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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 33 33 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 4 4 Browse Search
Polybius, Histories 1 1 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 1 1 Browse Search
M. Tullius Cicero, De Officiis: index (ed. Walter Miller) 1 1 Browse Search
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Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XIV, Chapter 51 (search)
After Dionysius had completed the moleIt is an interesting coincidence of history that the other use of a mole of such magnitude in ancient history against an island city was by Alexander the Great in 332 B.C. against Tyre, the mother-city of the Carthaginians. Alexander's mole was about half a mile long and reputed to be two hundred feet wide. For the story of the famous seven-month siege of Tyre see Book 17.40-46, Arrian Anab. 2.18-24, Curtius, 4.2-4. by employing a large force of labourers, he advanced war engines of every kind against the walls and kept hammering the towers with his battering-rams, while with the catapults he kept down the fighters on the battlements; and he also advanced against the walls his wheeled towers, six stories high, which he had built to equal the height of the houses. The inhabitants of Motye, now that the threat was at hand-grips, were nevertheless not dismayed by the armament of Dionysius,
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XVII, Chapter 29 (search)
333/2 B.C.When Nicocrates was archon at Athens, Caeso Valerius and Lucius Papirius became consuls at Rome.Nicocrates was archon from July 333 to June 332 B.C. Broughton (1.139) lists the consuls of 336 B.C. as L. Papirius Crassus and K. Duillius. The former has apparently already been named by Diodorus, chap. 17.1. In this year Dareius sent money to Memnon and appointed him commanding general of the whole war. He gathered a force of mercenaries, manned three hundred ships, and pursued the conflict vigorously. He secured Chios, and then coasting along to Lesbos easily mastered Antissa and Methymna and Pyrrha and Eressus. Mitylene also, large and possessed of rich stores of supplies as well as plenty of fighting men, he nevertheless captured with difficulty by assault after a siege of many days and with the loss of many of his soldiers. News of the general's activity spread like wildfire and most of the Cyclades sent missions to him. As wor
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XVII, Chapter 40 (search)
332/1 B.C.When Niceratus was archon at Athens, the Romans elected as consuls Marcus Atilius and Marcus Valerius, and the one hundred and twelfth Olympic Games were held, in which Grylus of Chalcis was the victor.Nicetes was archon at Athens from July 332 to June 331 B.C. (Arrian. 2.24.6, calls him Anicetus). The consuls of 335 B.C. (Broughton, 1.139) were M. Atilius Regulus Calenus and M. Valerius Corvus. The 112th Olympic Games were held in July 332 B.C. In this year, Alexander buried the dead from his victory at Issus, including even those of the Persians who had distinguished themselves by courage. Then he performed rich sacrifices to the gods and rewarded those who had borne themselves well in battle with gifts appropriate to each, and rested the army for some days. Then he marched on towards Egypt, and as he came into Phoenicia, received the submission of all the other cities, for their inhabitants accepted him willingly.A
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XVII, Chapter 62 (search)
330/29 B.C.When Aristophon was archon at Athens, the consular office at Rome was assumed by Gaius Domitius and Aulus Cornelius.Aristophon was archon at Athens from July 330 to June 329 B.C. The consuls of 332 B.C. were Cn. Domitius Calvinus and A. Cornelius Cossus Arvina (Broughton, 1.141). In this year word was brought to Greece about the battle near Arbela, and many of the cities became alarmed at the growth of Macedonian power and decided that they should strike for their freedom while the Persian cause was still alive. They expected that Dareius would help them and send them much money so that they could gather great armies of mercenaries, while Alexander would not be able to divide his forces. If, on the other hand, they watched idly while the Persians were utterly defeated, the Greeks would be isolated and never again be able to think of recovering their freedom. There was also an upheaval in Thrace at just thi
