Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 19, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for November 18th or search for November 18th in all documents.

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Proceedings in the Courts. Major's Court, Tuesday, Nov. 18th. --Lizzie, slave of Dr. Ellison, arrested by Watchman Wasserman, was committed for going at large. William, slave of Talbott & Brother, charged with making a felonious assault on Henry Mayo, manager of a farm owned by the Talbotts, in Chesterfield, last Frindry articles of personal property from Joseph F. Radford, valued at $330, was sent on to be examined before a called Court next week. Hustings Court-- Tuesday, Nov. 18th.--Present: Hon. Wm. H. Lyons, Judge, and Littleton Tazewell, Esq., Commonwealth's Attorney. James Gannon, one of the parties indicted for robbing Capt As's Valley, several months since. The prisoner was found guilty of manslaughter at the present term and sentenced as above. Examining Court in Manchester, Nov. 18th.--William R. Goodman, of Capt. Mosby's company, from Powhatan county, Va., who accidentally shot and killed Thomas Forsee, of the same company, in the town of Ma
The enemy at Franklin — flag of truce, &c. Petersburg, November 18. --The enemy, supposed to number considerably over a brigade, appeared this morning at Franklin, on the Blackwater river, and attempted to cross under cover of shells. The Confederates resisted successfully for two hours, when the Abolitionists retired. We captured twelve or fourteen. Our less none, so far as heard from. The flag of truce boat has been signaled from City Point, but the train will not be up before 8 o'clock. Parties direct from Lower Brandon assert, positively, that there is no fleet in that vicinity, nor has there been any. No fleet in sight, up or down the river.
From the Southwest. Mobile. Nov. 18. --A special to the Advertiser and Register, dated Okolona, Miss., Nov. 17th, says a scout has just arrived in Saltillo from between Purdy and Corinth, who reports that he saw six hundred wagons passing from Corinth to Jackson, Tenn., loaded with stores. Five regiments of infantry and two of cavalry were guarding the train and driving beeves. The enemy have small forces at Bethel. Glendale, and Corinth. They told the citizens, as they were passing from that place to Jackson, that they were going to fallback to Jackson and Memphis. Fifteen to twenty armed slaves left from a point seven miles north of here this morning, making their way to the Abolitionists at Corinth. A body of cavalry have started in pursuit.
The Methodist Conference. Petersburg, Nov. 18. --The Methodist Conference will meet to morrow at the Washington street Church, in this place. A large number of ministers are already here. Bishop Early will preside.
Election of a C. S. Senator. Milledgeville, Ga. Nov. 18. --Herschel V. Johnson was elected Confederate Senator to day.