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eral 0. S. A. General S. Cooper., Adjutant and Inspector-General, Richmond. The Confederate army assembled near Bowling Green numbered, as stated, 12,000 men. This included about 6,000 under Buckner; 4,000 under Hardee, who had left 1,600 behind him, half of them sick; and some other reinforcements. The strength of the Kentucky contingent had now begun to define itself. General Johnston thus expresses his disappointment at the apathy of Kentucky, in a letter to the Secretary of War, October 22d: We have received but little accession to our ranks since the Confederate forces crossed the line; in fact, no such demonstrations of enthusiasm as to justify any movements not warranted by our ability to maintain our own communications. It is true that I am writing from a Union county, and it is said to be different in other counties. They appear to me passive, if not apathetic. There are thousands of ardent friends of the South in the State, but there is apparently among them n
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 5: operations along Bull Run. (search)
tached to Van Dorn's division, and the command of the other divisions was given to Major Generals G. W. Smith, Longstreet, and E. Kirby Smith, respectively. Van Dorn's and Longstreet's divisions constituted the first corps under General Beauregard, and the other two divisions constituted the second corps under the temporary command of Major General G. W. Smith. About the same time, General Jackson, with the rank of Major General, was sent to the valley with his old brigade, and the 22nd of October an order was issued from the Adjutant General's office at Richmond, establishing the Department of Northern Virginia, composed of the Valley district, the Potomac district, and the Aquia district, under the command of General Johnston; the districts being assigned to the command of Major General Jafkson, GeneraMl Beauregard, and Major General Holmes, in the order in which they are named. Colonel Robert E. Rodes of the 5th Alabama Regiment had been made brigadier general and assigned to
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 8 (search)
ance as set forth in the programme. October 21 The enemy's papers represent that we have some 80,000 men in Kentucky, and this lulls us from vigilance and effort in Virginia. The Secretary of War knows very well that we have not 30,000 there, and that we are not likely to have more. We supposed Kentucky would rise. The enemy knows this fact as well as we do; nevertheless, it has been his practice from the beginning to exaggerate our numbers. It lulls us into fancied security. October 22 We have news of a victory at Leesburg. It appears that the head of one of the enemy's columns, 8000 strong, attempted a passage of the Potomac yesterday, at that point pursuant to the programme furnished by the lady from Washington. That point had been selected by the enemy because the spies had reported that there were only three Confederate regiments there. But crossing a river in boats in the face of a few Southern regiments, is no easy matter. And this being the People's War, al
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XIX. October, 1862 (search)
nment is uneasy about Richmond. They want a portion of Lee's army sent hither. But Lee responds, that although he is not advised of the condition of things on the south side of James River, yet, if he detaches a portion of his army, he may be too weak to encounter McClellan, if he should advance. I saw the Secretary again this morning; he wished me to turn over all the passport business to the military. I said I was glad to be rid of that business, and would never touch it again. October 22 Back at the department at work, but not much to do yet. The mails are not heavy. We have Bragg's report of the battle of Perryville. He beat the enemy from his positions, driving him back two miles, when night set in. But finding overwhelming masses accumulating around him, he withdrew in good order to Bryattsville. Thus Kentucky is given up for the present! McClellan has retired back into Maryland, hoping, I suppose, Lee will follow and fall into his ambuscade. The Presid
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 32 (search)
pman, who could not be found up to 3 P. M. By to-morrow Gen. W. may hear of Judge Campbell's remarks and agency, and a pretty kettle of fish they will have, if Judge C.'s record be brought to the notice of the Secretary! It is all wrong, and if the business be not better regulated or terminated, it will terminate the government. Gen. Lee's reputation as a great captain will be ruined, if the blockaderun-ners be allowed to continue to give information to the enemy of all his movements. October 22 Gen. Wheeler has taken 700 of the enemy's cavalry in East Tennessee, 6 cannon, 50 wagons, commissary stores, etc. Per contra, the steamer Venus, with bacon, from Nassau, got aground trying to enter the port of Wilmington, and ship and cargo were lost. There is a rumor that Gen. Taylor, transMis-sissippi, has captured Gen. Banks, his staff, and sixteen regiments. This, I fear, is not well authenticated. A poor woman yesterday applied to a merchant in Carey Street to purchase a barr
