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Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Chapter 32: in pursuit of Lee. In camp at Morrisville. (search)
Corps, July 28, 1863. gain: By conscripts from depot,163 loss:6 Recruits required to fill quota,497 died as result of wounds received in action: Co. B.Private William H. Bean, Antietam. Co. E.Corporal Charles A. Johnson, in Gen. Hospital, West Philadelphia, Aug. 21. 1863. Co. H.Private Thomas Bridges, Antietam. Corporal Benjamin H. Atkins, Jr., Gettysburg, July 3. Private Jeremiah Y. Wells, Gettysburg, July 14. Co. I.Private George P. Ham, in McDougal Hospital, Fort Schuyler, August 21, 1863. On August 31, the Nineteenth Massachusetts regiment formed the advance of a reconnoissance by the Second Corps to near Falmouth, relieving the cavalry at that point that they might be enabled to capture the gunboats Reliance and Satellite, then in the Rappahannock near its mouth. The regiment was absent on this duty for three days and then returned to its camp at Morrisville, where many of its members rejoined it, having returned from hospitals and detached service.
rd McKenna Sydney Smith Earnest Krantz Charles Dean Joseph Hill These casualties occurred during the last charge of the enemy which took place at dark and they were all marked Missing in Action. They were captured, confined in Libby Prison anti paroled on Sept. 24th, 1864. On the 30th of August the command went into camp in the vicinity of the Williams House, and while there the discharge of 90 men, whose terms of service had expired, was effected. The Monthly Report, dated August 31, shows the following: Present:Commissioned officers, for duty,5 Acting Adjutant,16 Enlisted men, for duty,72 Absent:Commissioned Officers, On detached service,4 With leave,1 Sick,712 Enlisted men, on detached service,30 Sick,265 In arrest,2297 Loss: Commissioned officers, Mustered out,5 Enlisted men, discharged, exp. of service,90 Killed in action,2 Missing in action,3 Prisoners of war,20 Deserted,5122 Wounded in action,17 While the regiment had been so busily enga
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Roster of the Nineteenth regiment Massachusetts Volunteers (search)
1864, Spottsylvania. Cowdrey, Nath., priv., band, Aug. 31, ‘61; 37; disch. Jan. 30, ‘62; see 2nd Batt. Cox, disa. Nov. 29, ‘62. Cushman, Cyrus, priv., band, Aug. 31, ‘61; 30; M. O. Aug. 8, ‘62. Cusick, George, priv.s S., priv., (C), July 26, ‘61; 27; M. O. as priv., Aug. 31, ‘64 as of Co. H. Fletcher, Jeremy, priv., (G), Au8; no service. Glidden, Ezra A., priv., (—), band, Aug. 31, ‘61; 32; disch. June 8, ‘62. Goarant, Doffels, per, Geo. H., priv., (B), Feb. 24, ‘62; 26; deserted Aug. 31, ‘62. Honey, Jas. M., priv., (I), Aug. 10, ‘61; 41v. 13, 1863; disch. from Co. C. 6th regt. V. R.C., Aug. 31, ‘64. McCarthy, Jeremiah, priv., (E), July 25, ‘61June 30, ‘65. Richardson, Stephen E., priv., band, Aug. 31, ‘61; 20; N. F.R. Richardson, Samuel E., priv., (—)ch. Nov. 24, ‘61. Spofford, John A., band master, Aug. 31, ‘61; 34; disch. Nov. 22, ‘61 S. O. 139 Headqr's A. Henry Clark; N. F.R. Williams, James, priv., (I), Aug. 31, ‘64; 25;abs.