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Browsing named entities in A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith). You can also browse the collection for 57 BC or search for 57 BC in all documents.

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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Va'tia or Va'tia Isauricus (search)
s at the trial of Verres; in B. C. 66 he supported the rogation of Manilius for conferring upon Pompey the command of the war against the pirates; in B. C. 63 he was a candidate for the dignity of pontifex maximus, but was defeated by Julius Caesar, who had served under him in the war against the pirates; in the same year he assisted Cicero in the suppression of the Catilinarian conspiracy, and spoke in the senate in favour of inflicting the last penalty of the law upon the conspirators; in B. C. 57 he joined the other nobles in procuring Cicero's recall from banishment ; in B. C. 56 he opposed the restoration of Ptolemy to his kingdom; and in B. C. 55 he was censor with M. Valerius Messala Niger. The other occasions on which his name occurs do not require notice. He took no part in the civil wars, probably on account of his advanced age, and died in B. C. 44, the same year as Caesar. By the Leges Annales, which were strictly enforced by Sulla, Servilius must have been at the least 43
Vetus 2. C. Antistius Vetus, son of the preceding, was taken as quaestor by Caesar out of gratitude to his father, when he was propraetor in Further Spain in B. C. 61. In B. C. 57 Vetus was tribune of the plebs and supported Cicero in opposition to Clodius. In the civil war he espoused Caesar's party, and we find him in Syria in B. C. 45, fighting against Q. Caecilius Bassus, who had formerly been on the Pompeian side, and who now attempted to seduce the troops in the East from their allegiance to Caesar. He besieged Bassus in Apameia, but was obliged to retire on the approach of the Parthians. In B. C. 34 Vetus carried on war against the Salassi, and in B. C. 30 was consul suffectus. He accompanied Augustus to Spain in B. C. 25, and on the illness of the emperor continued the war against the Cantabri and Astures, whom he reduced to submission. (Plut. Caes. 5; Cic. ad Q. Fr. 2.1.3, ad Att. 14.9.3; D. C. 47.27; Appian, App. Ill. 17; D. C. 53.25; Vell. 2.90; Florus, 4.12.21.) The annexe
Virgi'lius 3. C. Virgilius, legatus of Piso in Macedonia in B. C. 57, must probably have been a different person from the preceding, since the propraetor of Sicily could hardly have returned to Rome in time to accompany Piso to his province. (Cic. de Prove. Cons. 4.)