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Northern markets--(by Telegraph.) Baltimore,Nov. 20th.--Flour 12@25 cents lower — Howard Street and Ohio $4 75, closing heavy. Wheat dull and heavy — white Wheat very dull and 10 cents lower; red $1.05@$1.15; white $1 20@$1.45. Corn dull — white 60; yellow 65 Provisions dull — Mess Pork $19--declined 50 cents. Coffee half a cent lower, at 14@14½. Whiskey dull at 20¼. New York,Nov. 20.--Stocks to-day variable, and closed lower. New York Centrals 2 ¾ Va. 6's 72, Government 5's 95. CNov. 20.--Stocks to-day variable, and closed lower. New York Centrals 2 ¾ Va. 6's 72, Government 5's 95. Cotton irregular and unquotable. Flour heavy; Southern $5 20@$5 20. Wheat heavy; Western white $1 20@$1.40. corn lower; mixed 64@6. Pork declined; mess 1616 50@$16.75, prime $10.75@$11. Laid heavy at 12@12½. Whiskey 18¾@19. Sugar lower, at 5½;@6-- Turpentine dull at 37@39 Rosin lower; $1.35 per bbl. Rice dull. Sales in New York, Nov, 19. of $5,000 N. C.'s at 76: $27,000 Tenn. 6's at 74@74½, and $38 000 M
New movement in Georgia. Augusta, Ga.,Nov. 20.--The largest meeting ever held in Greene county took place on Friday last. The most influential men participated. The meeting adopted resolutions, almost unanimously, of a conservative character, and urged the call of a State Convention for all parties, to calmly consider the threatened destruction of the National Union, and appealing to the people of the Union to discard from their councils all agitating politicians and political demagogues of all sections, and rally to the imperilled government. The resolutions say that the politicians, instead of allaying the excitement, have stirred it up; instead of repressing mutual distrust and dislike, have promoted it; instead of removing causes of dispute, have created them. For the sake of power and office, both sections have pandered to the passions and prejudices of the people at home, keeping each section ignorant of the patriotic, conservative, and catholic feeling of the other
Apprehended Troubles in Kansas. Washington,Nov. 20.--Rumors from Kansas say that there are large bodies of armed pro-slavery men and Free-Spoilers assembled in the Southern part of the State, near Fort Scott, and bloody doings are shortly expected. A serious outbreak is anticipated about the time of the land sales at Leavenworth, if not sooner.
New York Bank affairs. New York,Nov. 20.--About $700,000 sterling bills were taken to-day by the Bank Committee, who hold sessions daily until two and a half millions are taken. The regular drawn notes to-day are 104 to 106. The Banks have discounted heavily to-day; but paper outside still nearly unsalable.
Secession meeting in North Carolina. Wilmington,N. C.,Nov. 20.--A public meeting was held here last night. Strong secession resolutions were unanimously adopted. Several counties have called meetings on the same subject. A corps of minute men is rapidly forming. There is but one party in this section now.
The Daily Dispatch: November 21, 1860., [Electronic resource], The interview between Victor Emanuel and Garibaldi. (search)
Later from Mexico. New Orleans,Nov. 20.--Intelligence from Vera Cruz to the 5th inst. has been received. Miramon had resigned the Presidency and been succeeded by Robles. The Reactionists had evacuated Puebla, Great alarm existed at the capital.
The Daily Dispatch: November 21, 1860., [Electronic resource], Business Management of French Newspapers. (search)
From Havana. New Orleans,Nov. 20.--The Star of the West, with Havana dates to the 16th, has arrived. Sugar was quiet at 9½ reals, and stock rapidly becoming reduced. Sterling exchange was held at 13½ premium; Exchange on New York ½ per cent, premium
The Daily Dispatch: November 21, 1860., [Electronic resource], An Amiable partnership, and equally Amiable dissolution. (search)
Negro suffrage. New York,Nov. 20.--Nearly full returns of the vote of New York show a majority against negro suffrage, of about one hundred and twelve thousand.
Position of Louisiana. New Orleans,Nov. 20.--Gov. Moore will call an extra session of the Legislature, on the 10th of December.