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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 14: Sherman's campaign in Georgia. (search)
caused the chief to order both Thomas and Schofield to the assistance of Howard. At the same time Kilpatrick was sent down the west bank of the Flint to strike the railway below Jonesboroa, and Garrard was left at Couch's to scout the country in the direction of Atlanta. Davis's corps, of Thomas's army, very soon touched the left of Howard's forces, and relieved Blair's (Fifteenth) corps, which was disposed so as to connect with Kilpatrick's horsemen. By four o'clock in the afternoon, August 31. all was in readiness for an advance, when Davis charged, and almost instantly carried the Confederate line of works covering Jonesboroa on the north, and captured General Govan and a greater portion of his brigade, and a four-gun battery. Stanley and Schofield, who had been ordered forward, did not arrive until it was too late to make another charge that evening, owing to the peculiar character of the country. In the morning there was no foe on their front. Hardee had fled, and so ende