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eers, from the second day of September to the twentieth day of December, 1864. When the city of Atlanta was first occupied by our forces, September second, the regiment was stationed north of the Chattahoochee River. It marched on the sixteenth of September to Atlanta, and remained encamped in the suburbs of the city, until the thirtieth of the same month, when it returned to the Chattahoochee, and was assigned a position on the south side of the river, protecting the railroad bridge. On When the city of Atlanta was taken possession of by the troops of the Twentieth army corps, my regiment, then in command of Colonel Dustin, was left at the Chattahoochee River, to guard the bridges and stores remaining there. After the sixteenth of September, all the regiments of the First brigade, except the One Hundred and Fifth, having moved down to Atlanta, this command, in connection with the Twenty-sixth Wisconsin infantry, performed duty at the river. Strong works were prepared, and t
spirited engagement with the enemy's cavalry, in which he captured two guns and many prisoners, drove the enemy across the Rapidan, but found it impossible to force the passage of that river. Major-General Warren, with his corps, occupied Culpeper Court-House, taking no part in the engagement, which was entirely a cavalry fight. The result of this movement proved that the enemy had sent Longstreet's corps to the south-west, but still held the line of the Rapidan in force. On the sixteenth of September the army crossed the Rappahannock and took up a position around Culpeper Court-House, with the advance of two corps on the Rapidan. An examination of the enemy's position proved it entirely out of the question to attempt to force the passage of the river in his immediate front The command of all fords was on the south bank, and this obstacle was greatly increased by numerous earthworks and rifle-pits, with batteries in position. Just as a plan of operations for a flank movemen
cked General Hood, on my extreme left, late Tuesday evening, September sixteenth. Hood drove him back, but not without severe loss, includinarters of General Longstreet: sir: On the morning of the sixteenth of September, ultimo, my command, consisting of my own division and that my officers and men behaved finely. At Sharpsburg, on Wednesday, September sixteenth, my brigade was on the right of the division, but not a by my command in the engagements at Sharpsburg, Maryland, on the sixteenth and seventeenth of September. When the army arrived at the heiof that place. Crossed the Potomac at Shepherdstown on the sixteenth of September, and the same evening formed line of battle, slept on our a, we left our bivouac, near Bolivar Heights, on Tuesday, the sixteenth September, at two and a half o'clock A. M., and took up the line of may command, in the engagements before Sharpsburg, Maryland, on the sixteenth and seventeenth September last: On the fifteenth September, 18