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Demo'critus (*Dhmo/kritos), was a native of Abdera in Thrace, an Ionian colony of Teos. (Aristot. Cael. 3.4, Meteor. 2.7, with Ideler's note.) Some called him a Milesian, and the name of his father too is stated differently. (D. L. 9.34, &c.) His birth year was fixed hy Apollodorus in Ol. 80. 1, or B. C. 460, while Thrasyllus had referred it to Ol. 77. 3. (Diog. Laert. l.c. § 41, with Menage's note; Gellius, 17.21 ; Clinton, F. H. ad ann. 460.) Democritus had called himself forty years younger than Anaxagoras. His father, Hegesistratus,--or as others called him Damasippus or Athenocritus,--was possessed of so large a property, that he was able to receive and treat Xerxes on his march through Abdera. Democritus spent the inheritance, which his father left him, on travels into distant countries, which he undertook to satisfy his extraordinary thirst for knowledge. He travelled over a great part of Asia, and, as some state, he even reached India and Aethiopia. (Cic. de Fin. 5.19; Strabo
ve the clear testimony of Aristotle (Poct. 5.3), that all the poets before Magnes furnished their choruses at their own expense, whereas the name of a person who was choragus for Ecphantides is mentioned also by Aristotle. (Polit. 8.6.) Again, a certain Androcles, to whom Cratinus and Telecleides often refer, was also attacked by Ecphantides, who could not, therefore, have flourished long before those poets. (Schol. Aristoph. Wasps 1182.) The date of Ecphantides may be placed about Ol. 80 (B. C. 460), and onwards. The meaning of the surname of *Kapni/as, which was given to Ecphantides by his rivals, has been much disputed, but it seems to imply a mixture of subtlety and obscurity. He ridiculed the rudeness of the old Megaric comedy, and was himself ridiculed on the same ground by Cratinus, Aristophanes, and others. (Hesych. s. v. *Kapni/as; Schol. Aristoph. Wasps 151; Näke, Choeril. p. 52; Lehrs, Quaest. Epic. p. 23; Meineke, p. 36.) There is only one certain title of a play by Ecph
once a sophist or philosopher and a poet. (Apolog. Socr. p. 20b., Phaed. p. 60d., Phaedr. p. 267a.) According to Maximus Tyrius (Diss. 38.4. p. 225), Evenus was the instructor of Socrates in poetry, a statement which derives some countenance from a passage in Plato (Phaed. l.c.), from which it may also be inferred that Evenus was alive at the time of Socrates's death, but at such an advanced age that he was likely soon to follow him. Eusebius (Chron. Arm.) places him at the 30th Olympiad (B. C. 460) and onwards. His poetry was gnomic, that is, it formed the vehicle for expressing philosophic maxims and opinions. The first six of the epigrams in the Anthology are of this character, and may therefore be ascribed to him with tolerable certainty. Perhaps, too, the fifteenth should be assigned to him. The other Evenus of Paros wrote *)Erwtika/, as we learn from the express testimony of Artemidortus (Oneirocr. 1.5), and from a passage of Arrian (Epictet. 4.9), in which Evenus is mentione
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Herdo'nius, Ap'pius a Sabine chieftain, who, in B. C. 460, during the disturbances that preceded tne Terentilian law at Rome, with a band of outlaws and slaves, made himself master of the capitol. The enterprise was so well planned and conducted, that the first intimation of it to the people of Rome was the war-shout and trumpets of the invaders from the summit of the capitoline hill. Herdonius was most probably in league with a section of the patrician party, and especially with the Fabian house, one of whose members, Kaeso Fabius, had recently been exiled for his violence in the comitia. Without some connivance within the city, the exploit of Herdonius seems incredible. At the head of at least 4000 men (Liv. 3.15; Dionys. A. R. 10.14), he dropped down the Tiber, passed unhailed under the walls of Rome, and through the Carmental gate, which, although from a religious feeling (Liv. 2.49; Ov. Fasti, 2.201), it was always open, was certainly not usually unguarded, and ascended the cliv
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
