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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 25 25 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 4 4 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 2 2 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography 2 2 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 1 1 Browse Search
Sir Richard C. Jebb, Commentary on Sophocles: Oedipus at Colonus 1 1 Browse Search
Appian, The Foreign Wars (ed. Horace White) 1 1 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 1 1 Browse Search
Dinarchus, Speeches 1 1 Browse Search
Aristotle, Politics 1 1 Browse Search
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Aristotle, Politics, Book 5, section 1306a (search)
dynastic typei.e. like a dynasteia, favorable to the interest of a few very wealthy families; see 1292b 10 n. and resembled that of the Elders at Sparta.Revolutionsof oligarchies occur both during war and in time of peace— during war since the oligarchs are forced by their distrust of the people to employ mercenary troops (for the man in whose hands they place them often becomes tyrant, as Timophanes did at Corinth,Corinth was at war with Argos circa 350 B.C. Timophanes was killed by his brother the famous Timoleon, in order to restore constitutional government. and if they put several men in command, these win for themselves dynastic power), and when through fear of this they give a share in the constitution to the multitude, the oligarchy falls because they are compelled to make use of the common people; during peace, on the other hand, because of their distrust of one another they place their protection in th<
Dinarchus, Against Demosthenes, section 96 (search)
Where are the triremes which Demosthenes, like EubulusFor the confidence inspired by Eubulus, son of Spintharus, who controlled Athenian finances from 354 to 350 B.C., and perhaps for a further period also, compare Aeschin. 3.25. in his time, has supplied to the city? Where are the dockyards built under his administration? When did he improve the cavalry either by decree or law? Despite such opportunities as were offered after the battle of Chaeronea, did he raise a single force either for land or sea? What ornament for the goddess has he carried up to the Acropolis? What building has Demosthenes put up, either in your exchange, or in the city, or anywhere else in the country? Not a man could point to one anywhere.
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XVI, Chapter 48 (search)
The reason for his defeat was chiefly his lack of experience as a general and the fact that the Persians had been defeated by him in the previous expedition. For he had then had as his generals men who were distinguished and superior both in valour and in sagacity in the art of war, DiophantusCp. Isoc. L. 8.8. Diophantus was still absent from Athens at the time of this letter, 350 B.C. the Athenian and Lamius the Spartan, and it was because of them that he had been victorious in all respects. At this time, however, since he supposed that he himself was a competent general, he would not share the command with anyone and so, because of his inexperience, was unable to execute any of the moves that would have been useful in this war. Now when he had provided the towns here and there with considerable garrisons, he maintained a strict guard there, and having in his own command thirty thousand Egyptians, five thousand Greeks, and half
Pausanias, Description of Greece, Attica, chapter 1 (search)
is sons, painted by Arcesilaus. This Leosthenes at the head of the Athenians and the united Greeks defeated the Macedonians in Boeotia and again outside Thermopylae forced them into Lamia over against Oeta, and shut them up there.323 B.C. The portrait is in the long portico, where stands a market-place for those living near the sea—those farther away from the harbor have another—but behind the portico near the sea stand a Zeus and a Demos, the work of Leochares. And by the sea Cononfl. c. 350 B.C. built a sanctuary of Aphrodite, after he had crushed the Lacedaemonian warships off Cnidus in the Carian peninsula.394 B.C. For the Cnidians hold Aphrodite in very great honor, and they have sanctuaries of the goddess; the oldest is to her as Doritis (Bountiful), the next in age as Acraea (Of the Height), while the newest is to the Aphrodite called Cnidian by men generally, but Euploia (Fair Voyage) by the Cnidians themselves. The Athenians have also another harbor, at Munychia, wi
Pausanias, Description of Greece, Attica, chapter 36 (search)
Peloponnesian War. The Megarians committed against him a most wicked deed, for when he had come as a herald to forbid them to encroach upon the land in future they put him to death. For this act the wrath of the Two Goddesses lies upon them even to this day, for they are the only Greeks that not even the emperor Hadrian could make more prosperous. After the tombstone of Anthemocritus comes the grave of Molottus, who was deemed worthy of commanding the Athenians when they crossed into Euboea350 B.C. to reinforce Plutarch,Tyrant of Eretria in Euboea. and also a place called Scirum, which received its name for the following reason. The Eleusinians were making war against Erechtheus when there came from Dodona a seer called Scirus, who also set up at Phalerum the ancient sanctuary of Athena Sciras. When he fell in the fighting the Elusinians buried him near a torrent, and the hero has given his name to both place and torrent. Hard by is the tomb of Cephisodorus, who was champion of the p
