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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Twenty-third regiment Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
egiment took part in the Goldsboroa expedition, being present at the battle of Kinston and engaged with great loss at Whitehall. It left New Berne in January, 1863, to take part in the movement against Charleston, S. C., but returned to North Carolina in April, having spent a month in camp at St. Helena Island and much of the remaining time on transports. It remained encamped near New Berne, engaging in picket duty and reconnoitering expeditions, during the summer and autumn of 1863. On October 16 it sailed for Fortress Monroe and went into camp near Newport News; while here over 200 members of the regiment re-enlisted, and in January returned to Massachusetts for furlough. The regiment moved to Portsmouth in January, 1864, engaging under command of Colonel Elwell in an expedition to Smithfield in April. As part of Heckman's Red Star Brigade, and serving with General Butler's forces at Bermuda Hundred, it was present at the engagement at Walthal Junction and active at Arrowfield C