the family of the Asclepiadae. According to Soranus (Vita Hippocr., in Hippocr. Opera, vol. iii.), he was the nineteenth in descent from Aesculapius, but John Tzetzes, who gives the genealogy of the family, makes him the seventeenth. His mother's name was Phaenarete, who was said to be descended from Hercules. Soranus, on the authority of an old writer who had composed a life of Hippocrates, states that he was born in the island of Cos, in the first year of the eightieth Olympiad, that is. B. C. 460; and this date is generally followed, for want of any more satisfactory information on the subject, though it agrees so ill with some of the anecdotes respecting him, that some persons suppose him to have been born about thirty years sooner. The exact day of his birth was known and celebrated in Cos with sacrifices on the 26th day of the month Agrianus, but it is unknown to what date in any other calendar this month corresponds. He was instructed in medical science by his father and by Her
Aristotle (Aristot. Poet. 3) in such a manner as to imply that he was contemporary, or nearly so, with Chionides. An anonymous writer on comedy (p. 28) places him intermediate between Epicharmus and Cratinus. Suidas states that he was contemporary, as a young man, with Epicharmus in his old age. His recent death, at an advanced age, is referred to in the Knights of Aristophanes (524), which was written in B. C. 423. From these statements it may be inferred that he flourished about Ol. 80, B. C. 460, and onwards. The grammarian Diomedes is evidently quite wrong in joining him with Susarion and Myllus (iii. p. 486). Works The most important testimony respecting Magnes is the passage of the Knights just referred to, in which Aristophanes upbraids the Athenians for their inconstancy towards the poet, who had been extremely popular, but lived to find himself out of fashion (vv. 520-525): tou=to me\n ei)dw\s a(/paqe *Ma/gnhs a(/ma tai=s poliai=s katiou/sais, o(\s plei/sta xorw=n tw=n
Mami'lius 2. L. Mamilius, dictator or chief magistrate at Tusculum in B. C. 460, marched in that year unsummoned to the assistance of Rome when it was attacked by Herdonius. For his services on this occasion he was rewarded two years afterwards with the Roman franchise. (Liv. 3.18, 29; Dionys. A. R. 10.16.)
Metrodo'rus (*Mhtro/dwros), literary. 1. Of Cos, the son of Epicharmus, and grandson of Thyrsus. Like several of that family he addicted himself partly to the study of the Pythagorean philosophy, partly to the science of medicine. He wrote a treatise upon the works of Epicharmus, in which, on the authority of Epicharmus and Pythagoras himself, he maintained that the Doric.was the proper dialect of the Orphic hymns. Metrodorus flourished about B. C. 460. (Iamblich. Vit. Pyth. 100.34. p. 467, ed. Kiessling; Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vol. i. p. 852; Bode, Gesch. der Hellen. Dichtkunst, vol. i. p. 190
Micon (*Mi/kwn), artists. 1. Of Athens, the son of Phanochus, was a very distinguished painter and statuary, contemporary with Polygnotus, about B. C. 460. He is mentioned, with Polygnotus, as the first who used for a colour the light Attic ochre (sil), and the black made from burnt vine twigs. (Plin. Nat. 33.13. s. 56, 35.6. s. 25.) Varro mentions him as one of those ancient painters, by departing from whose conventional forms, the later artists, such as Apelles and Protogenes, attained to their great excellence. (L. L. 8.12, ed. Müller.) The following pictures by him are mentioned:--(1.) In the Poecile, at Athens,--where, Pliny informs us (35.9. s. 35), Polygnotus painted gratuitously, but Micon for pay,--he painted the battle of Theseus and the Athenians with the Amazons. (Schol. ad Aristoph. Lysist. 879; Paus. 1.15.2.) (2.) According to some writers, Micon had a hand in the great picture of the battle of Marathon, in the Poecile [comp. PANAENUS and POLYGNOTUS], and was fined th
Oebo'tas (*Oi)bw/tas) the son of Oenias, of Dyme in Achaea, was victorious in the foot-race at a Olympia, in the sixth Olympiad, B. C. 756. His countrymen, however, having conferred upon him no distinguished mark of honour, although he was the first Achaean who had gained an Olympic vietory, he imprecated upon them the curse that no Achaean should ever again conquer in the games and, in fact, for three hundred years, not a single Achaean was among the victors. At length the Achaeans consulted the Delphic oracle, and, in obedience to its response, they erected a statue of Oebotas In the Altis at Olympia, Ol. 80. B. C. 460 ; soon after which a victory was gained in the boys' foot-race, by Sostratus of Pellene. Hence the custom was established for the Achaean athletes to sacrifice to Oebotas before engaging in an Olympic contest, and, when victorious, to crown his statue. (Paus. 7.17. §§ 6, 7, 13, 14, Bekker; comp. 6.3.8). [