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et outside of the lines of the Lincoln army, to be composed of such members as are now elected and may attend, or new members to be chosen by the people. And whereas, we have reason to believe that the Governor is unable to convene the Legislature outside the lines of the Lincoln army; therefore, Resolved, That we recommend a Convention, to be chosen, elected, or appointed in any manner now possible by the people of the several counties of the State, to meet at Russellville on the 18th of November, and we recommend to them the passage of an ordinance severing forever our connection with the Federal Government, and to adopt such measures, either by the adoption of a provisional government or otherwise, as in their judgment will give full and ample protection to the citizens in their persons and property, and secure to them the blessings of constitutional government. Resolved, That we recommend to the people in every county where they have the power so to do, to organize at once
od, and the expense of the two lost vessels on a very moderate scale, it will be seen that battles are an expensive amusement, even for a great country. A few, a very few, items of the expense of the show would foot up something like this: Rent of vessels,$3,600,000 Pay of soldiers, etc.,630,000 Value of rations consumed,320,000 Value of clothing worn out,165,000 Value of powder burned,28,000 Value of the Governor and Peerless,160,000   Total,$4,903,000 --Cincinnati Gazette, Nov. 18. A rebel account. Savannah, Friday, Nov. 8, 4 P. M. The following particulars of the battle of Port Royal have been received here up to three o'clock P. M.: Capt. Turner, of the Berry Infantry, and other officers who were in the engagement, have arrived in the steamer Sampson, which brought a number of the wounded up to the city. The action took place on Thursday, between a portion of the enemy's fleet, consisting of fifteen vessels inside the entrance, and Fort Walker, bes
ough a costly and hazardous process. The case is a hard one all round; but to our mind, as the Yankees are hovering about our coasts on marauding expeditions, and as they will never pay for any thing they steal or ruin, it is best to inconvenience them as much as possible, by destroying all things they are bound to capture, rather than let them take, appropriate, and enjoy effects thus villanously obtained. By way of illustration: There are twelve or fourteen millions of coin in the vaults of the banks of New Orleans. Suppose, for the sake of argument, that New Orleans was bound to succumb before the over-whelming forces of the enemy. Would it not be the part of wisdom, policy and patriotism, to sink this twelve or fourteen millions of coin to the bottom of the Mississippi, rather than to allow it to go into the coffers of the Gorilla at Washington, to aid them in enslaving and robbing the people of Louisiana and the South? We pause for a reply. --New Orleans Crescent, Nov. 18.
Doc. 173. Government for North Carolina. The Provisional State Government for North Carolina was formally instituted on the 18th of November, by a Convention of delegates and proxies representing forty-five counties of the State. The following ordinances were unanimously adopted: By the People of the State of North Carolina, as represented in Convention at Hatteras, Monday, Nov. 18, 1861. Be it ordained by this Convention, and it is hereby ordained and published by the authority of district, on Thursday, the 28th day of November, 1861, and cast their ballots for a representative of the State in Congress. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the great seal of the State to be affixed, at Hatteras, this, the eighteenth day of November, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and sixty-one, and of the independence of the United States the eighty-sixth. Marble Nash Taylor. By the Governor, Alonzo J. Stow, Private Secretary. Hatteras, Nov. 18, 1861.
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 209. fight with the Patrick Henry (search)
Doc. 209. fight with the Patrick Henry Official report by her Commander. Confederate States steamer Patrick Henry, off Mulberry Island, James River, Va., Dec. 2, 1861. sir: Since the 18th of November the enemy have accumulated at Newport News several small gunboats and armed tugs. Learning that they were in the habit of sending several of these gunboats up the river at night, and withdrawing them in the morning, induced me to take the first favorable opportunity to surprise arid attack them. This morning being dark and suitable for the enterprise, I left our anchorage, off Mulberry Island, at four o'clock A. M., and proceeded cautiously down the river, all lights carefully concealed. I regret, however, to say, that I was disappointed in not finding the steamers as high up the river as I expected. At early daylight we discovered four steamers anchored in line, this side of the frigates, but in supporting distance of them, and the battery at Newport News. We rounded to
ge, of New Haven, on the 27th of October. She has landed here fourteen prisoners on their parole. Three of the Joseph Parke's men (all foreigners) joined the Sumter. I regret to give the government so long and unsatisfactory a letter, but must avail myself of the opportunity for St. Thomas, which offers to-morrow. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, James S. Palmer, Commander. To Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D. C. P. S.--November 18.--I feel more and more convinced that the Sumter will yet escape me, in spite of all our vigilance and zeal, even admitting that I can outsteam her, which is a question. To blockade such a bay as this, which is almost an open roadstead, fifteen miles in width, the surrounding land very high and the water very bold, obliged, as we are by the neutrality laws, to blockade at three miles' distance, it would require at least two more fast steamers, and a vessel of war of any description in