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Col. J. Stoddard Johnston, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 9.1, Kentucky (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 3: (search)
ntracts and commissions and that the war would be of short duration. Alarmed at his extravagant expressions on this score Simon Cameron, secretary of war, and Lorenzo Thomas, adjutant-general of the United States, came to Louisville on the 16th of October on a tour of inquiry and inspection. Cameron's first telegram to President Lincoln was as follows: Matters are in much worse condition than I expected to find them. A large number of troops needed here immediately. There were at that timeensboro under Gen. Thomas L. Crittenden. This was exclusive of General Grant's force at and in the vicinity of Paducah. Adjutant-General Thomas' report of October 21, 1861 (Rebellion Records, Vol. IV, page 313) says: Left Indianapolis October 16th, for Louisville, Ky., where we arrived at 12:30 p. m. and had an interview with General Sherman, commanding the department of the Cumberland. He gave a gloomy picture of affairs in Kentucky, stating that the young men were generally secession