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Polybius, Histories 1 1 Browse Search
Boethius, Consolatio Philosophiae 1 1 Browse Search
M. Tullius Cicero, De Officiis: index (ed. Walter Miller) 1 1 Browse Search
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Polybius, Histories, book 1, The First Punic War; Plan of the First Two Books (search)
The First Punic War; Plan of the First Two Books It is time to have done with these explanations, and Subjects of the two first books of the Histories. 1. War in Sicily or first Punic war, B. C. 264-241. 2. The Mercenary or "inexpiable" war, B. C. 240-237. 3. Carthaginian movements in Spain, B. C. 241-218. 4. Illyrian war, B.C. 229-228. 5. Gallic war, B. C. 225-221. 6. Cleomenic war, B. C. 227-221. to come to my subject, after a brief and summary statement of the events of which my introductory books are to treat. Of these the first in order of time are those which befell the Romans and Carthaginians in their war for the possession of Sicily. Next comes the Libyan or Mercenary war; immediately following on which are the Carthaginian achievements in Spain, first under Hamilcar, and then under Hasdrubal. In the course of these events, again, occurred the first expedition of the Romans into Illyria and the Greek side of Europe; and, besides that, their struggles within Italy with the C
Boethius, Consolatio Philosophiae, Book Two , Prosa 6: (search)
possit . . . possit: Bear in mind that possum has the same root as potentia and potestas . sustinere: here, "suffer." Busiridem: < Busiris , king of Egypt; his story was told in Herodotus 2.45 and often elsewhere. solitum: < soleo , "be accustomed"; since soleo is semi-deponent, the perfect participle is active in meaning. Regulus: Roman hero of the first Punic war (264-241 B.C.); captured by the Carthaginians, he was released to report (ignominious) peace terms back to Rome, under oath to return if his mission failed. At Rome, he argued eloquently against the proposed treaty and when it was rejected returned honorably to Carthage, where he was put to (gruesome) death. plures: literally "more," but here there is no comparative force: "many." victorum: < victor . potest: sc. facer
M. Tullius Cicero, De Officiis: index (ed. Walter Miller), Carthage (search)
Carthage once a mighty city, on the north central coast of Africa, 3.99, 100. the most formidable commercial and military rival of Rome; conquered by Rome in the First Punic War (264-241), 1.39. Second Punic War (219-202), 1.40; 3.47. destroyed in the Third (149-146), 1.35; 2.76.