar-boats for the Mississippi expedition had been discussed between General M. C. Meigs, Gustavus V. Fox, afterward the Assistant Secretary of the Navy, and myself, and had been referred to me for decision, as having in charge military operations on the Mississippi. On the 31st of July the Secretary of War directed that the 16 nine-inch guns made at Pittsburg for the navy should be forwarded to me with the greatest dispatch, and that 30 thirteen-inch mortars be made as soon as possible and forwarded to me, together with shells for both guns and mortars. On the 24th of August I directed the construction of 38 mortar-boats, and later of 8 steam-tugs to move them, and the purchase and alteration into gunboats of two strongly built river vessels,--the New Era, a large fer
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 14: affair at Ox Hill or Chantilly. (search)
and 30th of August, been reinforced by Burnside's corps under Reno, one brigade of Sturgis' division from Alexandria, and the following troops from McClellan's army: Heintzelman's corps, Porter's corps, and the division of Pennsylvania reserves commanded by Reynolds. At the time of the affair at Ox Hill he had been further reinforced by Franklin's and Sumner's corps of McClellan's army, leaving but one corps of that army (Keyes') which had not reached him. His consolidated report of the 31st of July showed a strength of 46,858 before he was joined by any of those reinforcements and in the letter of Halleck to McClellan, dated the 6th of August, Pope's army is stated to be about 40,000. In a telegram from Halleck to McClellan, dated the 12th of August, Burnside's force is stated to be nearly 13,000. General Lee's army at the time of these battles near Manassas consisted of Jackson's wing of the army in which there were three divisions of infantry containing fourteen brigades, Lon
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 8: commands the army defending Richmond, and seven days battles. (search)
at Gordonsville on July 19th, and at once began to consider the best way to strike Pope. Finding that his antagonist had practically concentrated the corps of Sigel (formerly Fremont's), Banks's, and McDowell's, and had nearly six times his numbers, he wisely decided to apply to General Lee for more troops before he assumed the offensive. On July 27th Lee sent A. P. Hill's division, which gave him an army of 18,623. While he could not hope to beat the whole of Pope's army, numbering on July 31st, according to Pope, 40,358, or, if we accept the reports of the various corp commanders, 47,000 men, the disposition of these forces gave him an opportunity to strike a part of it. Banks was in advance at Culpeper Court House, with his cavalry picketing the line of the Rapidan. Jackson always availed himself of such opportunities, and promptly moved forward and crossed the Rapidan on August 8th. Pope, on learning of Jackson's advance, ordered Banks to move in his direction from Culpeper
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, IV. July, 1861 (search)
a message for Secretary Walker, on the subject. The Secretary being absent, he left it with me to deliver. It was that the prisoners were not to be liberated without the concurrence of the President. There was no danger of Secretary Walker releasing them; for I had heard him say the authorities might have obtained the remains, if they had sent a flag of truce. Disdaining to condescend thus far toward a recognition of us as belligerents, they abandoned their dead and wounded; and he, Walker, would see the prisoners, thus surreptitiously sent on the field, in a very hot place before he would sign an order for their release. I was gratified to see Mr. Benjamin so zealous in the matter. July 29 To-day quite a number of our wounded men on crutches, and with arms in splints, made their appearance in the streets, and created a sensation. A year hence, and we shall be accustomed to such spectacles. July 30 Nothing of importance to-day. July 31 Nothing worthy of note.
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 17 (search)
of passports to Gen. Winder. July 29 Pope's army, greatly reinforced, are committing shocking devastations in Culpepper and Orange Counties. His brutal orders, and his bragging proclamations, have wrought our men to such a pitch of exasperation that, when the day of battle comes, there will be, must be terrible slaughter. July 30 Both Gen. Jackson and Gen. Stuart were in the department to-day. Their commands have preceded them, and must be near Orange C. H. by this time. These war-worn heroes (neither of them over forty years of age) attracted much attention. Everybody wished to see them; and if they had lingered a few minutes longer in the hall, a crowd would have collected, cheering to the echo. This they avoided, transacting their business in the shortest possible space of time, and then escaping observation. They have yet much work to do. July 31 Gen. Breckinridge has beaten the Yankees at Baton Rouge, but without result, as we have no co-operating fleet.
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 29 (search)
a), for fear they would not return to their colors when fit for duty! Hon. Wm. L. Yancey is dead — of disease of the kidney. The Examiner, to-day, in praising him, made a bitter assault on the President, saying he was unfortunately and hastily inflicted on the Confederacy at Montgomery, and when fixed in position, banished from his presence the heart and brain of the South-denying all participation in the affairs of government to the great men who were the authors of secession, etc. July 31 Hon. E. S. Dargan, member of Congress, writes from Mobile that Mississippi is nearly subdued, and Alabama is almost exhausted. He says our recent disasters, and Lee's failure in Pennsylvania, have nearly ruined us, and the destruction must be complete unless France and England can be induced to interfere in our behalf. He never believed they would intervene unless we agreed to abolish slavery; and he would embrace even that alternative to obtain their aid. He says the people are fast l
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XL. July, 1864 (search)
he character of these troops. They were only for special and temporary service, having also civil duties to perform, and desired them to be sent back in twenty-four, or at at most, forty-eight hours. Gen. E. writes that he will employ them exclusively hereafter in the city fortifications, and only in times of extreme peril. And he says there was peril on Thursday, the enemy's cavalry being between our infantry and the city, and it will not do to rely always on his want of enterprise. July 31 Clear, dry, and hot. A dispatch from Gen. Lee (I have not seen it yet) says, in the repulse of the enemy's assault on the breach made by their mine, we captured over 800 prisoners--a general and his staff among them — some 12 stands of colors, and killed some 500. Our loss very light. The enemy has mostly countermarched from this side of the river, followed, of course, by our army at double-quick, and rumor says there are little or no forces of either party on the north side of
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