Polybius, Histories, book 16, Intrigues At Alexandria (search)
h matters that is irresistible. In the first place, when all the other people were terrified at the invasion of the Persians,Syria was conquered by the Assyrian king Tiglath-Pilezer about B.C. 747, and was afterwards a part of the Babylonian and Persian empires. It does not seem certain to what invasion Polybius is here referring. in view of the greatness of their power, and one and all submitted themselves and their countries to the Medes, they alone faced the danger and stood a siege. B. C. 332. Again, on the invasion of Alexander, when not only did the other cities surrender, but even Tyre was stormed and its inhabitants sold into slavery; and when it seemed all but hopeless for any to escape destruction, who resisted the fierce and violent attack of Alexander, they alone of all the Syrians withstood him, and tested their powers of defence to the uttermost. Following the same line of conduct on the present occasion, they omitted nothing within their power in their determination to
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Ae'schylus of RHODES (search)
Ae'schylus of RHODES (*Ai)sxu/los), of RHODES, was appointed by Alexander the Great one of the inspectors of the governors of that country after its conquest in B. C. 332. (Arrian, Arr. Anab. 3.5; comp. Curt. 4.8.) He is not spoken of again till B. C. 319, when he is mentioned as conveying in four ships six hundred talents of silver from Cilicia to Macedonia, which were detained at Ephesus by Antigonus, in order to pay his foreign mercenaries. (Diod. 18.52
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Alexander I. or Alexander of Epirus (search)
rt of Philip of Macedonia, and after the Grecian fashion became the object of his attachment. Philip in requital made him king of Epirus, after dethroning his cousin Aeacides. When Olympias was repudiated by her husband, she went to her brother, and endeavoured to induce him to make war on Philip. Philip, however, declined the contest, and formed a second alliance with him by giving him his daughter Cleopatra in marriage. (B. C. 336.) At the wedding Philip was assassinated by Pausanias. In B. C. 332, Alexander, at the request of the Tarentines, crossed over into Italy, to aid them against the Lucanians and Bruttii. After a victory over the Samnites and Lucanians near Paestum he made a treaty with the Romans. Success still followed his arms. He took Heraclea and Consentia from the Lucanians, and Terina and Sipontum from the Bruttii. But in B. C. 326, through the treachery of some Lucanian exiles, he was compelled to engage under unfavourable circumstances near Pandosia, on the banks of
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
m with the utmost delicacy and respect. The battle of Issus, which was fought towards the close of B. C. 333, decided the fate of the Persian empire; but Alexander judged it most prudent not to pursue Darius, but to subdue Phoenicia, which was especially formidable by its navy, and constantly threatened thereby to attack the coasts of Greece and Macedonia. Most of the cities of Phoenicia submitted as he approached; Tyre alone refused to surrender. This city was not taken till the middle of B. C. 332, after an obstinate defence of seven months, and was fearfully punished by the slaughter of 8000 Tyrians and the sale of 30,000 into slavery. Next followed the siege of Gaza, which again delayed Alexander two months, and afterwards, according to Josephus, he marched to Jerusalem, intending to punish the people for refusing to assist him, but he was diverted from his purpose by the appearance of the high priest, and pardoned the people. This story is not mentioned by Arrian, and rests on qu
Amphion 2. A Greek painter, was contemporary with Apelles (B. C. 332), who yielded to him in arrangement or grouping (cedcbat Amphioni dispositione, Plin. Nat. 25.36.10 : but the reading Amphioni is doubtful : Melaunthio is Brotier's conjecture ; MELANTHIUS). [P.S]
Amphis (*)/Amfis), an Athenian comic poet, of the middle comedy, contemporary with the philosopher Plato. A reference to Phriyne, the Thespian, in one of his plays (Athen. 13.591d.), proves that he was alive in B. C. 332. We have the titles of twenty-six of his plays, and a few fragments of them. (Suidas, s.v. Pollux, 1.233 ; D. L. 3.27; Athen. 13.567f.; Meineke, i. p. 403, iii. p. 301.) [P.
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