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George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 6: (search)
of letters, or men marked by intellectual endowments. I was particularly glad to see Ste. Beuve, a modest little gentleman of about fifty-five; for if I had not seen him now, I should have missed him altogether, as he is just going for the winter to Lausanne. No man alive has so good a knowledge of French literature in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries as he has; and I obtained some good indications from him this evening, which will make me regret his absence this winter the more. October 16.—Mad. de Broglie made us a long visit this morning, and talked politics and religion in abundance, which it was agreeable to listen to, because she is so frank and sincere, but in which it is not possible for me to agree with her, because she is so Calvinistic, and looks with so much less favor than she used to on free institutions. . . . . October 25. . . . . . In the evening we went to see a Miss Clarke, an English lady, living with her aged mother over in the old Abbaye aux Bois, i