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J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 8 (search)
, crowding their boats so much that several went to the bottom, carrying down hundreds. The result was that the head of the serpent received a tremendous bruising, and the whole body recoiled from the scene of disaster. We had only some 1500 men engaged, and yet captured 1600 muskets; and the enemy's loss, in killed, wounded, and prisoners, amounted to 2000 men. This battle was fought, in some respects, by the privates alone-much of the time without orders, and often without officers. October 23 The President is highly delighted at the result of the battle of Leesburg; and yet some of the red-tape West Point gentry are indignant at Gen. Evans for not obeying orders, and falling back. There is some talk of a court-martial; for it is maintained that no commander, according to strict military rules, should have offered battle against such superior numbers. They may disgrace Gen. Evans; but I trust our soldiers will repeat the experiment on every similar occasion. October 24
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XIX. October, 1862 (search)
rpus not being suspended, there was no remedy for the many evils the Provost Marshal portrayed. The President, however, did not wholly coincide in that opinion. He says: The introduction and sale of liquors must be prevented. Call upon the city authorities to withhold licenses, and to abate the evil in the courts, or else an order will be issued, such as the necessity requires. Judge Campbell, late of the United States Supreme Court, has been appointed Assistant Secretary of War. October 23 The Gov. of Florida calls for aid, or he thinks his State will fall. Albert Pike, writing from Texas, says if the Indian Territory be not attended to instantly, it will be lost. Per contra, we have a rumor that Lee is recrossing the Potomac into Maryland. October 24 Bragg is in full retreat, leaving Kentucky, and racing for Chattanooga — the point of interest now. But Beauregard, from whom was taken the command of the Western army, day before yesterday repulsed with slaugh
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 32 (search)
e of their gorgeous saloons is being sold at auction.-Some idea of the number of these establishments may be formed from an estimate (in the Examiner) of the cost of the entertainment prepared for visitors being not less than $10,000 daily. Their agents bought the best articles offered for sale in the markets, and never hesitated to pay the most exorbitant prices. I hope now the absence of such customers may have a good effect. But I fear the currency, so redundant, is past remedy. October 23 Gen. Lee has retired to the south side of the Rappahannock again, while Meade remains in the intrenchments at Centreville. Gen. Imboden occupies Winchester. From the West we have only newspaper reports, which'may not be true. October 24 To-day we have a cold northwest storm of wind and rain, and we have our first fire in the parlor. The elections in Ohio and Pennsylvania have gone for the Republican (War) candidates. We rely on ourselves, under God, for independence. It
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 44 (search)
om him work on the fortifications. This was done but a short time, when they were relieved; and Mr. McRae was permitted to return to the city, to learn whether the Federal prisoners were really required to perform the labor named. No restrictions were imposed on him, no parole required. He came with Gen. B.'s passport, but felt in honor bound to communicate no intelligence, and voluntarily returned to captivity. We had Federal prisoners at work, but they were remanded to prison. Sunday, October 23 Bright and frosty. From the United States papers we learn that a great victory is claimed over Gen. Early, with the capture of forty-three guns! It is also stated that a party of Copperheads (Democrats), who had taken refuge in Canada, have made a raid into Vermont, and robbed some of the banks of their specie. The fact that Mr. McRae, who, with Mr. Henley (local forces), fell into the hands of the enemy a few miles below the city, was permitted to return within our own