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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 6 6 Browse Search
Appian, The Foreign Wars (ed. Horace White) 1 1 Browse Search
Polybius, Histories 1 1 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 1 1 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 1 1 Browse Search
M. Tullius Cicero, De Officiis: index (ed. Walter Miller) 1 1 Browse Search
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Appian, Illyrian Wars (ed. Horace White), CHAPTER II (search)
ey were slow in obeying, Fulvius Flaccus marched against them. This war resulted in an excursion only, for I cannot find any definite end to it. Y.R. 625 Sempronius Tuditanus and Tiberius Pandusa waged war B.C. 129 with the Iapydes, who live among the Alps, and seem to Y.R. 635 have subjugated them, as Lucius Cotta and Metellus seem B.C. 119 to have subjugated the Segestani; but both tribes revolted not long afterward. Y.R. 598 The Dalmatians, another Illyrian tribe, made an B.C. 156 attack on the Illyrian subjects of Rome, and when ambassadors were sent to them to remonstrate they were not received. The Romans accordingly sent an army against them, with Marcius Figulus as consul and commander. While Figulus was laying out his camp the Dalmatians over-powered the guard, defeated him, and drove him out of the camp in headlong flight to the plain as far as the river Naro. As the Dalmatians were returning home (for winter was now approaching), Figulus hoped to fall upon them
Polybius, Histories, book 32, The Senate Receives Ambassadors from Epirus (search)
The Senate Receives Ambassadors from Epirus Ambassadors having arrived from Epirus about this B. C. 156. Coss. L. Cornelius Lentulus, C. Marcius Figulus II. time, sent both from those who were in actual possession of Phoenice and from those who had been banished from it; and both parties having made their statement in presence of each other, the Senate answered that they would give instructions on this point to the commissioners that were about to be sent into Illyria with Gaius Marcius the Consul.C. Marcius consul adversus Dalmatas parum prospere primum, postea feliciter pugnavit. The war was continued in the next year (B.C. 155), and the Dalmatians subdued for the time by the consul P. Cornelius Scipio Nasica. Livy, Ep. 47. . . .
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, PONS AEMILIUS (search)
uilt arches (fornices) on these piers. This statement is now generally believed to refer to the pons Aemilius, and Plutarch's attribution of the building of the bridge to a quaestor, Aemilius, is interpreted as a mistake or on the hypothesis that the fornices of 142 were of wood and that the stone arches were laid by a later Aemilius in his quaestorship. That the upper part of the bridge was of wood, until 142 at least, is certain, and therefore a statement in Obsequens (16) under date of 156 B.C., pontis maximi tectum cum columnis in Tiberim deiectum, is cited as evidence that pons maximus was then a name in common use, although Mommsen's conjecture pontificis may be correct. In the fourteenth century an arch was standing in the forum Boarium in front of the Ponte Rotto described as arcus marmoreus in platea pontis S. Mariae (Anon. Magl. 155), on which was an inscription (CIL vi. 878) referring to a restoration by Augustus after 12 B.C. It is possible that this restoration may ha
Androni'cus (*)Andro/nikos), ambassador of ATTALUS, sent to Rome in B. C. 156, to inform the senate that Prusias had attacked the territories of Attalus. (Plb. 32.26.) Andronicus was again sent to Rome in B. C. 149, and assisted Nicomedes in conspiring against his father Prusias. (Appian, Aithr. 4, &c
Appuleius 2. L. Appuleius, one of the Roman ambassadors sent in B. C. 156 to examine into the state of affairs between Attalus and Prusias. (Plb. 32.26.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Fi'gulus, Ma'rcius 1. C. Marcius Figulus, C. F. Q. N., consul in B. C. 162. During the comitia for his election the leader of the centuria praerogativa died, and the haruspices declared the election void. Tib. Sempronius Gracchus, however, the consul who presided at the comitia, maintained their validity, and Figulus departed to his province, Cisalpine Gaul. But afterwards Gracchus wrote to the senate that he had himself committed an error in taking the auspices, and Figulusresigned the consulship. (Cic. de Nat. Deor. 2.4, de Divin. 2.35, ad Q. Frat. 2.2; V. Max. 1.1.3; Plut. Marc. 5; Jul. Obseq. 74; Fast. Cap.) Figulus was again consul in B. C. 156. His province was the war with the Dalmatae in Illyricum. At first he allowed his camp to be forced by the Dalmatae, but afterwards, in a winter campaign, he successively took their smaller towns, and finally their capital, Delminium. (Plb. 32.24; Appian, App. Ill. 11; Liv. Epit. xlvii.; Florus, 4.12.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Lupus, Corne'lius Lentulus consul in B. C. 156. [LENTULUS, No. 13.]
Petro'nius 2. C. Petronius, sent as legate with L. Appuleius, in B. C. 156, to examine into the state of affairs between Attalus and Prusias. (Plb. 32.26.)
adulation. By this meanness he disarmed the resentment of the Romans, and obtained a renewal of the league between him and the republic, accompanied even with an extension of territory. (Plb. 30.16 ; Liv. 45.44; Diod. xxxi. Exc. Vat. p. 83, Exc. Legat. p. 565; Appian. Mithr. 2; Eutrop. 4.8 ; Zonar. 9.24.) From this time we find Prusias repeatedly sending embassies to Rome to prefer complaints against Eumenes, which, however, led to no results (Plb. 31.6, 9, 32.3, 5), until, at length, in B. C. 156, after the death of Eumenes, the disputes between his successor Attalus and the Bithynian king broke out into open hostilities. In these Prusias was at first successful, defeated Attalus in a great battle, and compelled him to take refuge in Pergamus, to which he laid siege, but without effect. Meanwhile, Attalus had sent to Rome to complain of the aggression of the Bithynian king, and an embassy was sent by the senate, to order Prusias to desist: but he treated this command with contempt,
h soon require her care. When, in a few weeks, they are able to go abroad themselves, they help extend the quarters, and a new terrace is constructed, supported by stems from that above. The community of paper-makers may amount to 30,000 in a single season, according to Reaumur. The Chinese, at the time of Kung-fu-tze (about 600 B. C.), wrote with a style upon the liber of trees, as their records state. Paper was used, perhaps invented, in that country in the reign of Wan-te, 179 — 156 B. C. That made previous to the Christian era is supposed to have been of silk. Engrossing on cloth and silken stuffs had been practiced for many centuries previously. The Chinese silk paper is stated by Martini to have been invented in China about 120 B. C., and to have found its way into Persia and Arabia about A. D. 620. The bark-paper of China is made in the following manner : The small branches of a species of tree resembling the mulberry (Broussonesia) are boiled in lye to loosen the
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