Strabo, Geography, Book 9, chapter 1 (search)
continuous with it. The second peninsula is the one that adds Megaris to the Peloponnesus,And therefore comprises both. The first peninsula includes the Isthmus, Crommyon being the first place beyond it, in Megaris. so that Crommyon belongs to the Megarians and not to the Corinthians; the third is the one which, in addition to the second, comprises Attica and Boeotia and a part of Phocis and of the Epicnemidian Locrians. I must therefore describe these two. EudoxusEudoxus of Cnidus (fl. 350 B.C.). says that if one should imagine a straight line drawn in an easterly direction from the Ceraunian Mountains to Sunium, the promontory of Attica, it would leave on the right, towards the south, the whole of the Peloponnesus, and on the left, towards the north, the continuous coastline from the Ceraunian Mountains to the Crisaean Gulf and Megaris, and the coastline of all Attica. And he believes that the shore which extends from Sunium to the Isthmus would not be so concave as to have a
Strabo, Geography, Book 10, chapter 3 (search)
rding to history, the Hyantes left Boeotia and settled among the Aetolians. But Ephorus, as though he had achieved success in his argument, adds: "It is my wont to examine such matters as these with precision, whenever any matter is either altogether doubtful or falsely interpreted." But though Ephorus is such, still he is better than others. And PolybiusPolybius 34 Fr. 1 himself, who praises him so earnestly, and says concerning the Greek histories that EudoxusEudoxus of Cnidus (fl. about 350 B.C. indeed gave a good account, but Ephorus gave the best account of the foundings of cities, kinships, migrations, and original founders, "but I," he says, shall show the facts as they now are, as regards both the position of places and the distances between them; for this is the most appropriate function of Chorography.Polybius Book 34, Fr. 1But assuredly you, Polybius, who introduce "popular notions"See 2. 4. 2 and 7. 5. 9 concerning distances, not only in dealing with places outside of
Appian, Gallic History (ed. Horace White), Fragments (search)
all were to rush forward suddenly with a shout and join battle at close quarters. The hurling of so many missiles, followed by an immediate charge, would throw the enemy into confusion. The spears of the Gauls were not like javelins, but what the Romans called pila, four-sided, part wood and part iron, and not hard except at the pointed end. In this way the army of the Boii was completely destroyed by the Romans. Y.R. 404 Another Gallic force was defeated by Popillius, and B.C. 350 after this Camillus, son of the former Camillus, defeated the same tribe. Afterwards Æmilius Pappus won some trophies from the Gauls. Shortly before the consulships of Marius a most numerous and warlike horde of Celtic tribes, most formidable in bodily strength, made incursions into both Y.R. 649 Italy and Gaul, and defeated some of the Roman consuls, B.C. 105 and cut their armies in pieces. Marius was sent against them and he destroyed them all. The latest and greatest war of the Romans ag
Sir Richard C. Jebb, Commentary on Sophocles: Oedipus at Colonus, commLine 1225 (search)
naming that poet, as familiar (to\ lego/menon):— pa/ntwn me\n mh\ fu=nai e)pixqoni/oisin a)/riston, mhd' e)sidei=n au)ga\s o)ce/os h)eli/ou, fu/nta d' o(/pws w)/kista pu/las *)ai+/dao perh=sai kai\ kei=sqai pollh\n gh=n e)piessa/menon. Diog. Laert. 10. 1. 126 quotes Epicurus as censuring these lines, and remarking that a man who really thought so ought to quit life,—e)n e(toi/mw| ga\r au)tw=| tou=t' e)/stin. Cic. Tusc. 1. 48. 115 Non nasci homini longe optimum esse, proximum autem quam primum mori: where he translates the lines of Eur. (fr. 452) e)xrh=n ga\r h(ma=s su/llogon poioume/nous to\n fu/nta qrhnei=n ei)s o(/s' e)/rxetai kaka/: to\n d' au)= qano/nta kai\ po/nwn pepaume/non xai/rontas eu)fhmou=ntas e)kpe/mpein do/mwn. Alexis (Midd. Com., 350 B.C.) *mandragorizome/nh 1. 14 ou)kou=n to\ polloi=s tw=n sofw=n ei)rhme/non, to\ mh\ gene/sqai me\n kra/tisto/n e)st' a)ei/, e)pa\n ge/nhtai d), w(s ta/xist' e)/xein te/los. e)pei\ fanh=|, when he has been born, cp. 974: for subj., 3
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, STATUAE REGUM ROMANORUM (search)
STATUAE REGUM ROMANORUM the statues of seven kings of Rome- including Titus Tatius and therefore, presumably, excluding Tarquinius Superbus-erected on the Capitoline, probably on the eastern part of the area Capitolina (Cass. Dio xliii. 45; App. BC i. 16; Plin. NH xxxiv. 22). The statues of Romulus and Tatius were togatae sine tunicis, sine anulis; those of Numa,'Cf. GENS IULIA, ARA. Servius Tullius and Tarquinius Priscus had rings on their fingers and were probably of later date (Plin. NH xxxiii. 9-10; xxxiv. 23; Ascon. Scaur. fin.). All of them were probably set up between 350 and 150 B.C. (Gilb. i. 24-25 ; Jord. i. I. 57-58; Rodocanachi, Le Capitole 46).
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