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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 13 13 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 2 2 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 1 1 Browse Search
Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) 1 1 Browse Search
J. B. Greenough, G. L. Kittredge, Select Orations of Cicero , Allen and Greenough's Edition. 1 1 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died. 1 1 Browse Search
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Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XII, Chapter 30 (search)
439 B.C.When Glaucides was archon in Athens, the Romans elected as consuls Titus Quinctius and Agrippa Furius. During this year the Syracusans, because of the successes we have described, built one hundred triremes and doubled the number of their cavalry; they also developed their infantry forces and made financial preparations by laying heavier tributes upon the Siceli who were now subject to them. This they were doing with the intention of subduing all Sicily little by little. While these events were taking place it came about in Greece that the Corinthian War,The correct date is 435 B.C. as it is called, began for the following causes. Civil strife broke out among the Epidamnians who dwell upon the Adriatic Sea and are colonists of the Cercyraeans and Corinthians.The Epidamnians were in fact colonists of Cercyra, which was a colony of Corinth. The successful group sent into exile large numbers of their opponents, but the exiles gather
Isocrates, On the team of horses (ed. George Norlin), section 29 (search)
When he was admitted to citizenship, he showed himself not inferior to those whom I have mentioned, nor did he think it fitting that he should lead a life of ease, pluming himself upon the brave deeds of his ancestors; on the contrary, from the beginning he was so fired with ambition that he thought that even their great deeds should be held in remembrance through his own. And first of all, when PhormioA famous Athenian general. led a thousand of the flower of Athenian soldiers to Thrace,Expedition to recover the city of Potidaea in 439 B.C. Thucydides (Thuc. 1.64.2) speaks of 1600 hoplites. Cf. Plat. Sym. 220 for the award of valor given to Alcibiades. my father served with this expedition, and so distinguished himself in the perilous actions of the campaign that he was crowned and received a full suit of armour from his gener
J. B. Greenough, G. L. Kittredge, Select Orations of Cicero , Allen and Greenough's Edition., chapter 1 (search)
P. Scipio Nasica. privatus: at the time referred to, Nasica was only a private citizen of consular rank. He afterwards went into exile, and was made Pontifex Maximus in his absence. The word privatus is rhetorically opposed to nos consules. illa, that case, plural for singular as referring to the circumstances of the case. Ahala: the magister equitum of the famous Cincinnatus; he killed without legal process the eques Maelius, on suspicion that the latter was aiming at royal power (B.C. 439); novis rebus (the classic expression for a violent change of government), revolution: dat. after studentem. fuit (emphat.), there was, etc., implying that it is so no longer; § 598, d (344 d, 3). Cf. fuit Ilium, Aeneid 2.325. habemus (emphat.), i.e. it is not that we lack, etc. senatus consultum: i.e. the decree conferring dictatorial power on the consuls (see note on sect. 2, 1.12, above), ut videant consules, etc. vehemens, severe, as regards Catiline; grave, carrying weight, an
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, COLUMNA MINUCIA (search)
COLUMNA MINUCIA erected in honour of L. Minucius Augurinus, praefectus annonae in 439 B.C., by order of the people and paid for by popular subscription-the first occurrence of the kind in Rome (Plin. NH xxxiv. 21). This column stood outside the porta Trigemina, and is represented on denarii of 129 and 14 B.C. (Babelon, Minucia, 3, 9, 10) BM. Rep. i. 135. 952-4; 148. 1005-6. as surmounted with a statue holding stalks of wheat, and with two other statues standing at its base, one of which seems to represent Minucius. It is probable, therefore, that this is the same monument referred to elsewhere in Pliny (NH xviii. 15), where the same story is told, but a statue, not a column, is mentioned. The bos aurata, which Livy (iv. 16) says was erected in honour of Minucius outside the porta Trigemina, was probably part of the same monument (cf. PORTA MINUCIA).
