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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 7 7 Browse Search
Polybius, Histories 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 21-22 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 26-27 (ed. Frank Gardner Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 31-34 (ed. Evan T. Sage, Ph.D. Professor of Latin and Head of the Department of Classics in the University of Pittsburgh) 1 1 Browse Search
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Polybius, Histories, book 2, The Treatment of Mantinea (search)
The Treatment of Mantinea Now the people of Mantinea had in the first instance B. C. 227. abandoned the league, and voluntarily submitted, first to the Aetolians, and afterwards to Cleomenes. Being therefore, in accordance with this policy, members of the Lacedaemonian community, in the fourth year before the coming of Antigonus, their city was forcibly taken possession of by the Achaeans owing to the skilful plotting of Aratus. But on that occasion, so far from being subjected to any severity for their act of treason, it became a matter of general remark how promptly the feelings of the conquerors and the conquered underwent a revolution. As soon as he had got possession of the town, Aratus issued orders to his own men that no one was to lay a finger on anything that did not belong to him; and then, having summoned the Mantineans to a meeting, he bade them be of good cheer, and stay in their own houses; for that, as long as they remained members of the league, their safety was secur
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 22 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.), chapter 25 (search)
Scipio, who after the Trebia took refuge with his beaten army behind the walls of Placentia and Cremona. In 205 B.C., Fabius's distrust of the Scipios was to take the form of bitter opposition to the son's project for invading Africa (XXVIII. xl.-xliii. and xxIx. xix.). was more glorious than to have slain many thousands of the enemy. After making several speeches to this purport, yet without effect, and presiding over the election of Marcus Atilius RegulusHe had been consul before, in 227 B.C. to the consulship, that he might not take a personal part in the dispute about the command, on the day preceding the bringing forward of the resolution he left by night for the army. When at break of day the plebs assembled in their council, though at heart they were inclined to dislike the dictator and to favour the master of the horse, yet they wanted sufficient courage to come forward and advocate a course which most of them approved, so that the motion, despite its exceeding popular
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 26 (ed. Frank Gardner Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University), chapter 8 (search)
ictor at Cannae, had not ventured to go to the city, on being beaten back from Capua should have conceived the hope of capturing the city of Rome! it was not to besiege Rome that he was onB.C. 211 the march, but to raise the siege of Capua. as for Rome, Jupiter, witness of the treaties broken by Hannibal, and the other gods would defend her with the aid of the army stationed at the city. these conflicting motions were defeated by the compromise of Publius Valerius Flaccus,Consul 227 B.C.; ambassador to Hannibal at Saguntum, and to Carthage 218 B.C.; XXI. vi. 8. who, mindful of both situations, proposed that they write to the generals at Capua, informing them what forces there were to defend the city; on the other hand, what forces Hannibal was taking with him or how large an army was needed for the siege of Capua they themselves knew. if one of the two generals and a part of the army could be sent to Rome, provided Capua should be duly besieged by the general and army
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 31 (ed. Evan T. Sage, Ph.D. Professor of Latin and Head of the Department of Classics in the University of Pittsburgh), chapter 6 (search)
s his province, and he submitted to the popular assembly the question whether they wished and ordered that war be declared upon King Philip and the Macedonians over whom he ruled, on account of the injuries he had inflicted and the war he had made on the allies of the Roman people. To the other consul, Aurelius, the province of Italy was assigned. Next the praetorsThe praetorship had been established in 366 B.C.; a second praetor was added in 242 B.C. (Per. XIX), and two more in 227 B.C. (XXII. xxxv. 5). One of them, the praetor urbanus (see note to iv. 1 above), tried cases in which only Roman citizens were involved; a second was frequently assigned to to preside over cases between citizens and aliens (praetor peregrinus); the rest were given the less important territorial provinces. received theirB.C. 200 assignments, Gaius Sergius Plautus the praetorship of the city, Quintus Fulvius Gillo the governorship of Sicily, while Bruttium fell to Quintus Minucius Rufus and Gaul
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Anti'ochus Hierax (*)Anti/oxos *(Ie/rac), so called from his grasping and ambitious character, was the younger son of Antiochus II., king of Syria. On the death of his father in B. C. 246, Antiochus waged war upon his brother Seleucus Callinicus, in order to obtain Asia Minor for himself as an independent kingdom. This war lasted for many years, but Antiochus was at length entirely defeated, chiefly through the efforts of Attalus, king of Pergamus, who drove him out of Asia Minor. Antiochus subsequently fled to Egypt, where he was killed by robbers in B. C. 227. He married a daughter of Zielas, king of Bithynia. (Just. 27.2, 3; Polyaen. 4.17; Plut. Mor. p. 489a.; Euseb. Chron. Arm. pp. 346, 347 ; Clinton, F. H. iii. pp. 311, 312, 413.) Apollo is represented on the reverse of the annexed coin. (Eckhel, iii. p. 219.)
