Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 29, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for December 28th or search for December 28th in all documents.

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Captain Semmes. Washington, December 28. --Captain Semmes is expected to arrive here to-night from New York. He will be confined at the navy-yard.
New York markets. New York, December 28. --Flour has advanced 5; Southern, $9.10@$15.25. Wheat firm. Corn declined 1 Beef quiet. Pork steady. Lard firm. Whisky dull. Cotton advanced 1 Naval stores dull. Gold, 145½.
Baltimore markets. Baltimore, December 28. --Flour dull.--Wheat scarce and firm. Corn quiet. Oats dull at 50 Seeds and provisions inactive. Whisky heavy at, $2.28@$2.29. Sugars dull and heavy.
Important trial. Baltimore, December 28. --Judge the United States District Court cide this morning the important baby case of Ralph Abercrombie, held by Wolley, charged with being a spy ing to the enemy, also with giving before a Confederate court- martial Richmond, on which testimony Captain the United States army, was wrong victed and executed. Judge Giles favor of the military authority, its custody Abercrombie for military he belonged to the United States military vice. Abercrombie will now soon court-martial. He was a Lieutenant old United States army. The court-martial of which General is president, and Colonel Bingha advocate, has adjourned sine die, ha posed of the important forgery trial Thomas Murphy. A new cour will probably be formed soon to try .
The Governor elect of North Carolina Assumes the duties of his Office. Raleigh, December 28. --Jonathan Worth, the Governor elect, took charge of the Executive office to-day, relieving the Provisional Governor, W. W. Holden. Governor Worth has telegraphed to Secretary Seward that he has assumed the duties of his office.
The Mayor and Corporation counsel take the oath of Office — a prize fight Nipped in the Bud. New York. December 28. --The Mayor elect, Mr. Hoffman, and the Corporation Counsel, Mr. Gorman, took the oath of office yesterday. A contemplated prize fight at Fashion Race Course, this morning, was prevented by the police, who arrested one of the parties.
Personal. Fortress Monroe, December 28. --Mrs. Clement C. Clay arrived from Washington to-day for the purpose of visiting her husband.
Captain Semmes. Washington, December 28. --Captain Semmes is expected to arrive here to-night from New York. He will be confined at the navy-yard.
New York markets. New York, December 28. --Flour has advanced 5, Southern, $9.10@15.25. Wheat firm. Corn declined 1 Beef quiet. Pork steady. Lard firm. Whisky dull. Cotton advanced 1 Naval stores dull. Gold, 145½
Baltimore markets. Baltimore, December 28. --Flour dull.--Wheat scarce and firm. Corn quiet. Oats dull at 50 Seeds and provisions inactive. Whisky heavy at $2.28@$2.29. Sugars dull and heavy.