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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 13 13 Browse Search
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Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.) 1 1 Browse Search
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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
of Augustus by his third wife, Scribonia. (B. C. 21.) In B. C. 19, Agrippa went into Gaul. He pacified the turbulent natives, and constructed four great public roads and a splendid aqueduct at Nemausus (Nîmes). From thence he proceeded to Spain and subdued the Cantabrians after a short but bloody and obstinate struggle; but, in accordance with his usual prudence, he neither announced his victories in pompous letters to the senate, nor did he accept a triumph which Augustus offered him. In B. C. 18, he was invested with the tribunician power for five years together with Augustus; and in the following year (B. C. 17), his two sons, Caius and Lucius, were adopted by Augustus. At the close of the year, he accepted an invitation of Herod the Great, and went to Jerusalem. He founded the military colony of Berytus (Beyrut), thence he proceeded in B. C. 16 to the Pontus Euxinus, and compelled the Bosporani to accept Polemo for their king and to restore the Roman eagles which had been taken b
ppeared before him, with presents from their king, Pandion, to confirm the friendship which had been sought on a former occasion. In the autumn of B. C. 19, he returned to Rome, where new honours and distinctions were conferred upon him. His vanity was so much gratified at these bloodless victories which he had obtained in Syria and Samos, that he struck medals to commemorate them, and afterwards dedicated the standards which he had received from Phraates in the new temple of Mars Ultor. In B. C. 18, the imperium of Augustus was prolonged for five years, and about the same time he increased the number of senators to 600. The wars in Armenia, in the Alps, and on the Lower Rhine, were conducted by his generals with varying success. In B. C. 16 the Romans suffered a defeat on the Lower Rhine by some German tribes; and Augustus, who thought the danger greater than it really was, went himself to Gaul, and spent two years there, to regulate the government of that province, and to make the ne
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Gallus, Cani'nius 2. L. Caninius Gallus, L. F., a son of No. 1, was consul in B. C. 37 with M. Agrippa. He is mentioned in the coin annexed, which belongs to B. C. 18 as a triumvir monetalis. The obverse represents the head of Augustus, and the reverse a Parthian kneeling, presenting a standard, with L. CANINIVS GALLVS IIIVIR. (Fasti; Dio Cass. Index, lib. 48, and 48.49; Borghesi, in the Giornale Arcadico, vol. xxvi, p. 66, &c.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), or Hero'd the Great or Hero'des Magnus (search)
many others not subject to his rule, with theatres, porticoes, and other splendid edifices. On his voyage to join Agrippa in Greece, he gave large sums of money to the cities of Mytilene and Chios for the repair of their public buildings; and in B. C. 18, having touched in Greece, on his way to Rome, he not only presided in person at the Olympic games, but gave such large sums towards the revival of that solemnity, that he was honoured with the title of its perpetual president. (J. AJ 16.2.2, B.as derived,--a question which we have unfortunately no means of answering. A lively abridgment of his picturesque narrative will be found in Milman's History of the Jews, vol. ii. book xi. A very brief outline is all that can be here given. In B. C. 18, Herod paid a visit to Rome in person, where he was received with the utmost distinction by Augustus. When he returned to Judaea, he took with him Alexander and Aristobulus, his two sons by the unfortunate Mariamne, whom he had previously sent t
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
containing a bequest to his wife Neratia. The rugged republicanism of Labeo (libertas quaedam nimia atque vecors) was not pleasing to Augustus, and it has been supposed by many that the Labcone insanior of Horace (Sat. 1.3. 80) was a stroke levelled against the jurist, in order to please the emperor; though Wieland has suggested that, at the time when Horace wrote his first book of Satires, Labeo the jurist was probably too young and undistinguished to provoke such sarcasm. In the year B. C. 18 Labeo was one of those who were appointed by Augustus to nominate senators, and, in the exercise of his power, he nominated M. Lepidus, who was disliked by the emperor. On being threatened with punishment by Augustus, for selecting an unfit person, he answered, " Each of us has a right to exercise his own discretion, and what harm have I done in admitting into the senate one whom you allow to be pontiff?" The answer was clever, and not unacceptable to the emperor, who wished to be pontiff
Lentulus 36. Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, L. F., consul B. C. 18, with P. Lentulus Marcellinus. (D. C. 54.12.)
en of as Augustus, a title not conferred until the year B. C. 27; but this will only prove that the passage could not have been published before that date, since, although written previously, the honorary epithet might have been inserted here and elsewhere at any time before publication. Again, we gather from the epitome that bk. lix. contained a reference to the law of Augustus, De Maritandis Ordinibus, from which it has been concluded that the book in question must have been written after B. C. 18; but this is by no means certain, since it can be proved that a legislative enactment upon this subject was proposed as early as B. C. 28. Since, however, the obsequies of Drusus were commemorated in bk. cxlii. it is evident, at the very lowest computation, that the task have been spread over seventeen years, and probably occupied a much longer time. We must not omit to notice that Niebuhr takes a very different view of this matter. He is confident that Livy did not begin his labours until
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Marcellus Clau'dius 24. P. Cornelius Lentulus Marcellinus, P. F., consul in B. C. 18. (D. C. 54.12, and Arg. liv.) Supposed to be a son of the preceding, but he may have been a grandson of No. 21. It is probable that the coin above described (p. 931,b.) was struck by him rather than by No. 21, to whom it has been generally ascribed. (Riccio, Monete Consolari, p. 52.) The following Marcelli are also mentioned in history, of whose relation to either of the above families nothing is known.
Marobo'duus Marbod, afterwards king of the Marcomanni, or men of the Mark (maerc) or border, or, according to another etymology, the Marsh land, was by birth a Suevian. He was born about B. C. 18, of a noble family in his tribe, and was sent in his boyhood with other hostages to Rome, where he attracted the notice of Augustus, and received a liberal education. Maroboduus seems early to have discerned the relative position of his countrymen and the Romans. The Germans were brave, numerous and enterprising, but weakened by internal feuds, and impatient of government and discipline. Before they could effectually resist or assail the Roman empire they needed the restraints of laws and of fixed property in land. At what time Maroboduus returned to his own country is uncertain, but probably soon after he attained manhood, since he died at the age of 53, the last eighteen years of his life were spent in exile, and his kingdom, when it awakened the jealousy of Rome, was the work of long and s
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Marsus, Domptius a Roman poet of the Augustan age, of whose life no particulars have come down to us. We may, however, conclude from his surname, Marsus, that he or his ancestors belonged to the Marsian nation, and were adopted bv the noble house of the Domitii. He survived Tibullus, who died B. C. 18, and on whom he wrote a beautiful epitaph, which is still extant : his works were therefore probably written about the same time that Horace was in his greatest glory, although he is not mentioned by the latter poet. The year in which Marsus died is uncertain : whether he was alive at the time of Ovid's banishment (A. D. 9) we do not know, but he appears to have been dead when Ovid wrote his elegies in exile. (Ex Pont. 4.16.) Works Poems Marsus wrote poems of various kinds, but his epigrams were the most celebrated of his productions. Hence he is frequently mentioned by Martial, who speaks of him in terms of the highest admiration, and from whose incidental notices we learn that the