b. 2.59.) After the death of Demetrius, B. C. 229, he resigned his power, as Lydiades had done before, and several others did now, for the influence of Macedonia in Peloponnesus had nearly ceased, and the Aetolians were allied with the Achaeans. Aristomachus had been persuaded to this step by Aratus, who gave him fifty talents that he might be able to pay off and dismiss his mercenaries. Argos now joined the Achaean league, and Aristomachus was chosen strategus of the Achaeans for the year B. C. 227. (Plut. Arat. 35; Plb. 2.44; Paus. 2.8.5 ; Plut. Cleom. 4.) In this capacity he undertook the command in the war against Cleomenes of Sparta, but he seems to have been checked by the jealousy of Aratus, in consequence of which he afterwards deserted the cause of the Achaeans and went over to Cleomenes, who with his assistance took possession of Argos. Aristomachus now again assumed the tyranny at Argos. Aratus tried in vain to recover that city for the Achaean league, and the consequence o
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Flaccus, Vale'rius 3. P. Valerius Flaccus, L. F. M. N., son of No. 2, was consul in B. C. 227, the year in which the number of praetors was raised to four. (Gel. 4.3; Liv. Epit. 20.)
ibuneship of Flaminius and his agrarian law belong to the consulship of Sp. Carvilius and Q. Fabius Maximus, i.e. B. C. 228, or four years later than the time stated by Polybius. (2.21.) But Cicero's statement is improbable, for we know that in B. C. 227 C. Flaminius was praetor; and the aristocratic party, which he had irreconcilably offended by his agrarian law, would surely never have suffered him to be elected praetor the very year after his tribuneship. Cicero therefore is either mistaken,t him, if he continued agitating the people; but lie persevered. On one occasions, however, while he was haranguing the people, his father called him from the rostra, begging him to desist, and the son yielded to his father. (V. Max. 5.4.5.) In B. C. 227, the year in which, for the first time, four praetors were appointed, C. Flaminius was one of them, and received Sicily for his province. He performed the duties of his administration to the greatest satisfaction of the provincials; and upwards
ter, was elected strategus a second and third time, holding that important office alternately with Aratus. The most bitter enmity had by this time arisen between the two ; each strove to undermine the other in the popular estimation; but though Lydiades was unable to shake the long-established credit of Aratus, lie himself maintained his ground, notwithstanding the insidious attacks of his rival, and the suspicion that naturally attached to one who had formerly borne the name of tyrant. In B. C. 227 the conduct of Aratus, in avoiding a battle with Cleomenes at Pallantium, gave Lydiades fresh cause to renew his attacks, but they were again unsuccessful, and he was unable to prevent the appointment of Aratus for the twelfth time to the office of strategus, B. C. 226. His enmity did not, however, prevent him from taking the field under the command of his rival: the two armies under Aratus and Cleomenes met at a short distance from Megalopolis, and though Aratus would not consent to bring
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Re'gulus, Ati'lius 5. M. Atilius Regulus, M. F. M. N., son of the Regulus who perished in Africa [No. 3], was consul for the first time in B. C. 227, with P. Valerius Flaccus, in which year no event of importance is recorded (Fasti; Gel. 4.3). He was elected consul a second time in B. C. 217, to supply the place of C. Flaminius, who had fallen in the battle of the Trasimene lake. He carried on the war against Hannibal together with his colleague Servilius Geminus, on the principles of the dictator Fabius. At the end of their year of office their imperium was prolonged, as the new consuls had not yet been elected; but when Aemilius Paulus and Terentius Varro were at length appointed, and took the field, Regulus was allowed to return to Rome on account of his age, and his colleague Servilius remained with the army (Liv. 22.25, 32, 34, 40). Polybius, on the contrary, says (3.114, 116) that Regulus remained with the new consuls, and fell at the battle of Cannae, where he commanded, with