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 44 (search)
thin three days, as above prescribed, by the various officers of each of the above Bureaus, having men under their charge, and every assistance will be rendered by the latter to the enrolling officer to carry out the intention of this order. IV. So much of General Order No. 77 as relates to men employed in the two Bureaus named above is hereby suspended, and the foregoing Orders will stand in lieu of all requirements under the former. By order. S. Cooper, A. and I. General. October 22 Cloudy; rained last night. 2 P. M.-Cold, and prospects of snow. The news of Early's disaster, and loss of artillery at Strasburg, is confirmed, and casts a new vexation over the country. Mr. M. Byrd, Selma, Ala., is addressing some bold letters to the President on the blunders of the administration. Gen. Longstreet has resumed command of the first army corps. G. W. Custis Lee (son of the general) has been made a majorgeneral. There was no fighting below yesterday, t
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 33: the East Tennessee campaign. (search)
my would be up, when he would organize attack that must break through the line before I could return to him. His sardonic smile seemed to say that I knew little of his army or of himself in assuming such a possibility. So confident was he of his position that I ventured to ask that my column should be increased to twenty thousand infantry and artillery, but he intimated that further talk was out of order. General Grant had in the mean time joined the army and assumed command on the 22d of October, and it was known that General Sherman was marching to join him. On the 20th of October General Burnside reported by letter Rebellion Record, vol. XXXI. part i. p. 680. to General Grant an army of twenty-two thousand three hundred men, with ninety-odd guns, but his returns for November show a force of twenty-five thousand two hundred and ninety and over one hundred guns. Eight thousand of his men were on service north of Knoxville and about Cumberland Gap. To march, and captu
osed about him, and, by practically blockading Rosecrans's river communication, placed him in a state of siege. In a few weeks the limited supplies brought the Union army face to face with famine. It having become evident that Rosecrans was incapable of extricating it from its peril, he was relieved and the command given to Thomas, while the three western departments were consolidated under General Grant, and he was ordered personally to proceed to Chattanooga, which place he reached on October 22. Before his arrival, General W. F. Smith had devised and prepared an ingenious plan to regain control of river communication. Under the orders of Grant, Smith successfully executed it, and full rations soon restored vigor and confidence to the Union troops. The considerable reinforcements under Hooker and Sherman coming up, put the besieging enemy on the defensive, and active preparations were begun, which resulted in the famous battle and overwhelming Union victory of Chattanooga on
October 20. Two or three companies of the Forty-third Indiana regiment, stationed at Camp Vigo, in Terre Haute, under command of their colonel, proceeded quietly this evening to the office of the Journal and Democrat, and in a short time demolished every thing it contained. They then proceeded to several private houses, and served them in the same manner.--New York Times, October 22. This morning a heavy detachment from General Smith's division made a reconnoissance to Flint Hill, Va., which is about two miles and a half from Fairfax Court House, and from which there is a good view of the village. A strong picket was observed there, and indications that a large or reserve force was in the vicinity. The reconnoitring party consisted of portions of Mott's and Ayres' batteries, and companies from the Fifth (regular) and from Col. Friedman's regiment of cavalry. Generals McClellan, Porter, Smith, and Hancock accompanied the expedition.--National Intelligencer, October 21.
October 22. Flag-officer Craven, of the Potomac flotilla, arrived at Washington, and reported the Potomac River effectually closed, rebel batteries commanding it at every point below Alexandria. A letter from Richmond, of this date, says: Bad news from the forces under General Lee at Big Sewall Mountain. A gentleman of this city, occupying a high position in the Government, has just reached Richmond from General Lee's Headquarters. The enemy, under Rosecrans, was in full retreat toward the Ohio, but pursuit was impossible. The roads were in the most awful condition. Dead horses and mules that had perished in their tracks, broken wagons, and abandoned stores, lined the road to Lewisburg. There was no such thing as getting a team or wagon through uninjured. The road beyond Big Sewall was if any thing worse than on this side of it. To be sure, the difficulties were quite as great — perhaps even greater — for the Yankees, in their flight, as for our troops in pursuing them
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