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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 13 13 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 5-7 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.) 1 1 Browse Search
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Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XVI, Chapter 84 (search)
338/7 B.C.When Charondes was archon at Athens, Lucius Aemilius and Gaius Plautius succeeded to the consulship.Chaerondes was archon at Athens from July 338 to June 337 B.C. The consuls of 341 B.C. were L. Aemilius Mamercinus Privernas and C. Plautius Venno (Broughton, 1.134). In this year, Philip the king, having won most of the Greeks over to friendship with him, was ambitious to gain the uncontested leadership of Greece by terrifying the Athenians into submission.Continued from chap. 77.3. These events are briefly noted in Justin 9.3. Therefore he suddenly seized the city of Elateia, concentrated his forces there and adopted a policy of war with Athens. He expected to have no trouble in defeating them, since their reliance on the existing peace treatyThis is consistent with Diodorus's statement in chap. 77.3, that peace was concluded on the abandonment of the siege of Byzantium. Actually, the situation seems to have been ju
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 6 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.), chapter 42 (search)
osed a compromise which allayed the discord; the nobles gave way to the plebs in regard to the plebeian consul, and the plebs conceded to the nobles that they might elect from the patricians one praetor to administer justice in the City.This step was made necessary by the growth of the City and the increasing burden laid upon the consuls; but, as Livy intimates, it also served as partial compensation to the patricians for the privileges they were now forced to share with the plebs-until, in 337 B.C. (cf. VIII. xv. 9), the praetorship, too, was thrown open to the plebs. Thus after their long quarrel the orders were reconciled at last. The senate decided that this was a fitting occasion to honour the immortal gods —who deserved it then, if ever at any time —by celebrating the Great Games, and voted that one day should be added to the customary three; this burden the aediles of the plebs refused to shoulder, whereupon the young patricians called out that they would willingly do
Ae'lia Gens plebeian, of which the family-names and surnames are CATUS, GALLUS, (GRACILIS, LAMIA, LIGUR, PAETUS, STAIENUS, STILO, TUBERO. On coins this gens is also written Ailia, but Ailia seems to be a distinct gens. The only family-names and surnames of the Aelia gens upon coins are Bala, Lamia, Paetus, and Sejanus. Of Bala nothing is known. Sejanus is the name of the favorite of Tiberius, who was adopted by one of the Aelii. [SEJANUS, AELIUS.] The first member of this gens, who obtained the consulship, was P. Aelius Paetus in B. C. 337. Under the empire the Aelian name became still more celebrated. It was the name of the emperor Hadrian, and consequently of the Antonines, whom he adopted. It is doubtful to which family P. Aelius belonged who was one of the first plebeian quaestors, B. C. 409. (Liv. 4.54.)
kings or satraps of Pontus. I. Was betrayed by his son Mithridates to the Persian king. (Xen. Cyr. 8.8.4; Aristot. Pol. 5.8.15, ed. Schneid.) It is doubtful whether this Ariobarzanes is the same who conducted the Athenian ambassadors, in B. C. 405, to the sea-coast of Mysia, after they had been detained three years by order of Cyrus (Xen. Hell. 1.4.7), or the same who assisted Antalcidas in B. C. 388. (Id. 5.1.28.) II. Succeeded his father, Mithridates I., and reigned 26 years, B. C. 363-337. (Diod. 16.90.) He appears to have held some high office in the Persian court five years before the death of his father, as we find him, apparently on behalf of the king, sending an embassy to Greece in B. C. 368. (Xen. Hell. 7.1.27.) Ariobarzanes, who is called by Diodorus (15.90) satrap of Phrygia, and by Nepos (Datam. 100.2) satrap of Lydia, Ionia, and Phrygia, revolted from Artaxerxes in B. C. 362, and may be regarded as the founder of the independent kingdom of Pontus. Demosthenes, in B.
A'ttalus (*)/Attalos). 1. One of the generals of Philip of Macedon, and the uncle of Cleopatra, whom Philip married in B. C. 337. He is called by Justin (9.5), and in one passage of Diodorus (17.2), the brother of Cleopatra; but this is undoubtedly a mistake. (Wess. ad Diod. 16.93, 17.2.) At the festivities in celebration of the marriage of his niece, Attalus, when the guests were heated with wine, called upon the company to beg of the gods a legitimate (ynh/sios) successor to the throne. This roused the wrath of Alexander who was present, and a brawl ensued, in which Philip drew his sword and rushed upon his son. Alexander and his mother Olympias withdrew from the kingdom (Plut. Alex. 7; Justin, 9.7; Athen. 13.557d. e.); but though they soon afterwards returned, the influence of Attalus does not appear to have been weakened. Philip's connexion with Attalus not only thus involved him in family dissensions, but eventually cost him his life. Attalus had inflicted a grievous outrage u
Clau'dius 9. C. Claudius App. F. APP. N. CRASSUS (or CRASSINUS), son of No. 7, was named dictator in B. C. 337, but immediately resigned his office, the augurs having pronounced his appointment invalid. Who the C. Claudius Hortator, whom he made Master of the Horse, was, is not known. (Liv. 8.15.)
Cleopatra (*Kleopa/tra). 1. Niece of Attalus, one of the generals of Philip of Macedonia. Philip married her when he divorced Olympias in B. C. 337; and, after his murder, in the next year she was put to death by Olympias, being either compelled to hang herself (Justin, 9.7) or boiled to death in a brazen cauldron. (Paus. 8.7.5.) Her infant son or daughter, according to Justin, perished with her, being apparently looked upon as a rival to Alexander. (Just. l.c., and 9.5; Diod. 16.93, 17.2; Plut. Alex. 10
Demara'tus (*Dhmara/tos), a Corinthian, connected by hospitality with the family of Philip of Macedon. It was through the mediation of Demaratus that Alexander returned home from Illyria, where he had taken up his abode in consequence of the quarrel between himself and his father at the marriage of the latter with Cleopatra, B. C. 337. (Plut. Aiex. 9.) [E.
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Longus, Sempro'nius 2. C. Sulpiciu Ser, F. Q. N. LONGUS, grandson of the preceding, was a distinguished commander in the war against the Samnites. He was consul for the first time, B. C. 337, with P. Aelius Paetus; for the second time, in B. C. 323, with Q. Aulius Cerretanus; and for the third time, B. C. 314, with M. Poetelius Libo. In the last year Sulpicius, with his colleague Poetelius, gained a great and decisive victory over the Samnites not far from Caudium; but it appears from the Triumphal Fasti that Sulpicius alone triumphed. (Liv. 8.15, 37, 9.24-27; Diod. 17.17, 18.26, 19.73.) It is conjectured from a few letters of the Capitoline Fasti, which are mutilated in this year, that Sulpicius was censor in B. C. 319; and we know from the Capitoline Fasti that he was dictator in B. C. 312.
Minu'cia one of the Vestal priestesses in B. C. 337. Her passion for gay attire made her conduct suspected. On inquiry, suspicion was justified, and Minucia was buried alive. (Liv. 8.15.) [W.B.D]
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