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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 21 21 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 4 4 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.) 3 3 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), History of Rome, books 1-10 (ed. Rev. Canon Roberts) 2 2 Browse Search
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.) 2 2 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 8-10 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.) 1 1 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 1: The Opening Battles. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 1 1 Browse Search
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Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XVII, Chapter 87 (search)
he other P. Cornelius Scapula or P. Cornelius Scipio Barbatus. No Postumius is otherwise attested at this time. According to the calculations of M. J. Fontana, Kokalos, 2 (1956), 42 f., the battle with Porus took place about July 326 B.C., as Diodorus dates it, while Arrian. 5.19.3 places the battle a little earlier, in the Attic month Munichion of the year of Hegemon (April/May of 326 B.C.). He states, however, that the time was after the summer solstice (A326 B.C.). He states, however, that the time was after the summer solstice (Arrian. 5.9.4). In this year Alexander repaired his army in the land of Taxiles and then marched against Porus, the king of the neighbouring Indians.For the whole story cp. Curtius 8.13-14; Justin 12.8.1-7; Plut. Alexander 60; Arrian. 5.3.5-19.3. Diodorus (like Justin) omits the exciting story of Alexander's crossing the Hydaspes River. He had more than fifty thousand infantry, about three thousand cavalry, more than a thousand chariots of war, and one hundred a
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XVII, Chapter 96 (search)
He himself embarked with his Friends, and sailed down the river toward the southern Ocean.It was now the autumn of 326 B.C. (Strabo 15.1.17: "a few days before the setting of the Pleiades"). The bulk of his army marched along the bank of the river, under the command of Craterus and Hephaestion.Craterus was on the right bank, Hephaestion on the left (Arrian. 6.2.2).When they came to the junction of the Acesines and the Hydaspes,Cp. 95.3, note, for the river names. he disembarked his soldiers and led them against the people called Sibians. They say that these are the descendants of the soldiers who came with Heracles to the rock of Aornus and were unsuccessful in its siege,Cp. chap. 85 above. For the story, which is lacking in Arrian, cp. Curtius 9.4.1-3; Justin 12.9.2. and then were settled in this spot by him. Alexander encamped beside a very fine city, and the leading notables of the citizens came out to see him. They
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XVII, Chapter 113 (search)
324/3 B.C.When Agesias was archon at Athens, the Romans installed as consuls Gaius Publius and Papirius, and the one hundred and fourteenth celebration of the Olympic Games took place, in which Micinas of Rhodes won the foot race.Hegesias (as the name appears in the Attic inscriptions) was archon from July 324 to June 323 B.C. The consuls of 326 B.C. were C. Poetelius Libo Visolus and L. Papirius Cursor (Broughton, 1.146). The Olympic Games were held in the summer of 324 B.C. (chap. 109.1). The name of the victor is given as Macinnas by Eusebius. The time was actually the spring of 323 B.C. Now from practically all the inhabited world came envoys on various missions, some congratulating Alexander on his victories, some bringing him crowns, others concluding treaties of friendship and alliance, many bringing handsome presents, and some prepared to defend themselves against accusations. Apart from the tribes and cities as well as the
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK VI., CHAPTER III. (search)
Calandro, which discharges itself into the sea a little below Capo di Roseto, bears some affinity to the river Acalandrus mentioned by Strabo. However, some have thought it identical with the Salandrella and the Fiume di Roseto, while Cluverius was of opinion that we should here read kuli/starnos instead of )Aka/landros, and identify it with the modern Racanello. commodious for their meetings, should be properly fortified for their reception.—And indeed they say that the misfortune326 B. C. of that prince was chiefly due to a want of good feeling on their part. They were deprived of their liberty during the wars209 B. C. of Hannibal, but have since received a Roman colony,124 B. C. and now live in peace and are in a more prosperous state than ever. They also engaged in war with the Messapii concerning Heraclea, when they counted the kings of the Daunii and of the Peucetii as allies.Some suspect this last sentence to be an interpolation; certain it is that there is
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK XV., CHAPTER II. (search)
onical rising of the Pleiades is meant the rising of this constellation, or its first becoming visible, after sun-set. Vincent (Voyage of Nearchus) fixes on the 23rd October, 327 B. C., as the date of the departure of Alexander from Nicæa; August, 326 B. C., as the date of his arrival at Pattala; and the 2nd of October, 326 B. C., as the date of the departure of the fleet from the Indus. the wind not being before favourable. The Barbarians however, taking courage at the departure of the king,326 B. C., as the date of the departure of the fleet from the Indus. the wind not being before favourable. The Barbarians however, taking courage at the departure of the king, became daring, and attempted to throw off their subjection, attacked them, and endeavoured to drive them out of the country. But Craterus set out from the Hydaspes, and proceeded through the country of the Arachoti and of the Drangæ into Carmania. Alexander was greatly distressed throughout the whole march, as his road lay through a barren country. The supplies of provisions which he obtained came from a distance, and were scanty and unfrequent, so much so that the army suffered greatly
