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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 17 17 Browse Search
Appian, The Foreign Wars (ed. Horace White) 2 2 Browse Search
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Appian, Wars in Spain (ed. Horace White), CHAPTER XI (search)
illed many of his men, after which he wintered at Corduba.The text of sec. 65 concludes with words which are repeated near the end of sec. 68, viz.: "having already been two years in the command. Having performed these labors, Æmilianus returned to Rome and was succeeded in the command by Quintus Pompeius Aulus." Schweighäuser considered the text corrupt in both places and cast it out altogether from sec. 65. Y.R. 611 Now Viriathus, being not so confident as before, detached B.C. 143 the Arevaci, Titthi, and Belli, very warlike peoples, from their allegiance to the Romans, and these began to wage another war on their own account which was long and tedious to the Romans, and which was called the Numantine war from one of their cities. I shall give an account of this after finishing the war with Viriathus. The latter coming to an engagement in another part of Spain with Quintus, another Roman general, and being worsted, returned to the Venus mountain. From this he sallied a
Appian, Wars in Spain (ed. Horace White), CHAPTER XIII (search)
CHAPTER XIII The Numantine War -- Pompeius Aulus lays Siege to Numantia -- Makes a Treaty with the Numantines -- The Senate repudiates it -- Mancinus makes a Fresh Treaty -- Æmilius Lepidus makes War Contrary to Orders of the Senate -- The Senate repudiates the Treaty of Mancinus Y.R. 611 Our history returns to the war against the Arevaci B.C. 143 and the Numantines, whom Viriathus stirred up to revolt. Cæcilius Metellus was sent against them from Rome with a larger army and he subdued the Arevaci, falling upon them suddenly while they were gathering their crops. There still remained the two towns of Termantia and Numantia to engage his attention. Numantia was difficult of access by reason of two rivers and the ravines and dense woods that surrounded it. There was only one road to the open country and that had been blocked by ditches and palisades. The Numantines were first-rate soldiers, both horse and foot, there being about 8000 altogether. Although small i