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, Chronological Index to Dateable Monuments (search)
509 Temple of Juppiter Capitolinus dedicated, 297. of Dea Carna vowed (and built some years later), 148. 501-493of Saturn, 463. 499of Castor vowed, 102. 496of Cares, Liber and Libera vowed, 109. Lacus Juturnae, 311. 495Temple of Mercur dedicated, 339. 493of Ceres, Liber and Libera dedicated, 109 484of Castor dedicated, 102 466Aedes of Semo Sancus dedicated, 469. 456Part of Aventine given to Plebs, 67. 445Lacus Curtius (?), 310. 439Conlumna Minucia, 133. 435Villa Publica built, 581. 433Temple of Apollo vowed, 5. 430of Apollo dedicated, 15. 395of Mater Matuta restored, 330. 392of Juno Regina on Aventine dedicated, 290. 390The Gallic fire: debris in Comitium, 135, 451; Regia burnt, 441; Templ of Vesta burnt, 557. Ara Aii Locutii dedicated by Senate, 3. 389(after). Via Latina, 564. 388Area Capitolina enlarged, 48. Temple of Mars on Via Appia, 328. 384Patrians forbidden to dwell on Arx or Capitol, 54, 97.
Aha'la 2. C. Servilius Structus Ahala, magister equitum B. C. 439, when L. Cincinnatus was appointed dictator on the pretence that Sp. Maelius was plotting against the state. In the night, in which the dictator was appointed, the capitol and all the strong posts were garrisoned by the partizans of the patricians. In the morning, when the people assembled in the forum, and Sp. Maelius among them, Ahala summoned the latter to appear before the dictator; and upon Maelius disobeying and taking refuge in the crowd, Ahala rushed into the throng and killed him. (Liv. 4.13, 14; Zonaras, 7.20; Dionys. Exc. Mai, i. p. 3.) This act is mentioned by later writers as an example of ancient heroism, and is frequently referred to by Cicero in terms of the highest admiration (in Catil. i l, pro Mil. 3, Cato, 16); but it was in reality a case of murder, and was so regarded at the time. Ahala was brought to trial, and only escaped condemnation by a voluntary exile. (V. Max. 5.3.2; Cic. de Rep. 1.3, pro
Auguri'nus 3. Cn. Genucius Augurinus, M. F. M. N., consular tribune B. C. 399, and again in 396, in the latter of which years he was cut off by an ambuscade in the war with the Faliscans and Capenates. (Liv. 5.13, 18; Diod. 14.54, 90.) II. Minucii Augurini. They were originally patricians, but a part of the family at least passed over to the plebeians in B. C. 439. [See below, No. 5.]
Auguri'nus 5. L. Minucius Augurinus, was appointed praefect of the corn-market (praefectus annonae) in B. C. 439, in order to regulate the price of corn and obtain a supply from abroad, as the people were suffering from grievous famine. Sp. Maelius, who distinguished himself by his liberal supplies of corn to the people, was accused by the patricians of aiming at the sovereignty; and Augurinus is said to have disclosed his treasonable designs to the senate. The ferment occasioned by the assassination of Maelius was appeased by Augurinus, who is said to have gone over to the plebs from the patricians, and to have been chosen by the tribunes one of their body. It is stated, indeed, that he was elected an eleventh tribune, as the number of their body was full; but this seems incredible. That he passed over to the plebs, however, is confirmed by the fact, that we find subsequently members of his family tribunes of the plebs. Augurinus also lowered the price of corn in three market days,
Caeci'lius 1. Q. Caecilius, tribune of the plebs, B. C. 439. (Liv. 4.16.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
contest. In B. C. 443 he obtained his fifth consulship. In this year the censorship was instituted at Rome as an office distinct from the consulship. While his colleague M. Geganius Macerinus was engaged in a war against Ardea, Capitolinus gained equal laurels at home by acting as mediator between the patricians and plebeians, with both of whom he had acquired the highest esteem. The extraordinary wisdom and moderation he had shewn on all occasions, obtained for him the sixth consulship in B. C. 439, together with Agrippa Menenius. Rome was at that time visited by a famine, and when he pointed out the necessity of appointing a dictator under the circumstances, the dignity was offered him, but he declined it on account of his advanced age, recommending L. Quinctius Cincinnatus, who was accordingly raised to that dignity. In B. C. 437, he accompanied the dictator Mam. Aemilius Mamercinus as legate in his campaign against Fidenae, and a few years later he came forward as a suppliant for
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