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 8 (ed. Rev. Canon Roberts), chapter 25 (search)
Commencement of the Second Samnite War —Alliance with the Lucanians and Apulians. A laetisternium Lectisternium.See note 2 to Book VII. took place this year (326 B.C.>, the fifth since the foundation of the City, and the same deities were propitiated in this as in the former one. The new consuls, acting on the orders of the people, sent heralds to deliver a formal declaration of war to the Samnites, and made all their preparations on a much greater scale for this war than for the one against the Greeks. New and unexpected succours were forthcoming, for the Lucanians and Apulians, with whom Rome had up to that time established no relations, came forward with offers to make an alliance and promised armed assistance; a friendly alliance was formed with them. Meantime the operations in Samnium were attended with success, the towns of Allifae, Callifae, and Rufrium passed into the hands of the Romans, and ever since the consuls had entered the country the rest of t
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 8 (ed. Rev. Canon Roberts), chapter 28 (search)
This year (326 B.C.> was marked by the dawn, as it were, of a new era of liberty for the plebs; creditors were no longer allowed to attach the persons of their debtors. This change in the law was brought about by a signal instance of lust and cruelty upon the part of a moneylender. L. Papirius was the man in question. C. Publilius had pledged his person to him for a debt which his father had contracted. The youth and beauty of the debtor which ought to have called forth feelings of compassion only acted as incentives to lust and insult. Finding that his infamous proposals only filled the youth with horror and loathing, the man reminded him that he was absolutely in his power and sought to terrify him by threats. As these failed to crush the boy's noble instincts, he ordered him to be stripped and beaten. Mangled and bleeding the boy rushed into the street and loudly complained of the usurer's lust and brutality. A vast crowd gathered, and on learning what
tia, now the Sanza, near Policastro. The Sirini probably had their name from the river Siris., the Sirini, the Tergilani, the Ursentini, and the VolcentaniVolcentum was situate near the Silarus, probably on the spot now called Bulcino or Bucino. The site of Numistro appears to be unknown., whom the Numestrani join. Besides these, we learn from CatoIn his work "De Originibus." that Thebes in Lucania has disappeared, and Theopompus informs us that there was formerly a city of the Lucani called PandosiaLivy, B. viii., and Justin mention how that Alexander I. (in the year B.C. 326) was obliged to engage under unfavourable circumstances near Pandosia, on the Acheron, and fell as he was crossing the river; thus accomplishing a prophecy of Dodona which had warned him to beware of Pandosia and the Acheron. He was uncle to Alexander the Great, being the brother of Olympias. The site of Pandosia is supposed to have been the modern Castro Franco., at which Alexander, the king of Epirus, died.
tending a distance of two hundred and fifty miles. After passing these nations, we come to the Organagæ, the Abortæ, the Bassuertæ, and, after these last, deserts similar to those previously 'mentioned. We then come to the peoples of the Sorofages, the Arbæ, the Marogomatræ, the Umbrittæ, of whom there are twelve nations, each with two cities, and the Asini, a people who dwell in three cities, their capital being Bucephala,Built on the Hydaspes by Alexander after his victory over Porus, B. C. 326, at the spot where he had crossed the river before the battle, and in memory of his celebrated charger Bucephalus, who had expired during the battle from fatigue and old age, or from wounds. The exact site of this place is not known, but the probabilities appear in favour of Jhelum, at which place is the usual passage of the river, or else of Jellapoor, about sixteen miles lower down. 78 Probably the same that is mentioned in c. 21 of the present Book. which was founded around the tomb of the<
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 10 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.), chapter 11 (search)
e to the new consuls to complain that the Samnites, since they had been unable by offering inducements to entice them into an armed alliance, had invaded their territories with a hostile army and by warring on them were obliging them to go to war. The people of Lucania, they said, had on a former occasion strayed all too far from the path of duty, but were now so resolute as to deem it better to endure and suffer anything than ever again to offend the Romans.The Lucanians had entered upon friendly relations with the Romans in 326 B.C. (viii. xxv. 3), but had been seduced from their loyalty by the Samnites (viii. xxvii. 10). A Roman army invaded them in 317 (ix. xx. 9). they besought the Fathers both to take the Lucanians under their protection and to defend them from the violence and oppression of the Samnites. though their having gone to war with the Etruscans was necessarily a pledge of loyalty to the Romans, yet they were none the less ready to give hostages.
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